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  1. Like
    Salida reacted to Robertthenurse in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I still don’t know the full setlist. Having only peaked just to fulfill my anticipation, I cannot wait for this show. I will be in the pit area with my husband on day 1 in Toronto and the seats the following night with my friend. 
    I did watch the full video of NRM and Bad Girl. I have not allowed myself to watch or know anything else of this show until showtime!!
  2. Like
    Salida reacted to Fontainebleau in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    For months I've been counting the days. Yesterday I finally got to see Madonna perform at the Ziggo Dome.
    And I loved every second of it.
    I met so many cool, fabulous, beautiful people, everyone was just having the time of their lives.The Madonna fanbase is just the best.
    Prior to attending the show I watched a lot of YouTube videos of the Celebration Tour, but they don't hold a candle to the real deal. Being there and experiencing the sense of community was really special.
    I was surprised by the quality Madonna was bringing, especially considering what she has been through just a couple of months ago.
    Personal highlights: Nothing Really Matters, Live to Tell, Like a Prayer, Vogue, and especially Bad Girl.
    Erotica and Justify My Love I really enjoyed as well, but it felt they were from a whole different show. A bit darker in tone, but that suits my taste just fine.
    Minor personal points of criticism: The Beast Within, Don't Cry For Me Argentina and the Like a Virgin & Billie Jean mashup were unnecessary, although I understand how important DCFMA has been for Madonna herself. I really missed Frozen and Express Yourself. But hey, with almost 100 single releases to choose from you can't have everything.
    I'm really glad and thankful I got to see Madonna perform again. She looked great, she sounded just fine and she still knows how to put on a fantastic show.
  3. Like
    Salida reacted to Frank in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Well, for me it's cool to add a little wink to ILNY at the end of BU, that's it, i'm not even thinking if she's on or off key, it's my opinion :-) Just like adding those little verses of Causing A Commotion. I think we fans love those things and think they're cool.
  4. Like
    Salida reacted to sara94 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Its a perfect opener. The second she started singing it, my body started shivering. The whole atmosphere in the arena was something else. It felt like a heavenly arrival. And i love how she was all alone on the stage so the focus was on her only. I will never forget this.
  5. Like
    Salida reacted to Adonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    It is.  It's interesting that most google searches of her Celebration Tour, the visual mostly relates to this first look in the tour.  Maybe it's just easier for a lot of sources, but I know for a lot of fans, NRMs is a huge highlight on the tour.  It may not be the most popular song from Madonna, but it's very Madonna. What's great that among a show that is celebrating a lot of her iconic moves aas an entertainer, she sill is able to unveil a new iconic look. 
  6. Thanks
    Salida reacted to stefo in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    This tour is the definitive proove of her stature, no dout about it. It's amazing. Proove that maybe also some of her fans needed to experience after so many difficult moments, wich still had some parts of what she is able to do (the RHT was amazing as part of the MDNA one, Madame X and Rebel Heart contain a lot of very good tracks, the Batuka video is one of her best ever for me and the Mat Gala performance was magical). Most of the time for me the problem, the missing point was the execution: good ideas, interesting sounds, strong melodies but not completely expressed in their potential, cause she seemed too often preoccupied to be trandy than to go deeper in her creation (the chaos of such a good material as the Rebel Heart session or some aspects of the Madame X project). What makes this show so interesting on many levels is actually its complexity and coherence. This is just my feeling of course, I don't give it as something real 
    Said that, I have a question: looking at how incredibly beautiful she is in this tour, why do you think she had such uncomprehensible treatments to her face and body in the recent years? Were they mistakes sometimes or she just wanted to try things?
    EDIT: I would also like to signal the amazing work this guy is doing editing the show, it's one of the best I watched at he moment, I really suggest it.
  7. Like
    Salida reacted to Voguerista in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    What a super review!!!  Thanks for more details and taking us there. So happy that you and your friends had the best time!! Lovesss. Thank you! 💃🔥💃🔥🕺🏼💝🕺🏼💝🎄🎄🎄🔥🎸
  8. Like
    Salida reacted to True Blue 84 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Finaly back home from an amazing show. We such good places we never expected that, we where there early at 5pm, it was sooooooo cold. 7pm finaly doors open and we went straight in front of the middle catwalk where she does for example Bedtime Stories. She was 1 hour late today in Amsterdam. But once the show started i was in higher places, it was so good. I went with my boyfriend and 2 co workers, and we all loved it. One of my co workers said i went to a lot of concerts in my life but i have never seen and experienced something like this A M A Z I N G ! ... She looked great but upclose a bit tired, wich is understandable working that much and hard. She sounded great, perfect mix of live vocals and live vocals with backing tracks, and i think in the songs with louder backing tracks they could definatly tone them down some, because she sounds good. She sounded verry good in Crazy For You tonight, wich is sometimes a struggle this tour, same as Bedtime Stories. She sounded also great on the accapella parts, and she made some little mistakes on some songs, like in the beginning of rain her timing was late and she sang it's comminggg not in sink and confused lol.. And in some songs she was to late at some words at the beginning of the sentence but she reacted quick and you could clearly hear that she was singing live over a backing track, wich proves she is not lipsyncing, wich we ofcourse allready knew, but haters still saying...  In mother and Father her voice was a bit gone at some parts, as if she had screamed alot, but it brought more emotion to the song imo because she sang it verry good... 
    The Celebration tour is almost perfect from start to finish, its definatly in my top 5 favorite Madonna tours after tonight...
    There is still only ONE  Queen of pop, and thats Madonna 👑... 
  9. Like
    Salida reacted to Adonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Flash back Oct. 14th... @stefo brought us one of the first photos from the tour:

