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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by madmadmadgefan

  1. Is there a section of the forum similar to this



    1. madmadmadgefan


      Oh my.  I thought this site died years ago.  I had a membership there at one time.  Who knows, I might still have one.  I have not attemtped to log in there in about 4 years or so. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Why so serious? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

    1. madmadmadgefan


      As someone who does not drink alcohol myself, I do find Drunk people sometimes say the funniest things without even trying to be funny. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Finally managed to make a Hard Candy cover I'm 100% satisfied with


    1. madmadmadgefan


      Fantastic.  Thank you for making this and for sharing it with us. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Can anyone tell me what this means?  I am pretty sure that my post was deleted.  And that is fine if it broke the rules.  I understand. 

    Sorry, there is a problem

    You do not have permission to view this content.

    Error code: 2F173/K


    1. madmadmadgefan


      It's ok.  I just thought that as old as the link was, that it was OK to post. Rules are rules.  no worries.  Thank you for the reply.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Just discovered singer Foxes, her debut single Youth really made me tear up at first listen, it's such a beautiful dance ballad, y'all should go give her a chance.

  6. Anyone wanna buy a straw hat for 400$, I heard they were popular.   Open to see a picture of the luxury item. Monkey-D-Luffy-Straw-Hat.jpg

    1. madmadmadgefan


      It looks like you mistakenly added a zero to the $40.00 price tag.  

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  7. Another one gone. Rest peacefully Cloris Leachman you funny gal ?

    1. madmadmadgefan


      That was the third one.  Those things seem to come in three's. 

      1. Hank Aaron

      2. Larry King

      and now

      3. Cloris Leachman


      3 very iconic figures in the world of Entertainment.  RIP.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)


    Lucas reactivated his Instagram with photoshoots of Madonna's entire career. 

    Everything in high definition including magazine rehearsals and career albums.  Every day he will update with a rehearsal of a different phase of her career. 

    Here is the profile link!




    1. madmadmadgefan


      Instagram must have changed their policy.  Now when I go to an instagram page and click on a pic or clip, it says I have to register in order to view them.  Up until about two weeks ago, I never had that problem.  And I don't plan on registering anytime soon.   So I will just have to wait until some kind soul uploads them here. 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  9. New theme so we don't get too bored. :rainbow:

    1. madmadmadgefan


      I get the feeling that Madonna is staring right at me.  Not that that is a bad thing.  :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. just listened to Dua Lipa's new album 10/10 100% pure pop perfection 

    1. madmadmadgefan


      I agree.  It is a fantastic album.  All the songs are very enjoyable to listen to.  My favorites would have to be.

      Don't Start Now



      Pretty Please. 


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. I hate it when people share their goodies on zippyshare/sendspace! 

    1. madmadmadgefan


      Yes, backing up your content is essential.  I learned that the hard way when my HD crashed and I lost it all.  I now have 2 portable storage devices.  And I am about to by another one here very soon. 


      @madgefan zippyshare links last longer if the file is downloaded at least once a month.  The biggest downside, at least for me, is that there is an upload limit of 500mb per file.  It automatically deletes if there is no activity within a 30 day period. 


      Has anyone ever toyed with creating an opendirectory?  There are tons of them around.  From what I have found out, it is possible to password protect them as well. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. Urgh, that moment when you're ill and you grab a tissue to urgently blow your nose and it goes right through on to your clothes... or is that just me?

    1. madmadmadgefan


      I can honestly say, that that has never happened to me.  But I have picked up my dogs crap, and without thinking, raised my hand to my face to scratch my nose.  It reminded me of the Three Stooges Crazier Cousins....Steamy, Slimy and Stinky.  You may have never heard of them.  But they will definitely leave an impression on you the very first time you meet. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Urgh, that moment when you're ill and you grab a tissue to urgently blow your nose and it goes right through on to your clothes... or is that just me?

    1. madmadmadgefan


      You think that's bad?  How about when you are taking a dump and you grab the toilet paper and as you wipe, the toilet paper tears. 


      My advise to you when that happens....Do not...I repeat...Do not immediately scratch or pick your nose.  It may feel good at first.  But I guarantee you, that that smell you are smelling, is not your Mamas home made fudge. 


      Just a little bathroom humor.  We have to laugh at life sometimes.  Even when it stinks. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. I hate it when people share their goodies on zippyshare/sendspace! 

    1. madmadmadgefan


      I do understand it if you are making that statement because in some Countries they are banning zippyshare links.   But it could be that some people do not have the storage space on another server to upload to.  I am just thankful that members are willing to share what they have.  I am a greedy :smile: little troll. I will take/appreciate a file uploaded to zippyshare or sendspace any day.


      My biggest pet peeve is click bait links. 


      Or, perhaps a member who does have the storage space could download the zippyshare or sendspace file and be kind enough to re-upload it to their larger storage facility and reshare the link to the re-uploaded file. 


      Just a thought. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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