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Unapologetic Bitches
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    confessed reacted to eXtremeOccident in Next Era Countdown!   
    While we anxiously await the next sound / image from Madonna, what do you think she's cooking up? 
    Next sonic sound? Imagery? Type of concert tour? 
    Will Madame X have a part 2?
    Will M-Dolla get her chance in the spotlight again?
    Will she wheel out the Confessions disco ball from a warehouse in Burbank?
    Will she name herself after another drug (Madame Xstasy?)?
    Will she make another statement? ("Gaga!! Doesn't make the people...come together!!!....yeahhhhh, Madonna!!! Makes the Bourgeois and the Rebellllllll (heart)")
    What do you think she's working on right now? 
  2. Like
    confessed reacted to stfan97 in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    What a crazy era and tour it's been.  Thank you to everyone for sharing your experiences and audio recordings, and to @Fighterfor bringing back this forum for us in time for the tour and for diligently remastering all of our recordings! 
  3. Like
    confessed reacted to ChrisK in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    True, same! The remixes though for me have given it new life. 
  4. Like
    confessed reacted to ChrisK in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Although, there were some great tracks off both! Vogue - Breathless - Secret & Human Nature - BS - Well in my opinion lol Plus we got the cool velvet BS promo digipack - the pink vinyl, the first ever dan-o-rama remix videos - I think it was the first time an artist did remix videos, literally remixing the 'video' with unseen footage etc.
  5. Haha
    confessed reacted to wtg1987 in Madame X Tour | Paris   
  6. Like
    confessed reacted to eXtremeOccident in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    I have a feeling she knows this and won't let her career on this note. She's too vain for that. 
  7. Like
    confessed reacted to madgefan in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    If the Parisian government says so then there's nothing she can do about it. The tour ends tonight. 
    Thank you Madonna, you've been able to complete 75 shows despite the chronic pain you've been dealing with since rehearsals.
    Now gotta rest, sleep, and most of all get inspired for upcoming projects.

  8. Haha
    confessed reacted to EM in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Good now you can look for attention outside your forum account
     G. A. L
  9. Like
    confessed reacted to MXM in Madame X Tour | Paris   
  10. Like
    confessed reacted to Voguerista in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    So does this mean there is a potential cancellation again?
    I feel sorry for everyone with tickets to these last few shows, but not only am I worried on Madonna and her injuries, cold, etc,  I am even more worried on the Coronavirus and the bigger picture. If I was her, I'd cancel the rest of the show dates for the sake of her and her family, the crew, and fans. So many red flags that it's hard to ignore.  It's just a concert which is what I think @eXtremeOccidentwas trying to elude to. Nothing is worth the risk when she can come back healthy and with a vengeance( if she wants) in a few years when she's healed up (hopefully) and when there isn't a world health crisis like there is currently.  
  11. Like
    confessed reacted to Kuba Pondel in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Yes.. some people are form poor countries like me ex. ticket cost me 5 times more..... so... but im not bragging cuz i went one night 12th and it was amazing and i touched Madonna <3 
  12. Like
    confessed reacted to Andymad in Which album is Madonna's magnum opus?   
    I chose Confessions. I have to say every song on that album stood out for me. Is memorable, relatable, and catchy. Something you hear for the first time and has you humming all day. Something I haven’t really gotten from her in a while...
  13. Like
    confessed reacted to john12555 in Madonna Most Streamed Spotify Songs   
    Take A Bow is her 28th song to have over 20m streams 
    16.02.2020-08.03.2020 (2weeks)
    1.Like A Prayer - 164,160,009 (+1,962,049) 
    2.Material Girl - 149,642,276 (+1,918,851))
    3.Like A Virgin - 126,703,520 (+1,541,292)
    4.4 Minutes - 126,524,752 (+1,164,258)
    5.Hung Up - 108,321,040 (+1,806,557)
    6.La Isla Bonita - 102,443,450 (+1,580,017)
    7.Vogue - 101,199,995 (+1,152,574)
    8.Holiday - 78,935,087 (+912,431)
    9.Bitch I'm Madonna - 59,800,851 (+335,254)
    10.Into The Groove - 47,965,446 (+472,779)
    11.Medellín - 46,725,915 (+622,920)
    12.Frozen - 44,517,819 (+512,372)
    13.Papa Don't Preach - 43,625,348 (+645,860)
    14.Crazy For You- 37,198,558 (+708,918)
    15.Music - 33,441,642 (+329,999)
    16.Ray Of Light - 29,075,968 (+311,261)
    17.Living For Love - 28,517,230    (+93,806)
    18.Sorry - 27,984,680 (+352,866)
    19.Faz Gostoso - 27,896,079 (+466,455)
    20.Ghosttown - 26,551,219 (+110,848)
    21.Express Yourself - 26,165,126 (+302,169)
    22.Girl Gone Wild - 25,915,491 (+212,161)
    23.Borderline - 25,402,907 (+274,989)
    24.Give Me All Your Luvin' - 22,701,817 (+125,794)
    25.Open Your Heart - 22,559,734 (+203,971)
    26.Live To Tell - 21,839,284 (+272,481)
    27.Die Another Day - 20,917,752 (+245,323)
    28.Take A Bow - 20,627,008 (DEBUT)
  14. Like
    confessed reacted to dylanlioncourt in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Well perhaps they shouldn't be so condescending to people and acting like their hard earned money is something so minuscule and didn't take effort to obtain, plan or save up? Cancellations and rescheduling can happen to any tour or artist. Madonna chose to go forward and not let us down but it's also quite concerning to go against licensed professionals advising her not to for her own benefit. Nobody wants to see her be crippled, further injured or having to undergo surgeries because of it. Her health and concern is always a priority to fans and we have never said otherwise. The poster was wrong to make a comment like that to disappointed fans who have the right to voice it but I quite frankly don't believe in the conspiracy theories others have thrown (low sales, etc)

    The only portion I agree with is losing her would be devastating and she should be appreciated. However, there does need to be some sort of communication and transparency to allow those the show will be cancelled ahead of time (the morning of) rather than entering the arena and finding out she's not coming on. It's a shame her idea of this tour was plagued by so many issues beyond her control and we can commend her for giving it to us to her utmost level but there are issues her team can alleviate that doesn't make it a fan gripe. We all want to see her and experience her vision but not at the risk of her health or worsening her injury. The money comment was completely dismissive and rude.
