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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Haha
    ITG reacted to Starchild in Rufus Wainwright on being ignored by Madonna   
    So, to those fans blaming Rufus for ‘picking the fight’ by sharing his thoughts, please tell me whether you’d tar M with the same brush regarding her petty public feud towards Lady Gaga a decade ago?
  2. Like
    ITG reacted to alessan_dro99 in DL: A!O's Madonna Covers The Covers - Bad Girl (Virgin Voices Cover feat. Boy George)   
    Last one for the moment
    the best cover of Bad Girl in my opionion, with that different SKA vibe and featuring Boy George on the chorus, which of course I had to keep

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    ITG reacted to alessan_dro99 in DL: A!O's Madonna Covers The Covers - Rain (M does Donna + Nikki Cover)   
    there you go

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    ITG reacted to alessan_dro99 in DL: A!O's Madonna Covers The Covers - Rain (M does Donna + Nikki Cover)   
    Another one of my favourite covers, now with Madonna's vocals

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    ITG got a reaction from Humanfly in Beautiful Stranger appreciation thread   
    It's a great unique song from M. So different o much of her work. Great fun. Great energy. Great vocals.
  6. Like
    ITG got a reaction from Redha DBL in Beautiful Stranger appreciation thread   
    It's a great unique song from M. So different o much of her work. Great fun. Great energy. Great vocals.
  7. Like
    ITG got a reaction from Starchild in Beautiful Stranger appreciation thread   
    It's a great unique song from M. So different o much of her work. Great fun. Great energy. Great vocals.
  8. Like
    ITG reacted to Starchild in Beautiful Stranger appreciation thread   
    Madonna and William understood the assignment here!
    An excellent track that is often forgotten by the general public.
    Its energy and charm are unmatched in her canon and everything about it was satisfying; song, remixes, video, look.
    (Yes, it just came up on my shuffle as my preworkout kicked in!)

  9. Like
    ITG got a reaction from DrunkBySix in Material girl: empowers or minimizes women?   
    Its a cheesy 80's pop song.....what is all this fuss about empowerment...
  10. Haha
    ITG reacted to Andreo in Madonna to Perform at Pride 2022   
    Sickick stfu for God's sake!!!
  11. Like
    ITG got a reaction from webo1958 in Fever aesthetics inspiration   
    Peter Savic most likely did M's hair in Fever.
  12. Like
    ITG got a reaction from Starchild in Piers Morgan on Madonna’s near arrest in Toronto (1990)   
    He doesn't say anything scathing and derogatory about her like he normally would. 
    It's a fairly standard news piece which pretty much covered everything that was said in Truth or Dare
  13. Thanks
    ITG got a reaction from DrunkBySix in Piers Morgan on Madonna’s near arrest in Toronto (1990)   
    He doesn't say anything scathing and derogatory about her like he normally would. 
    It's a fairly standard news piece which pretty much covered everything that was said in Truth or Dare
  14. Like
    ITG reacted to Roland Barthes in LAV Appeciation (Well...maybe not Shoo Bee Doo)   
    I love Shoo bee doo is like a Carpenters crossover with Motown. 
    she's not a mess now, it's just some of her fans who are old bourgeois queens.
  15. Like
    ITG reacted to deathproof in LAV Appeciation (Well...maybe not Shoo Bee Doo)   
    If you aren’t going to appreciate Shoo Be Doo, then close the thread. That song is fabulous! We need to stop hating on Shoo Be Doo!
  16. Like
    ITG got a reaction from RUADJAI in If Madonna had an Onlyfans account   
    Madonna has great tits!
    Do not deny them!!
  17. Like
    ITG got a reaction from mr00mister in Has Madonna ever play instruments in her songs   
    Synthesiser is an instrument.
  18. Like
    ITG reacted to PaperFaces in M stands up for Dave Chapelle...   
    Making jokes about transgender people is not transphobic.
    Humour is rooted in tragedy, and observation and is often made out of commentary on what is current. Not being able to see that is dangerous and detrimental to how we process change, and challenging situations. 
    Holding one comedian responsible for the "damage" done to trans people is a tad extreme, and is frankly insulting to that group.
    Id like to think that trans people are stronger than that (people overall tend to be) and will make the choice to either laugh with or ignore Chapelle.
    It is important to recognize humour as a tool (and sometimes coping mechanism) as we should be able to laugh at (not ridicule) anything.
    Besides, if trans people find their way into comedic sketches, doesnt that mean they are part of the conversation? Doesnt that mean they are now part of public consciousness? 
    THAT is the path to acceptance. Not by being some arrogant dipshit and ask that someone be shut down and silenced.
    Freedom of expression was fought for. It CAN be taken away. Do NOT take it for granted.
    Engage. Discuss. And sometimes, agree to disagree.
    It does not make someone a bad person. It does not make them the enemy.
    People are more than just an opinion or statement.
    Get over yourselves.
  19. Like
    ITG reacted to GregVsMatt in Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones   
    That's only because you got them all for free online so unlikely you'll appreciate the value of anything she releases under the catalogue deal - eg if she does Ray Of Light 25 next year and includes some of the demos, I imagine you'll be saying the same 
  20. Like
    ITG reacted to Pootz333 in M stands up for Dave Chapelle...   
    I've had my issues with M Dolla lately, but this is one where she has my full support. The far right and far left have both dragged her forever and she will never win them over. Fuck em. I wouldn't be surprised if people start labeling her a Terf too. Let her defend one thing JK Rowling said and watch the witch hunt start. There are some things Dave has said that I disagree with and some things I agree with. But the older I get the more I don't fully agree with anyone on anything. Even Madonna. Not a fan of censorship. Or ideologies that if you disagree on one thing you are labeled "phobic" or a bigot or should be permanently silenced and receive death threats. The US Supreme Court is about to send all of us  back to the dark ages. People are going to wish they lightened up, had a little bit of a sense of humor, and stuck together more. Just my 2 cents.
  21. Like
    ITG reacted to Ziploc in M stands up for Dave Chapelle...   
    She's always stood up for freedom of speech so it's not surprising. 
    The issue is that anyone who challenges, or sometimes even comments on, the extremist trans activists view is labelled a TERF, a 'Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist who want to deny the reality and existence of transgender people being the gender they truly are in their mind and heart.'
    But that's certainly not the stance of JK Rowling or Dave Chapelle. Once labelled, any reasonable discussion or debate goes out the window and it just become petulant name calling. 
    For me, Dave is trying to take ownership of the TERF label, similar to how gay people took ownership of the word queer, removing the sting from its tail. 
    All this pearl clutching, faux outrage, guilty until proved innocent and denial of free speech needs to go back into the dark ages where it belongs. 
  22. Sad
    ITG got a reaction from PlayPause in Has Madonna ever play instruments in her songs   
    Synthesiser is an instrument.
  23. Like
    ITG got a reaction from PlayPause in Has Madonna ever play instruments in her songs   
    She did say she played the synth on Love Song, and "because I don't know that much it came out strange and interesting".
    Like A Prayer album has her credited for Additional Synthesizers.
  24. Thanks
    ITG got a reaction from Arckangel in Has Madonna ever play instruments in her songs   
    Synthesiser is an instrument.
  25. Like
    ITG got a reaction from Starchild in Has Madonna ever play instruments in her songs   
    Synthesiser is an instrument.
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