  10. Like
    Salida reacted to stefo in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Some pics, not exactly from the show but about the show ...
    the first one is this gorgeous close up from the "shoot" she chose the curtain starting pic from, it's reworked but beautifully imo

    ... and these edited ones wich are fun (some already saw them on fb maybe), the most interesting is the BA one for me 

  11. Like
    Salida reacted to sara94 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    She looks sooo much better live. These cameras do her so much injustice.  
  12. Like
    Salida reacted to MAX_donna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Just back from Amsterdam... another wonderful evening. When she appeared, I was again 

    I even managed to take the train (a big phobia) just to see her once again. 
    Antwerp, Amsterdam... a dream can take place over several nights.
    Thank you M 💜💜💜
  13. Like
    Salida reacted to Adonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Thank you for this because while I personally have no issue with the late starts, I can understand why others do.  As for the grills, I think some are making more of it, and are embellishing things.  I can understand her.  Occasionally, I hear a lisp with them, etc, but I still understand her. I just roll my eyes because while I find them ridiculous for anyone to wear, it doesn't stop me from enjoying Madonna.  Like you mentioned, her shows are so exciting, fun,  powerful and message driven that most people ignore the late starts especially once the show starts.  The grill complaints are something I only hear from fans online.  Most anyone else isn't really paying that close attention to notice a difference.
  14. Thanks
    Salida reacted to bootboy31 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    When you see tonight's speech you will probably cry... It was amazingly powerful..... Forget grills, late starts and everything.   This is Madonna ♥️♥️♥️
  15. Like
    Salida reacted to Voguerista in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Wow. Just awesome! Thanks for sharing. I love your Madonna moment too and how you inspired her to get things back to the concert!! Beautiful! well done!! Thanks for sharing! 
  16. Like
    Salida reacted to Adonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Pardon me while I rant.... it pisses me off how some of the newer generation into other artists more than Madonna dismiss how Madonna played a huge part in addressing and combating the AIDS crisis.  I know a few entertainers such as Liz Taylor was right there doing just as much, but when Madonna was in her prime, she was very much fighting the Aids crisis and always has been. Her and Liz Taylor were two huge stars making a difference before it was "cool" to do so. It's sad how some artist only took on the cause because it gave them some sort of "credit", while whatever they did to positively help the situation, entertainers like Liz Taylor and Madonna took SERIOUS risks to talk about it when no one else was willing to do so.  These days,  it's an afterthought for some artists, while back in the day, entertainers were risking their careers when addressing it.
  17. Like
    Salida reacted to bootboy31 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Just back from the show.
