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Redha DBL

Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. She has 0 cultural impact. Standing with a guitar singing about your ex has the cultutal impact of a pigeon on a roof. Shania Twain had way more charisma and personnality than her. She's the blandest succesful singer ever.
  2. As for Taylors shows and ticket sales, most of today kids are totally dumb when it comes to their idols and music, they just worship singers that are totally bland and safe and they just follow the mass. They just don't like original, one of a kind and adventurous artists. They are the safest generation ever. The total opposite of kids from the 80's who were searching for rebels artist who were pushing boundaries. Today the safest the most successful and Taylor Swift is the perfect product, her fans don't even have to think or have an opinion. The girl is standing with her guitar singing about her ex boyfriend for the 560th time and these boring and predictable kids are in admiration... That is pathetic. Look at the charts... The biggest sellers are now or totally def rappers rapping about their bitches big asses or their money, or bland singers who take no risk and are safer than your grandmother... Totally uninspired and uninspiring generation. It's all about looking perfect on Instagram but they have 0 artist creativity.
  3. THIS THIS AND THIS !!! That should be tatooed on every newborn baby of the world. For fuck sake, how long are we gonna make stupid comparisons when it's just NOT COMPARABLE.
  4. And wearing double sunglasses indoor at night don't help 😂😂😂 Kidding, it could happen to anyone, i swear those little steps are the worse
  5. Our girl missed a step just as she arrived at the runaway. Thank god she could hang on that guy or she would have had a mega fall just on the runaway ! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeKc8hwF/
  6. This is what i call modern virtual bullshit, where Taylor Swift has surpassed Madonna and Kanye West had surpassed Michael Jackson yet 99% of people here in France cannot name or sing a single song of both of them. It's an alternative world where virtual records are made of fake streaming where softwares play tracks non-stop in loops to make numbers get even bigger and replace real records from the old real world where people had to walk out of their house and give real money to buy real records... The most absurd thing is when people compare the records from these both different worlds as if they were the same and could be compared... Real cannot be compared with virtual as the same measure.
  7. You would love me currently then... I need to trim assap.
  8. That was OBVIOUSLY a joke related to the 1979 pic debate... 😉
  9. I'm not sure this is Lola, don't know why but something is off. Looks like only her eyes have been pasted on someone else body.
  10. Can you tell us more please ? I find it interesting.
  11. It's even funnier if you cover the bottom half with your hand and then you switch you cover the upper half. I guarantee it's hilarous 😂😂😂
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