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Unapologetic Bitches
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    Alibaba reacted to Voguerista in Madame X Finally Gets Treatment!   
    Break a leg, Madonna. You've got this!! Xxxx
  2. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from Voguerista in Madame X Finally Gets Treatment!   
    Looking amazing. 
  3. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from Blue Prince in Has Madonna waited that much on love?   
    Madonna's songs are far more autobiographical that one might think. Even if she chooses another person's creative input over her own, it is because it corresponds to her philosophy and fits the narrative of her intended statement. MDNA and Rebel Heart are full of deeply personal lyrics, but in order to understand them it requires not looking at love as the romanticized, sexualized lower frequency notion of conquest. When declaring "finally enough love", I'm quite sure she isn't referring to how full her pussy feels. 
  4. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Redha DBL in It's been a year and a half she hides her butt   
    She reads my thread ! That cannot be a coincidence !!!! Almost two years she clearly hides it and a few days after i create that discussion she reveals it full force ! No way that is a coincidence !
  5. Haha
    Alibaba reacted to Redha DBL in Law Firm for Madonna Confirms Cyberattack   
    Do you think they found "Warning signs" on the hard drive ?! 
  6. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Sultrysully in #JusticeForBedtimeStories: #1 on iTunes USA!   
    Madame X and American Life are both stand out records when you compare them to almost anything else, produced by anyone else in recent time.  I do not find anything on American Life or Madame X to be "wishy washy".   Some of the deepest music in all of Madonna's catalog can be found within those efforts.  Between the two works, the 29 songs are mostly brilliant , rebellious  and yes revolutionary.  Considering her "Queen of Pop" status, Madonna releasing songs with deep socio-political messages is quite revolutionary. For example, using historical instruments fashioned from slave shackles, brings a whole new level to pop art.  Even the American Life rap is spectacular when it is viewed as a commentary on social media.  The rap literally could be pulled from random, inane tweets.  My point is that the deepness of the two records is not merely lyrical but a combination of lyrics, instrumentation, stylistic effects and hidden secrets.  Much like a spy, there are coded messages that you must research.  Madame X and American Life both elevate her message of social discourse and educate and prep a new class of rebel hearts in a world where most would rather talk about her but implants or grills.   Madonna has turned her focus from herself to much more and both albums inspire me and make want to "trip the station".  I love these two records and I could not disagree with your assessment more.  I would take these two records over nearly any record in the 21st century.  
  7. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from Blue Prince in #JusticeForBedtimeStories: #1 on iTunes USA!   
    Maybe it's time to go back and question your understanding of the album if you find the statements wishy-washy. Personally I have never heard a clearer manifesto in Madonna's career, nor has her music ever been so personal. There is a great deal of political, philosophical and spiritual depth to Madame X, but the talking points simply don't align with the corporate capitalist agenda of the mainstream media. She could never have done traditional promotion for such a body of work; It would have been far too controversial and polarizing to actually break down for the GP. It all comes down to contextualizing things in terms of the bigger picture; how the world is evolving on a macro level. I think you'd have to get deep into quantum thinking to know what the purpose of her message is. Madame X is Madonna at her most complex, but I also understand that anyone hoping for a more intimate, romantic take on Madonna's life via her music probably found the album deeply disappointing, and perhaps even disturbing.
  8. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Blue Prince in #JusticeForBedtimeStories: #1 on iTunes USA!   
    Then let's just say you were not in the handful she was talking about. American Life has become quite the fan favourite to not be good as an overall product at least. Whether Madame X is good and inspirational maybe we'll know after 10-15 years but perhaps you can help me and remind me if you know of any political album by a woman that has been lauded. I can think of Lemonade but it wasn't political through and through and I believe people understood its concept of the heartbreak and the cheating husband better. So ask yourself if Madonna as a white woman could ever touch politics and society matters in a way that would ever please you. If yes I'd like to hear how. If not, maybe you were just ready to dislike those two albums regardless.
  9. Like
    Alibaba reacted to ChrisK in #JusticeForBedtimeStories: #1 on iTunes USA!   
    lol. I think Madame X got its justice. It debuted at No. 1 - the singles that were released to the clubs did really well. She got great exposure from the Billboard awards, Medellin got great airplay on BBC Radio 2 (was even featured for a few weeks) - Crave received good Adult Contemporary airplay. All in all, I would say that's a pretty good outcome! 
  10. Like
    Alibaba reacted to azrael in Mirwais interview in Bon temps magazine (FR) spring 2020   
    Thanks for the translation. Nice interview. I like how matter of fact Mirwais is, definitely a no bullshit kinda guy. That's a rare trait these days in the capitalist excess of the entertainment industry. Sad to hear he went through dark days but I hope he has found some new form of peace and is ready to treat us all to more solo music - event after twenty years 'PRODUCTION' is a serious piece of work.
