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Unapologetic Bitches
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    VogueMusic reacted to NRMX in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Oh honey you never disappoint to be extra unfunny, unfortunately 
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    VogueMusic got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    No one is replacing Bob.
  3. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Blue Jean in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    So everyone knows, the show Bob had on the 5th in LA is no longer listed on his site. I believe it was moved to the 6th. So he’s obviously doing Rio.
  4. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Blue Jean in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    God I hope not. I don’t want anyone other than Bob.
  5. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from Alibaba in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    No one is replacing Bob.
  6. Thanks
    VogueMusic got a reaction from androiduser in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    No one is replacing Bob.
  7. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to androiduser in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    why would there be a translator in Brazil if there was no translator in any other country?
  8. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to EgoRod in Celebration Tour Warped Trials   
    I actually like them
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    VogueMusic reacted to musicinferno in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Into The Groove is a very difficult song to sing and she has been known the lip synch it or change the pitch towards the end of a tour. 
  10. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to DoneGone in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Her mid 30s were wild.
    And Ingrid watching it all in between.

  11. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to DoneGone in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    But where does this whole she's not OK drama come from?
    It's not like she's suddenly singing like a horse. Her voice, while a little tired already, is normal after six months of touring:
    And of course, apart from that, she's going to haver better and worse night anyways, she even had those in Europe. And better and worse moments within the same show ("Take A Bow" is always the worst, we can agree on that xd).
    She messed up "I Will Survive" a little bit in the last show: could be a million things - she wasn't feeling it that day, she couldn't hear herself, she has a cold, she simply wasn't on key, whatever.
    She's human not a robot.
  12. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Adonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Perfectly said.  Does she sound perfect? No!  But Hell, she's been doing this for five months now.  So of course, she isn't going to always sound so perfect.  I'm thinking some are expecting Studio vocals.  If that's so, then pull out the albums. Otherwise, enjoy the vocals as is.  I prefer to hear LIVE vocals that aren't perfect than someone just lip syncing everything.  Entertainers go on all the time, when they are feeling under the weather. That's where the saying, "The show must go on" comes from.  Meanwhile, I am sure after her healthy scare last summer, EVERYONE is monitoring her health like a hawk.  Also, I don't think any fan wants her to go on if she isn't feeling well, but at the same time, a hoarse throat or a slight cold, doesn't mean she needs to cancel.  Furthermore, none of us are her doctor, so it would be ridiculous to offer such a solution when we have no idea of her true health. 
  13. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Blue Jean in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    And keeping in mind she has not cancelled a single show. It’s actually quite amazing.
  14. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Blue Jean in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Can we please stay on topic? This is the Celebration thread not a place for drama. Use the ignore feature or let the mods take care of it. Thank you.
  15. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Adonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I hope we can continue to talk about our favorite things from the tour.  There has been some really awesome and healthy conversations, discussions, and debates. I hope that continues.  I also have a feeling some people will feel a lull because she's probably going to take a break throughout the summer, so we might not see or hear much from her.  This will put some in anticipation.  Nevertheless, it will be great to see what she does next after this tour. 
  16. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Burning Up 4 Madonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I will be seeing her for the first time tonight.
  17. Haha
    VogueMusic reacted to cyberrage in The (lack of) tour book   
    Its already Madonna soon. Its the end of the tour
  18. Thanks
    VogueMusic got a reaction from vitoralmeiida in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    Actually, it is setup to be attached to the venue though. All the rigging for the entire show, particularly the extended lighting, flying portal, etc. are suspended using the infrastructure of the arena. That's typical setup for arena shows. Considering the design of this show, it essentially was made with arenas in mind -

    The only time they design and erect custom housing for the rigging system (depending on the design of the show) is when artists do outdoor stadium gigs (hence no roof). They can design a housing that will support it though, but it has to be custom engineered for it (like the extended rigging housing the circular screens that came down over the circular stage b for Sticky & Sweet). So technically it's not impossible. But I think it depends on the specific design of the individual show.
    Perhaps she worked it out as part of the deal? It would seem a bit out of character for her to compromise nearly the entire presentation of her show, esp. if said show is going to be filmed. Anyways, who knows...
  19. Thanks
    VogueMusic got a reaction from momosfantasy in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Nailed it.