  15. Wow
    confessed reacted to eXtremeOccident in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    So glad she's putting herself first. Her ongoing injury is much more important than anyone else missing out on a few hours of entertainment. The General Public is treating her like a dancing monkey! Like she isn't a human being that has real challenges sometimes! Poor Madonna. Ridiculous that fans there would be mad right now -- They should be posting best wishes to her on Insta. And re: her Insta stories -- At least she's letting fans see some of the show! Imagine she posted nothing and we didn't even have fan vids to look at because of the phone ban.
    Some fans in here are unbelievable -- The couple thousand dollars spent to go see her will be recouped eventually. Work overtime, get a better paying job, whatever it takes to make the money back; but if she were to be going through with your canceled show, she might never be able to perform again. Seriously, imagine losing this icon. You need to be more understanding to her. She's MADONNA.
    She's a warrior and will push through this tour at all costs. Can't wait to see what surprises she has in store for the last evening. I hope there's a fan or two in attendance, so that we get reports back! 
  16. Like
    confessed reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    I feel very sad for all that and for her injury but sorry, I don't accept "She's Madonna" as an explanation.
    I appreciate something like this:
  17. Like
    confessed reacted to Krystof in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    All I can say is that I feel so sorry for all the fans tonight, the fact that they had opened the doors and some fans had already bought merchandise... not even our first Lisbon show had they actually let anyone in before cancelling (was 25 min before doors opened)
    I can’t defend what’s happening now, especially after the amazing performances on Tuesday and Wednesday - I’m sure many fans picked up those last few tickets and travelled far to come tonight
    Whatever is going on I hope she is ok, and that we aren’t on the edge of something more serious with her health
    Its my own opinion that perhaps the pain killers she has been having recently take a little while to kick in, that she leaves it until the last possible minute to take them, and this has left mixed results
    i think there are additional factors on top of the excruciating pain and injuries she has, factors we will probably never know about
    As someone who travelled to Lisbon and had 2 shows cancelled out of 4 last minute I understand the upset, pain, disappointment and mood of all the fans affected - be strong and if you have travelled try and do something unique in Paris while you still remain there to salvage something positive from the experience - it didn’t make up for the cancellations in Lisbon for us, but by pushing through we came home with Some good memories of the trip to Lisbon in January 
    again feel so bad for all affected and hope that Madonna changes the team around her once this is finished to people that know what they are doing rather than just being yes people
  18. Like
    confessed reacted to dylanlioncourt in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Depending on what France decides regarding the Coronavirus, I would rather she cancel since everybody will be traveling, probability of getting infected and the chance her injuries may flare up badly and it happens before showtime or earlier in the day. It's unfortunate the tour didn't go as planned for her and her injury prevented her from going full throttle as she has done prior but I also understand the fans' frustrations about the travel, loss of money, poor communication at times from her team and other affiliated parties.
  19. Like
    confessed reacted to slowdownpapi in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    why are you even here?
  20. Like
    confessed reacted to BeepBeepBitchMove in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Paris will decide on Monday whether or not to close venues due to COVID-19 making tomorrow's show the last if they do. 
  21. Like
    confessed reacted to DoneGone in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    People questioning her injuries... gosh. If you've seen this show live is obvious she's damaged.
    And the moments/days when she looks better or not in pain... painkillers. And we all know how dangerous those can be (Michael, Prince).
    Last minute cancelled shows are sad, yeah, but this is a sad situation for everyone involved, including her. Tour will be over next week and hopefully she can rest and heal.
  22. Thanks
    confessed reacted to Voguerista in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Oh no. I'm so sorry to everyone who was going tonight and Madonna too. She must have pushed it when she did two full shows back to back. The thing is(and I'm only guessing) but it might seem like her injuries are better at times but pain meds for the show only last so long.
    I can't help but think she is extremely worried on the Coronavirus too. Adding: seriously ,... if I was Madonna (and along with injuries), I would be really worried on this Virus and it's spread to everyone in any size of venue. Furthermore, if I was her, I'd cancel the rest of the shows just on this Virus alone. It's not worth putting her family, her crew, and fans at risk. 
  23. Thanks
    confessed reacted to Blue Jean in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Because she’s in pain!!!
  24. Like
    confessed reacted to Blue Jean in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    I agree. I don’t agree with way they/she has handled it but I think the injuries are obviously real. I saw her legs shaking and her struggling and being helped up the stairs metres away from me. It is clearly real injuries. She admitted her doctor told her not to continue at all after Christmas but she insisted because she hates to disappoint people. Those were her words.
    I do wish she had of postponed all of Europe. I really do. I got to see her but seeing all these people disappointed and angry is not good.
  25. Like
    confessed reacted to Blue Jean in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    You were told by whom?
    A random gay sitting next to you claiming to be an insider?
    A guy at my show claimed a “good friend” presumably Guy O’seary was the one who leaked the Rebel Heart demos. I mean get real. These fans don’t know anything.
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