  11. Like
    Alibaba reacted to MDNA22 in It's been a year and a half she hides her butt   
    I only saw the Madame X tour once and thought the same that the costumes were designed to make it less noticeable
  12. Thanks
    Alibaba reacted to Redha DBL in It's been a year and a half she hides her butt   
    That was a very interesting read, and another brilliant exemple of a human being be able to express himself on a topic with brightness and calm. I love your conception of freedom, it's very inspiring. Btw i love your nickname (it's funny because only yesterday i was thinkin of using the nickname Alibaba to create a new instagram account !)
  13. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from Redha DBL in It's been a year and a half she hides her butt   
    As Madonna has been telling us for the entirety of her career, you don't need permission from anyone else to discuss anything. You just have to be willing to navigate the fallout of having those opposed to what you express come at you with inappropriate, disproportionate, highly weaponized responses. I think it is absolutely pathetic that there is a minority of angry people who spend their lives thinking of how everything affects their personal sensitivity, and I am fiercely opposed to the concept of freedoms being curbed in order to not upset anyone. We have a semblance of freedom, but most have no idea how to nurture it and own it in the digital era. Freedom of expression on a Madonna forum seems intuitively guaranteed, but that's absolutely not the case, and never has been. There are people who become antagonistic and get personal in their attacks because of a lack of self-awareness and self-examination. These people, like the rest of us, will go through the necessary adjustments to their egos that are required in order to keep growing spiritually, and this usually happens through being challenged by circumstances and people who are more assured in their perspectives, and have learned "quiet boundaries". There are also plenty of people who would contribute far more on forums if there was less of this type of toxicity, which is essentially just bullying. The only way to combat it is to stay true to what interests you, and defend your right to express whatever you want without getting personal. It might not feel great to be insulted in the process, but when you don't retaliate your point has far more resonance. 
    Madonna's ass does seem to have caused her far more trouble than she anticipated. One might even question if it has anything to do with any of her injuries, but let me be clear in saying so that I am neither a doctor nor do I have any personal insight into her health, her body or her personal philosophy regarding such matters. I am free to speculate, however, that the Olympian athleticism she dedicated her life to in order to be able to put on the monumental tours she has throughout the decades (each of which tells an epic tale of the journey from darkness to light) has taken its toll on her body in recent years, and as a visual artist and performer she has a very different idea of self-maintenance, self-preservation and self-enhancement to the majority of people. It would be impossible to see life through the exceptional lens that Madonna has access to, and so I personally try to step back and find less judgement in myself of the things that make me uncomfortable about her choices. In doing so, I am able to give her the fullness of the empowerment she deserves in order to be the architect of her vision, whatever that may be and no matter how different that might be from my own perspective. She is 61! As she stated in the NY Times piece 'Madonna at 60', when that ridiculous journalist squandered her opportunity to gain real insight into her subject by instead making it entirely about herself, "What is the truth? Your truth when you're 18 is not going to be your truth when you're 28 or when you're 38. Life is not black and white. It's gray, and one minute you're going to feel so strongly and believe in something so strongly, and then maybe you won't in five years."
    Imagine how many times her mind has changed over the years about any number of things in order to evolve into the person she is today! It's precisely because of this that she keeps going in spite of what is said about her. I aim to live by the same values, and I always aim to respect and gain a deeper understanding of what makes Madonna tick...because in some ways, she is telling me how things can be for the rest of us when we mature. Being a Madonna fan really is more rewarding when we try to understand her philosophy, even when it leads to a big fake ass. I don't think anyone can really criticize Madonna without having stepped in her shoes. I don't think anyone can understand her perspective until they have reached her age. Imagine how extraordinary Madonna's drive must be to have been putting on masks for decades for the sake of artistic expression. Most people would have reached 35 and become too self-aware, and then disappeared in fear of losing themselves. Madonna is absolutely unique in every way.
  14. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Redha DBL in It's been a year and a half she hides her butt   
    I couldn't agree more with each words. When i open a thread like this, i do not expect it to be any different than any other thread. I mean we're supposed to be adults. We should be able to agree to disagree in peace. I was just like "she hasn't wear trousers since she has her new butt", no big deal, more a fashion discussion about Madonna and trousers (cause i love when she wears pants !) than anything else. And then people come and are angry and focus on bodyshaming (when there was absolutely no bodyshaming) and that's when it becomes something wrong. You and a few others were able to answer, give your opinion, agree or disagree in a very peaceful way. I mean, basically it's "Hey, she doesn't wear trousers anymore, doesn't she like her new butt ?!" No big deal... let's chill, discuss a bit and and then move on to aother as important stuff as "Do you prefer the BAT with ponytail or with curls ?"... i don't know, this is my philosophy...