    I find it highly transparent that moments of mistake and weakness are when when some folks - particularly a certain subset of fans (and some of them even in the media) - decide to let out what really are long-held, pent-up resentments about her not being the artist or celebrity they think she should be...and even more specifically, to be 'the Madonna' that they fell in love with at what time they deemed to be her "peak"...with most fans that's ROL Madonna or Confessions Madonna. Newsflash, not all fans worship those eras as if they're infallible. Or that they even represent the totality of who Madonna is. No single era does.
    I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think a lot of fans are dealing with seeing their icon as not infallible. As human. As messy. Sometimes contradictory. Sometimes confusing. And now, with age added, and no longer with massive commercial success to buffer it all. And thus, a great deal of confirmation biases and vulnerabilities in us fans are being brought out in ways they weren't before, and projected back onto her.
    As I always say, hit the Google Earth button and never forget the bigger picture.
  20. Thanks
    VogueMusic got a reaction from momosfantasy in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    That's a massive NO from me. In fact, a hell no.
    Personal and managerial issues aside...I'm a life-long fan, seen it all, and have genuinely found innumerable things to enjoy and love through all her various work in the last decade+. There truly is so much to enjoy and appreciate, that is quintessentially 'Madonna' through and through. Madame X, of all things, solidifies that. I don't think it's been a difficult decade at all. In fact, she's given us some of her best stage work, incredible music (and lots of it), and some of her most passionate - and timely - messages that no other pop star (let alone a female one) has even dared to do at this stage in a pop career.
  21. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from Voguerista in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Interesting that there are so many comments about bad sound throughout this tour, that I was kind of expecting it. And lo and behold, it sounded utterly fantastic at my show. I say this without exaggeration - it was one of the best sounding shows I've ever been to (and yes, I've been to plenty of concerts). The only thing was to maybe bring her vocals up just a bit, but other than that, the overall mix was great that night. Sound was rich, clear, fat and pumpin. And it was loud as FUCK (which I loved considering some shows I've been to lately have not been loud enough). And that heavy bass was so goddamn hard it hit you up in your throat. I LOVED it.
    I'm thinking it depends on where your seat is, as most of the bad comments seem to come from the floor or the pits. I'm thinking the speaker layout is probably affected by the tons of rigging coming out over the audience, so perhaps that's affected how the sound fills the space.
    But I guess I just got lucky then.
  22. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from Frank in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    According to people who were there, she openly said on night 1 that she was not in a good mood and not feeling well. But most said the latter half of the show she picked up in energy.
    I've heard nothing but great things from night 2. Everyone says she felt much better, was in good spirits, and worked her ass off.
  23. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from MattyMads in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    According to people who were there, she openly said on night 1 that she was not in a good mood and not feeling well. But most said the latter half of the show she picked up in energy.
    I've heard nothing but great things from night 2. Everyone says she felt much better, was in good spirits, and worked her ass off.
  24. Like
    VogueMusic got a reaction from BigD in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Interesting that there are so many comments about bad sound throughout this tour, that I was kind of expecting it. And lo and behold, it sounded utterly fantastic at my show. I say this without exaggeration - it was one of the best sounding shows I've ever been to (and yes, I've been to plenty of concerts). The only thing was to maybe bring her vocals up just a bit, but other than that, the overall mix was great that night. Sound was rich, clear, fat and pumpin. And it was loud as FUCK (which I loved considering some shows I've been to lately have not been loud enough). And that heavy bass was so goddamn hard it hit you up in your throat. I LOVED it.
    I'm thinking it depends on where your seat is, as most of the bad comments seem to come from the floor or the pits. I'm thinking the speaker layout is probably affected by the tons of rigging coming out over the audience, so perhaps that's affected how the sound fills the space.
    But I guess I just got lucky then.
  25. Like
    VogueMusic reacted to Roland Barthes in Rolling Stone: How Madonna’s “Into The Groove” Summed Up The History of Dance Music With One Song   
    The song that made me a fan. I already owned Holiday but Into the groove was something else, until then most if Madonna's output, minus Burning Up, was very RnB, Into the groove infused it with a New Wave sound, there are hints of New Order in ITG. It's also a special song in Madonna's catalog because it's the first track she was officially credited as a co-producer. If Madonna's tracks until then were more Roxy and Funhiuse inspired, ITG was pure Danceteria. The track has been praised by Debbie Harry, Patti Smith, Sonic Youth, Pet Shop Boys...It's probably the sound she had in mind fot LAV before she was forced to have a big name producer working on it by Warner.  ITG is Madonna's first record in her own terms. And because of its huge success in Europe, she was given (almost) free reign to produce her third album. 
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