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    Alibaba got a reaction from BoyToyMark in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Okay…I think we are veering a little off course by turning this into an indictment of her entire personality! That’s just too much…Surely she deserves more respect from her fans than that! 

    She probably needs a rest, and it’s understandable after 71 performances. She knows she’s getting overwhelmed and frustrated…She’s literally spelling it out in her pre-Express Yourself speech. That said, venting it all publicly in the way she did isn’t particularly artistically-minded as it takes away from the narrative of her show, which is counterintuitive. I hope she finds some calm in the coming days. It is also the New Moon in Aries Total Solar Eclipse tomorrow, and so maybe she’s feeling it! Her voice does sound strained, and I’m sure that she gets affected by the dryness. No singer welcomes air-conditioning…It’s like kryptonite to the voice, and you don’t have to be doing Mariah acrobatics to feel the pain of it. 
  2. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Burning Up 4 Madonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Where are you sitting at for the show tonight? Am expecting some good reporting from you tonight, Sir
  3. Like
    Alibaba reacted to DoneGone in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    This is not true.
    Every vocalist on a long tour and depending on their voices to, well, WORK, will ask for no AC. If you check interviews with other artists is a subject that can come up from time to time (same as not partying or drinking while being on tour, no smoke around, etc.).
    It's not that hard to understand, IMO.
  4. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Debord in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Whether it's said publicly is one thing but it's not uncommon for artists to want AC off or turned down. Aretha Franklin was notorious for it. 
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    Alibaba reacted to sara94 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
  6. Thanks
    Alibaba got a reaction from WopaelWopael in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    How strange that she would express herself that way onstage in front of her audience. I guess it’s not a big deal, but personally I find it really off-puttingly uncharacteristic and unprofessional. She must be feeling under the weather, or maybe her hip or knee are hurting. I’m guessing she isn’t talking about the a/c in the open arena because it’s been hotter than hell at most shows on the floor…she must feel the chill of it coming into her dressing area or under the stage? I’m guessing she’s just over it all and is finding herself feeling exhausted in the last stretch knowing that she still has to ten shows to go. She’s probably angry at herself and it’s her way of getting herself energized. 
  7. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Glassy24 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    It was hot as hell, except for a few times when the A/C came on for maybe a song or two. She was complaining about it during Open Your Heart, I believe, during the song. I think she may have even said something before Burning Up, if I remember correctly (about the audience being unable to survive the apocalypse because we can't live without A/C). It should've been handled during an interlude, not on stage that many times imo. Some may like it, but the majority of people around me were like "wtf is happening."
  8. Like
    Alibaba reacted to NRMX in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
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    Alibaba reacted to NRMX in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
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    Alibaba reacted to NRMX in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
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    Alibaba reacted to NRMX in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
  12. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from cyberrage in Sandra Bernhard says "We've buried the hatchet a long time ago"   
    It’s incredibly unfair to rob Sandra of her own accomplishments. As already stated, she has had a very storied life and she is a talented comedienne and actress. She carved out a very unique style for herself as a performer. Her shows are autobiographical and comical with feisty social commentary, but always served with a touch of emotional tenderness underlined with music. I think she has been mostly gracious considering how much everyone always brings up Madonna when interviewing her. For many years I think she resented it and it may have led to some occasional overt hostility, but imagine being tethered to someone who hurt you (is it really that hard to imagine that Madonna lacked sensitivity in the early 90s?) for the rest of your career despite all of your other achievements! I think that would get under anyone’s skin, and she handled this ning nong’s prying with aplomb in my eyes. Madonna’s star shines so bright that it burns most people who have been in her orbit. It’s like a brand; permanent and unavoidable. I have empathy for how challenging that might be for some. 
  13. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from adirondak in Sandra Bernhard says "We've buried the hatchet a long time ago"   
    It’s incredibly unfair to rob Sandra of her own accomplishments. As already stated, she has had a very storied life and she is a talented comedienne and actress. She carved out a very unique style for herself as a performer. Her shows are autobiographical and comical with feisty social commentary, but always served with a touch of emotional tenderness underlined with music. I think she has been mostly gracious considering how much everyone always brings up Madonna when interviewing her. For many years I think she resented it and it may have led to some occasional overt hostility, but imagine being tethered to someone who hurt you (is it really that hard to imagine that Madonna lacked sensitivity in the early 90s?) for the rest of your career despite all of your other achievements! I think that would get under anyone’s skin, and she handled this ning nong’s prying with aplomb in my eyes. Madonna’s star shines so bright that it burns most people who have been in her orbit. It’s like a brand; permanent and unavoidable. I have empathy for how challenging that might be for some. 