    Omg what an amazing show.... Really so much to take in.   But the main thing was at the point before she sang I will survive, she gave a speech about world AIDS day... So moving and it lasted over ten minutes long.  I know because she was right in front of me when she started and because she was so close I started filming on my phone.   I was nearly out of power so I was conscious of needing to press Stop and save the file etc.   What an amazing woman.... This is why I love her.  At a certain point near the end of the speech she seemed to be a bit lost as to how to get back on track with the show and she said something and I shouted "Hell yeah".... She looked in my direction and said "can I get a hell yeah?" And got back on track and went into I will survive.   I need to watch it back but I *think* I might have just had a Madonna moment.
  18. Like
    Salida reacted to Anapausis in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I really appreciate your effort, Prayer. L-U-V a very good detailed essay! I love M fans who are passionate and knowers-it-all! (As you may perceive...)
  19. Like
    Salida reacted to milotjuh in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Just met and took some pics with our stream/scream queen Rachelle in the que here in Amsterdam. I think the show’s gonna be lit. M is rehearsing quite a bit inside. 
  20. Thanks
    Salida reacted to DoneGone in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Welcome to the "Erotica"/90s section Wig Case Study!  Cause why not?
    The first wig was used from the opening night in London to Stockholm (first two weeks of the tour):

    Like I said, it wasn't that perfect... it was somehow more "straight" hair looking.
    Then in Barcelona she debuted the curlier one:

    Better and more what they wanted to accomplish with that look, I think.
    She's been using the second one since Barcelona but depending on the day and how much she moves during the section it ends up looking better or worse xd
    Also, in Paris it looked a little bit different (more chic?) but I think it was just the combing:

    And this is where my useless case ends! Thanks for joining me in this non sense 
  21. Sad
    Salida reacted to pawn_shop_blues in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Today's Mother and Father performance will be special. Her mom died on Dec 1 🥺 
  22. Like
    Salida reacted to sara94 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I know i'm repeating myself here but i can't say it enough, she looks absolutely stunning and hot asf with the long straigth hair. Looked 25 years younger with that whole style
  23. Like
    Salida reacted to sara94 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Its been 4 days and my mind & soul is still at the concert. Seeing her live gave me such a happiness and peace. Sigh, love her so much.
  24. Like
    Salida reacted to twosoulsinaghosttown in So..how many M concerts have you ever been to ?   
    Virgin Tour / June 7  / NYC
    Who's That Girl / June 27  / Florida
    Blond Ambition / June 11, 12 / NY
    Girlie Show / October 14 / NY
    Drowned World Tour / July 26 / NY
    Reinvention Tour / June 21 / NY
    Confessions Tour / June 29 ,July 3, NY / July 13, Philadelphia 
    Sticky & Sweet Tour / October 11, NYC / October 16, Boston / November 20, Philadelphia
    MDNA Tour / September 8, NYC / November 15, North Carolina
    Rebel Heart Tour / September 17, NYC / September 24, Philadelphia 
    Madame X / September 25, 26, Brooklyn / October 21, 23, Chicago
  25. Like
    Salida reacted to Adonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Yes, but didn't you think she wasn't going to tour with Celebration either, once she got sick? 
    This idea that this tour is her "farewell" is ridiculous.  As @Vogueristapointed out, there other much older than her who are doing the rounds.  Mick Jagger is in his 80's now and he's moving around like he's a kid still.  I can see Madonna touring very late in her age.  
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