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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Wow, didn't know the line "played loudly in cars" was so important... I guess now I can say that I'm as relevant as TS... If that's just what you have read of what I said, that's OK for me.
  2. But I'm not saying is irrelevant... I just said that here in Spain she's not as important as Madonna was. I lived the 80's and I can say how important Madonna was at the time, not because I read it on Internet, because everybody listened her music. I've looked for the most listening artists in Spotify in Spain in 2023 and TS was 134... That makes her be the greatest star here in Spain? I doubt it... As I said, here people prefer other artists and she's known but sHERE she's not as important as people are trying to say. She's a known artist and that's all.
  3. No... Simply they like other things more and they don't think like people want them to think...
  4. Well, as I said, I guess it depends of where you live but at least where I live I've never listened her on the radio (apart of shake it off) and I talk at work with people in her 20's and for them Taylor is like Madonna... A woman with success but they don't know one single song from them. In fact from Taylor they just know "Shake it up" and from Madonna just "Material girl". But ask them about Shakira (for saying one) and all of them think she sells more than Madonna in the 80's or Taylor now. Maybe where you live they are all day playing Taylor everywhere... That's why is very difficult to know the truth. As @prayer said before here all they talk is about the money she makes and the admiration is for how she gets the money, not for her work. About what you say about Lady Gaga or Britney... I've listened to them everywhere at the time they start to get famous and they still play them on the radios something that I can't say about Taylor (and as I said, I'm talking about the reallity where I live. Maybe in the rest of the world is completly different).
  5. This is how I see this: First of all, Madonna was famous all over the world and her songs where everywhere. Here is Spain, for example, we know who is Taylor Swift but I don't see people singing her songs, buying her albums or dressing like her. It's like if she's admired for the success she has in the USA more than for her inpact in our country. Of course she made her shows here and was like "Wow, it's incredible how much people went to her concerts". She made 2 60.000 people concerts (120.000) that is great but the same two nights ACDC made two concerts with 70.000 people each night (140.000) and the news said nothing about it. It was like "We have to talk just about her". There are other artists here that get her success or even more but you only hear about what Taylor Swift does. All her "records" and all those things but you never hear her on radio stations or in a supermarket or in a car that goes near your house listening music very loud. When I was young Madonna (and her work) was everywhere. And I remember even my grandmother knew who was Madonna (that bad influence for our kids). I think Taylor has a great career, but is just because she's a good influence for people and they try to sell her as much as they can. Everything is so perfect around her... It's like living in Disneyworld. I think Taylor will have a problem if someday she makes a "mistake" and does something not bad, just a little incorrect... I think people won't forgive her. Madonna, on the other side was always the bad influence. She made what she wanted to make and that was a problem for a lot of people and that's why sometimes they don't recognize her talent. But that is what make her (and her inpact in sociery) so big. Madonna is the only artist that after something like "Sex" could still be there after 30 years (look what happened with Janet and her nipple, people don't forgive the good girls). I think it's impossible to compare them because they are from different times and music industry is very different but I have one thing clear. What makes them different is that Madonna always have had people that love her and lots of people that hated her (and they help to keep her there, like it or not). Maybe Taylor has more people that loves her now but there's a lot of people that only feels indiference for her... And love always ends but hate...
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