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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by wtg1987

  1. another talentless ho foetus collaboration ?? why M why ??
  2. Not needed - after all we are getting expanded deluxe versions of her landmark albums that im sure will include all this stuff .........
  3. just the best drummer she ever had on tour babe - check out VT, WTG & BAT ..... this being my favourite
  4. because taylor swift farted on camera and that was deemed video of the year
  5. havent been on here for a few weeks - what song are we obsessing over now that we already have ???
  6. this slays me !!! and its so true too - her last album sold millions but no general music fan could probably even name one song of it(yet she still one loads of MTV awards - like that was a shock ) and yet everyone raves about how popular she is - imo she will never be in same league as M because she is not outspoken or takes any kind of artistic risks, she cant dance, has no sex appeal and just appeals to (mostly) vacuous teenage girls.... but i like her Lover album only ...
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