  14. Like
    Alibaba reacted to NRMX in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Your unofficial Miami and Mexico City correspondent reporting 
    Room view, there’s a electronic billboard that can’t be seen with this amount of light 
  15. Like
    Alibaba reacted to chaosmen1984mk in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    The future is not always synonymous with evolution. I mean, how different the debates were in the forum back in 2020, the year this topic was created. I have to recognize the quality of the vast majority of the comments and how everyone tried to explain their position on the topic in a rational and detailed way. Totally opposite to what is happening now, 2024, with the recent proliferation of trolls  who, instead of contributing, simply lower the level of the debate with their silly and pathetic comments, discouraging much more valuable posters from participating in current debates.
  16. Like
    Alibaba reacted to chaosmen1984mk in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    No one is questioning your freedom of expression but you have to understand that even this right has its limits and even more so when it affects other people.
    Quoting or responding to several users just to say "Ok", "Hahaha" or some incongruous comment that contributes nothing to the topic is detrimental to the forum because you end up turning the navigation, which should be agile and dynamic, into monotonous and tedious. If you did it occasionally I think there would be no problem but you do it quite repeatedly and that is why the negative reaction of many users and that generates suspicions that you are actually doing it intentionally. The solution to this problem is in your own hands. Converting all this negative energy around you into positive and being more valued by the rest of the forum is worth more than wanting to have the record of being the user with the most comments on the forum in a short time. Think about it.
  17. Like
    Alibaba reacted to RUADJAI in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    Can you please stop dominating threads. Threads are not personal conversations. Right now you are every other post. There’s no reason for that. 
  18. Like
    Alibaba reacted to cyberrage in Sandra Bernhard says "We've buried the hatchet a long time ago"   
    Well said. In so many areas its important to know your history or listen to those who do
  19. Like
    Alibaba reacted to Magic Pussy in Sandra Bernhard says "We've buried the hatchet a long time ago"   
    Those prehistoric pre-internet paparazzi shots of Sandra, Madonna (and sometimes Jennifer Grey) running around NYC and LA in their matching Levi’s cutoffs and cowboy shoes from 1989-90 calling themselves “The Snatch Batch” was a great pop culture moment; I think the tabloid term “gal pal” might have been coined during that period. IMO Sandra and Madonna’s friendship flamed out as brightly as it started because they brought out the best and eventually the worst in each other. At their best,  Sandra made Madonna funnier & edgier and Madonna made Sandra sexier & more mainstream. At their worst, I suspect Sandra’s bitterness and Madonna’s selfishness broke them apart. I saw Sandra live back in 1989  and read her first two books, which I thought were very smart and devilishly funny. I sort of fell off the wagon when Sandra started singing more than telling stories.
    Based on book excerpts and bits of interviews from back then and now from Sandra plus Ingrid’s tweets from a few years ago, it sounds like two versions of events could both be true. Version #1: Sandra and Madonna’s falling out was over Ingrid crawling over Sandra to get close to Madonna. None of the them ever confirmed if Madonna and Ingrid had a sexual relationship, aside from appearing for the SEX book, but considering what phase Madonna was going through, I think we can guess they got it on. Without naming names, Sandra confirmed that she and Madonna never had a sexual relationship in one of her books but it doesn’t mean Sandra didn’t have feelings. Whether or not Madonna and Ingrid were lovers, Sandra must’ve felt used and jealous for being dumped for her very famous friend you’re crushing on and neither one of them wants to sleep with you. Version #2:  Ingrid tweeted a few years ago refuting a statement Sandra made about Madonna’s friendships not lasting, Ingrid claiming her own long friendship with Madonna was proof otherwise and added Sandra was just butt hurt over not being asked to be in the SEX book. (If you can imagine Sandra in the SEX book, I can see how it would’ve been more funny than sexy.) In either scenario, Sandra probably felt used by Ingrid for getting close with Madonna and unsupported by Madonna for not seeing it the same way and Madonna just absorbing Ingrid’s adoration which continues to this day. I’ve seen Ingrid at the recent LA shows and in the past in Miami and she still looks p---y whipped to me; I can only imagine Sandra’s triple whammy of being dumped by a lover who takes her spot as her famous friend’s BFF, possibly as a lover AND gets included in the SEX book. Ouch. Coincidentally, in “Truth or Dare” Madonna joked about a woman Sandra was dating (not Ingrid) who would’ve “f-cked over by the time this (movie) comes out”.
    Ultimately, I think when fans like myself reminisce on "the good old days" , it's time to reflect on our own lives and realize sh-t happens and people move on. BUT it was fun to watch back in te day.
