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Redha DBL

Unapologetic Bitches
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    Redha DBL got a reaction from Salida in Celebration Tour - Second leg?   
    And what about going on tour for Celabration tour part 2 just when the Biopic is being released ? The biopic, good or bad, will make all the headlines and will have a lot of marketting, so she can do a few talk shows and interviews and then go on tour for Celebration part 2. Even more people will want to attend the show after seeing the biopic. Yeah, thinking about it i think this is the plan 
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    Redha DBL got a reaction from Drownedboy in Celebration Tour - Second leg?   
    "The Celebration tour may be is over... for now 😊"
    I believe he means there's gonna be a new leg one day. The choice of words, the fact he finished his sentence then add three points and adds "for now" and adds a smiling emoji. All of that is made on purpose in my opinion. It would be a really strange choice of words to talk about the release of the video.
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    Redha DBL got a reaction from pawn_shop_blues in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    During the Ray of Light era it was the beginning of the new cult for her. It was the good side of the cult, very spiritual, loving toward everyone, very light, like a positive wind, as always at the beginning of a cult. It's always after that things start to make a turn into something a bit darker and, let's say, more "special"... You can totally feel the different 'mood' and the different approach to Kabbalah when you compare 1998 and 2003.  
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    Redha DBL reacted to VanP92 in Songs Sung Live/Songs Lip Synched (Or So I Think :O)   
    Actually, there's footage of her rehearsing "Express yourself" with live vocals on youtube.. wondering why she choose to lypsynch
  6. Haha
    Redha DBL got a reaction from CheshireCat in If Nikki Harris did a Q and A what would you ask her?   
    Now i'm seriously pissed off too if you don't care about the weight and the size of my cock 👿
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    Redha DBL got a reaction from heikeeduardo in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    There are no religion leaders in Islam. We don't have a pope or anyone else. There is absolutely no human being that is being worshipped in islam. It's actually one of the most important thing in islam, to never worship anyone or any material object. 
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    Redha DBL got a reaction from heikeeduardo in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    I totally agree.
    Talking about it, Islam never asks for any money. You cannot even worship any material objects (no statues, nothing to hang on your wall, etc...). You don't need to spend 1 dollar to be a muslim. There is absolutely nothing to buy.
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    Redha DBL reacted to lucasciccone in Celebration Tour - Second leg?   
    Over... for now? 

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    Redha DBL got a reaction from Drownedboy in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    I totally agree. 
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    Redha DBL reacted to RUADJAI in ⭐️ M’s BIRTHDAY MONTH ⭐️   
    Why her Instagram better than her album photoshoots these days
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    Redha DBL reacted to Drownedboy in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    Actually for the 2003 - 2007 period was really the more kaballah heavy period in the sense she was preaching and preaching, and Confesions is a Kabalah album disguised as a fun album in order to gain popularity again but keep the preaching LOL.
    Even though it seems ROL might be most kabalah inspired one, I don´t think so, cause it was more introspective than preaching one. And music might be the one more free of that preaching of those 4 albums.
  13. Like
    Redha DBL got a reaction from Would You Like To Try in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    I totally agree.
    Talking about it, Islam never asks for any money. You cannot even worship any material objects (no statues, nothing to hang on your wall, etc...). You don't need to spend 1 dollar to be a muslim. There is absolutely nothing to buy.
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    Redha DBL reacted to Roland Barthes in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    When people ask you money to worship, it's a cult. All religions are cults who succeeded. 
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    Redha DBL reacted to Roland Barthes in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    I'm still amazed by how her whole life turned upside down when she hit 50, it feels like a curse. 
    There were stories about the Church of Kaballah that were close to the ones we hear about Scientology, how they use big stars to attract the regular guy but thet never meet the stars who are in a totally different section. How they charge heavily for everything and try to control lives. How all this disappeared from the media is a miracle considering how Kaballah was pretty big in the news thanks to Madonna. 
    And "healer" really is a high rank position in the church of kaballah.
    From Caresse's sister itw she said that Kaballah got into Madonna's head and she mostly blames the church of kaballah than Madonna even though she thinks she's not innocent. So from that, i wondered if it was like for Scientology where a person from the member's entourage questioning the cult is considered "suppresive" and the member must cut ties with this person which could be an explanation. 