  15. Haha
    Alibaba got a reaction from dylanlioncourt in Madonna went to see Steven Klein this week end for his birthday !   
    I do not adhere to any of the projections emboldened in the quoted paragraph. We probably have entirely different views of life, and therefore it would be impossible for me to make anything I say relatable. However, I certainly acknowledge that by avoiding resorting to making personal statements of judgment on others - like qualifying their words as being stupid - I also save myself a good deal of spiritual turmoil. Don Miguel Ruiz has some excellent basic principles that can always be applied when that ego starts to itch. 

  16. Thanks
    Alibaba got a reaction from Mp1992 in #JusticeForBedtimeStories: #1 on iTunes USA!   
    Madonnanation is a shame pit. I was banned on there just last week. I only ever contributed intellectual content, but you simply cannot expect a bunch of overgrown gay men with permanent arrested development to step beyond ego and challenge themselves to an expansive view of life. One must not criticize Madonna when it isn't in alignment with the peanut gallery. It always seems so ironic to me that freedom of speech can be so limited on a Madonna forum, but it is always the same tyrannical people who act out. Suedehead is probably 60, and is an incorrigible bully. In fact many of the most vociferous Madonna "fans" are in a perpetual state of egoic reactivity. 
  17. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from Kalabanshe in Madonna went to see Steven Klein this week end for his birthday !   
    I do not adhere to any of the projections emboldened in the quoted paragraph. We probably have entirely different views of life, and therefore it would be impossible for me to make anything I say relatable. However, I certainly acknowledge that by avoiding resorting to making personal statements of judgment on others - like qualifying their words as being stupid - I also save myself a good deal of spiritual turmoil. Don Miguel Ruiz has some excellent basic principles that can always be applied when that ego starts to itch. 

  18. Like
    Alibaba reacted to boytoy77 in Madonna tested positive to coronavirus ANTIBODIES   
    I’m not wasting my time with an immature troglodyte. 
    bye bye baby ?? 
  19. Like
    Alibaba reacted to boytoy77 in Madonna tested positive to coronavirus ANTIBODIES   
    Well I wouldn’t brag about that profile pic of yours. 
    and coming into a forum, you should have no assumptions nor preconceived notions. 
  20. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Gilbert in Madonna went to see Steven Klein this week end for his birthday !   
    people who carry antibodies specific to the novel coronavirus have been infected previously, even if they didnt know it. for those people, discovering that they have these virus fighting antibodies could raise hopes of immunity and a return to normal life. if she is being honest, then shes been infected and those people around her at the time have already been at risk. possibly she was infected earlier in the year before the lockdown. 
    thats of course if shes really had the antibodies test? and your right, we still dont know enough about the virus to know if she can be reinfected. 
  21. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from Gâteau in Madonna went to see Steven Klein this week end for his birthday !   
    When someone disagrees with you, you automatically insult them and align them with Donald Trump? I think this says more about you than me. Please don't waste any more of your time on me. We are clearly very different people and there's enough room for more than just one opinion in this world. 
  22. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from Thecutefox in Madonna went to see Steven Klein this week end for his birthday !   
    Honestly, does anyone think Madonna would do anything that she hasn't been clearly informed is safe? It's more like those who are up in arms are simply jealous that they don't have the courage to understand that the media has been nailing them into a fear coffin for months. If you aren't immune-compromised, you'll be fine. Stop living in fear! Life will go on with or without you. Practice caution, not fascism.
  23. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from Voguerista in #JusticeForBedtimeStories: #1 on iTunes USA!   
    Madonnanation is a shame pit. I was banned on there just last week. I only ever contributed intellectual content, but you simply cannot expect a bunch of overgrown gay men with permanent arrested development to step beyond ego and challenge themselves to an expansive view of life. One must not criticize Madonna when it isn't in alignment with the peanut gallery. It always seems so ironic to me that freedom of speech can be so limited on a Madonna forum, but it is always the same tyrannical people who act out. Suedehead is probably 60, and is an incorrigible bully. In fact many of the most vociferous Madonna "fans" are in a perpetual state of egoic reactivity. 
  24. Thanks
    Alibaba got a reaction from azrael in #JusticeForBedtimeStories: #1 on iTunes USA!   
    Well I appreciate your use of language and your desire to persist. Intelligence is hot. Anytime you want to discuss something controversial or paradoxical, feel free to reach out! I love it ALL! 
  25. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Gilbert in I was wondering...(next project)   
    Stuart Prices home studio.  hardly garageband equipment.
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