  20. Like
    Alibaba reacted to dubbreak in Sandra Bernhard says "We've buried the hatchet a long time ago"   
    This may be an unpopular opinion here but it seems many of you just don't get it.  Sandra hasn't used Madonna's name over the years to get press -- the press has asked Sandra about Madonna over and over and over and over because, if you were around back in the late 80's, they caused quite a stir.  There was a huge fascination in their friendship. Longtime fans of both loved hearing Sandra talk about her in her shows -- because she spilled tea.  But either way, Sandra was already well on the rise before she & Madonna struck up their friendship.  Sandra starred in Martin Scorcese's King of Comedy with Robert DeNiro way before all that.  She was a regular -- and hilarious -- guest on David Letterman for YEARS.   Yes, her association with Madonna introduced her to a wider audience, but it now follows her around everywhere. 
    I am 100% certain if she showed up at a Madonna show, there'd be a ton of buzz and people trying to take her picture etc. because tales of their falling out are so well known.  I don't think she means she'd take the attention off the star, I think she means she just wants to go enjoy the show as an audience member and not feel on display.  (The way someone like Rosanna Arquette or Sean Penn or Rosie O'Donnell is gonna get attention at an M show too.) Sandra may not be everyone's cup of tea, but she's not a nobody.  She is a brilliant comedienne who continues to tour, and hosts her own show on SiriusXM.   Younger people might view her as "too negative" but that was part of her brand.  A darker, hilarious, bitter, cynical point of view.  She was brash and loud, in your face, and dangerous.  And SO much fun for those with a wicked sense of humor.
    For those of us there at the time, Madonna's times out and about with Sandra were some of the first times we got a taste of Madonna's own sense of humor, they went out to clubs and restaurants, walked red carpets, and 'caused a ruckus everywhere they went.  In gossip columns and followed by paparazzi.  This was long before Instagram and Tik Tok.  We almost NEVER got a peek into celebs' personal lives -- so when we heard about who Madonna was running around with, we ate it up.  There was something really powerful about seeing 2 strong women tearing it up and not giving a f*ck what anyone thinks of them.  
  21. Like
    Alibaba reacted to TOpher in Sandra Bernhard says "We've buried the hatchet a long time ago"   
    This guy’s interviews are awful. The first one I watched was with Vince Patterson which was so good cause Vince is doing most of the talking and giving a lot of insight. But all the other interviews are so hard to watch
  22. Like
    Alibaba reacted to adirondak in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    A part 2 to this tour would be my second ideal choice for post-Brazil ( new album being #1).  Sticky and Sweet part 2 only heightened the tour, and I'm so disappointed that one was never captured on DVD. 
  23. Thanks
    Alibaba got a reaction from acolyte in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    As far as I can remember, Sticky and Sweet Part 2 was added because she got hammered with an astronomical divorce settlement and wasn’t about to lose that amount of net worth for anyone. 
    Regarding Brazil and the possibility of more shows being added, it was also announced on February 6th that a final date had been added to the tour itinerary in Miami. Clearly that wasn’t true, therefore nothing can be ruled out. 
    As an addendum, I would like to reinforce the sentiment that this forum has become an absolute shambles. It remained one of the last places for fans to have intelligent discussions about Madonna’s body of work, her influence and impact, and her achievements. Then the culture shifted and being a Madonna fan seemed to become increasingly difficult as a collective experience. We went from the pseudo-woke brigade in full force 24/7 being offended by every idea they didn’t agree with to a cacophony of what seemed like bots insidiously telling us how much they loved everything. Critical thinking left the building.
    Once the tour started it seemed to level out into a healthy discussion centered around the almost daily reports on the corresponding tour dates, but we have once again descended into a chaos of either dual accounts trolling non-stop, or generally unstable, extremely immature individuals posting like they’re back in the sandbox expressing all of their unconscious feelings, personal issues and a need to have someone tell them that it’s all gonna be okay, and that they’re right for being intolerant of someone else they know nothing about having a different perspective or experience. Well here’s the bottom line…It’s all gonna be okay with or without the validation of a moderator, but don’t expect to have much of an audience to participate in your nonsense. I can hardly be bothered sharing anything on here at this stage. Half the people who once contributed actual thoughts to this place have left because of the absurdity of a small but loud minority spouting absolute bile that contributes nothing to the Madonna community and culture, and many others have withdrawn into the rafters, skimming through all the petty squabbling and rambling for some relevant information about the extraordinary woman we came here to discuss. It’s always been a challenge to navigate certain personality types online in relative anonymity, but at least it seemed we used to respect that on a Madonna forum we could invest in Madonna talk that provoked thought and intelligent discussion. Is it because of social media that this has faded out? Is it because we are getting older as a fanbase?  