    Many women from the Housewives franchise, especially the BH one joined Kaballah in the early 00. You don't see any celebrity talking about it anymore or wearing the red string....if the church still operates it's very low key. Has Ariana Grande talked about it ? Her mother joined it and Franky and Ari followed. 
    I very recently learnt about the ties between the church, israel and malawi that date back from before Madonna. 
    I know Madonna being in a cult is something fans rather forget about more than MDNA but it is another fascinating ramification in her incredibly eventful life like how she was heavily involved in gangsta rap feuds in the mid 90's, you can almost base a whole miniseries around every year or 6 month period of her life. Nobody Knows Me was no joke, she had so many lives.
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    Redha DBL reacted to littlestartman in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    This is literally fluff boring tabloid stuff.
  17. Haha
    Redha DBL reacted to DoneGone in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    Abraham was able to reveal the MDNA of our universe
    Thank you.
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    Redha DBL got a reaction from Aiwa08 in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    I think we do not realise how much that Kabbalah thing has changed her and her whole life for more than 25 years. The thing is, when people begin to follow a new "cult", at the beginnin everything is peace and love and people are feeling "way better" with eveything and everyone around them, and that's more or less the Ray of Light era so in a way, we all had a good taste in our mouths about Madonna and Kabbalah. Then we all noticed it took a slightly different turn around 2003... And in the end i have a feeling we have no idea how much impact that cult had and still has in her life, proffessional and private. As some mentionned it's still there, in her life. We, as fans, follow her as if it's just gone, or still there but it's something positive and after all we're used to it, but we have no idea how much it's influencing all her decisions for more than two decades. 
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    Redha DBL got a reaction from Starchild in Why haven't you read 'Life With My Sister Madonna' yet?   
    I haven't read it yet but i've always wanted to. It's just that i haven't really decided to, like ok, where can i buy the book etc... But i will very soon.
  20. Like
    Redha DBL got a reaction from Aiwa08 in Why haven't you read 'Life With My Sister Madonna' yet?   
    I haven't read it yet but i've always wanted to. It's just that i haven't really decided to, like ok, where can i buy the book etc... But i will very soon.
  21. Haha
    Redha DBL reacted to EgoRod in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    I remember reading some interview where she said she 'distanced herself from the church' (she used other words) but she keep believing and using the spirituality and tools she learn from it.
    She got scammed . You'll think she knew better before getting into the NFT  fiasco right?
  22. Like
    Redha DBL reacted to PHIL in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    i also sense, that there were major issues with kabbalah in the background and she is heavily affected and changed by it. it saved her life in the late 90s as she stated many many times. she might owe it, loves it, believes it, needs it to stay sane. at the same time, a religion/cult always comes with a price to pay and she pays it. she stopped talking about it publicly, which is interesting as she was sooo passionate about doing so in the past. it could be one of her big conflicts / contradictions. she believes/needs it, but at the same time, she must understand the systematic power it has over her and she must rebel about it in some ways.
    i don't know, but it is for sure one of the big unknown mysteries about her in the almost last two decades.
  23. Like
    Redha DBL got a reaction from PHIL in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    I think we do not realise how much that Kabbalah thing has changed her and her whole life for more than 25 years. The thing is, when people begin to follow a new "cult", at the beginnin everything is peace and love and people are feeling "way better" with eveything and everyone around them, and that's more or less the Ray of Light era so in a way, we all had a good taste in our mouths about Madonna and Kabbalah. Then we all noticed it took a slightly different turn around 2003... And in the end i have a feeling we have no idea how much impact that cult had and still has in her life, proffessional and private. As some mentionned it's still there, in her life. We, as fans, follow her as if it's just gone, or still there but it's something positive and after all we're used to it, but we have no idea how much it's influencing all her decisions for more than two decades. 
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  25. Wow
    Redha DBL reacted to Blue Jean in Angela Becker 2024 interview: PSB, Madonna and more   
    She was still talking about getting advice from her “Kabbalah teacher” earlier this year on tour. I also discovered the hat she was wearing during rehearsals “Spiritually hungry” is for sale on the Kabbalah centre website. Plus of course she still follows them on Instagram. So she’s still heavily involved in it it would seem.
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