    Whatever it is, it is both sad and embarrassing. If we can’t muster the courage and determination to show up and actually give value to Madonna’s legacy within the fanbase, it doesn’t bode well for that legacy elsewhere.
  24. Like
    Alibaba got a reaction from DiegoLCL in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    As far as I can remember, Sticky and Sweet Part 2 was added because she got hammered with an astronomical divorce settlement and wasn’t about to lose that amount of net worth for anyone. 
    Regarding Brazil and the possibility of more shows being added, it was also announced on February 6th that a final date had been added to the tour itinerary in Miami. Clearly that wasn’t true, therefore nothing can be ruled out. 
    As an addendum, I would like to reinforce the sentiment that this forum has become an absolute shambles. It remained one of the last places for fans to have intelligent discussions about Madonna’s body of work, her influence and impact, and her achievements. Then the culture shifted and being a Madonna fan seemed to become increasingly difficult as a collective experience. We went from the pseudo-woke brigade in full force 24/7 being offended by every idea they didn’t agree with to a cacophony of what seemed like bots insidiously telling us how much they loved everything. Critical thinking left the building.
    Once the tour started it seemed to level out into a healthy discussion centered around the almost daily reports on the corresponding tour dates, but we have once again descended into a chaos of either dual accounts trolling non-stop, or generally unstable, extremely immature individuals posting like they’re back in the sandbox expressing all of their unconscious feelings, personal issues and a need to have someone tell them that it’s all gonna be okay, and that they’re right for being intolerant of someone else they know nothing about having a different perspective or experience. Well here’s the bottom line…It’s all gonna be okay with or without the validation of a moderator, but don’t expect to have much of an audience to participate in your nonsense. I can hardly be bothered sharing anything on here at this stage. Half the people who once contributed actual thoughts to this place have left because of the absurdity of a small but loud minority spouting absolute bile that contributes nothing to the Madonna community and culture, and many others have withdrawn into the rafters, skimming through all the petty squabbling and rambling for some relevant information about the extraordinary woman we came here to discuss. It’s always been a challenge to navigate certain personality types online in relative anonymity, but at least it seemed we used to respect that on a Madonna forum we could invest in Madonna talk that provoked thought and intelligent discussion. Is it because of social media that this has faded out? Is it because we are getting older as a fanbase?  
    Whatever it is, it is both sad and embarrassing. If we can’t muster the courage and determination to show up and actually give value to Madonna’s legacy within the fanbase, it doesn’t bode well for that legacy elsewhere.
  25. Thanks
    Alibaba got a reaction from metamarc in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    As far as I can remember, Sticky and Sweet Part 2 was added because she got hammered with an astronomical divorce settlement and wasn’t about to lose that amount of net worth for anyone. 
    Regarding Brazil and the possibility of more shows being added, it was also announced on February 6th that a final date had been added to the tour itinerary in Miami. Clearly that wasn’t true, therefore nothing can be ruled out. 
    As an addendum, I would like to reinforce the sentiment that this forum has become an absolute shambles. It remained one of the last places for fans to have intelligent discussions about Madonna’s body of work, her influence and impact, and her achievements. Then the culture shifted and being a Madonna fan seemed to become increasingly difficult as a collective experience. We went from the pseudo-woke brigade in full force 24/7 being offended by every idea they didn’t agree with to a cacophony of what seemed like bots insidiously telling us how much they loved everything. Critical thinking left the building.
    Once the tour started it seemed to level out into a healthy discussion centered around the almost daily reports on the corresponding tour dates, but we have once again descended into a chaos of either dual accounts trolling non-stop, or generally unstable, extremely immature individuals posting like they’re back in the sandbox expressing all of their unconscious feelings, personal issues and a need to have someone tell them that it’s all gonna be okay, and that they’re right for being intolerant of someone else they know nothing about having a different perspective or experience. Well here’s the bottom line…It’s all gonna be okay with or without the validation of a moderator, but don’t expect to have much of an audience to participate in your nonsense. I can hardly be bothered sharing anything on here at this stage. Half the people who once contributed actual thoughts to this place have left because of the absurdity of a small but loud minority spouting absolute bile that contributes nothing to the Madonna community and culture, and many others have withdrawn into the rafters, skimming through all the petty squabbling and rambling for some relevant information about the extraordinary woman we came here to discuss. It’s always been a challenge to navigate certain personality types online in relative anonymity, but at least it seemed we used to respect that on a Madonna forum we could invest in Madonna talk that provoked thought and intelligent discussion. Is it because of social media that this has faded out? Is it because we are getting older as a fanbase?  
    Whatever it is, it is both sad and embarrassing. If we can’t muster the courage and determination to show up and actually give value to Madonna’s legacy within the fanbase, it doesn’t bode well for that legacy elsewhere.
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