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Unapologetic Bitches
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    artlover got a reaction from Anapausis in Starting looking for Kylie's Tension Deluxe CD's offered by Chinese retailers on my l   
    @AnapausisMineirinho! =-) 
  2. Like
    artlover got a reaction from Anapausis in Starting looking for Kylie's Tension Deluxe CD's offered by Chinese retailers on my l   
    Opa, mais um brasileiro! Muito prazer! 
  3. Like
    artlover reacted to Aiwa08 in Hi @Aiwa08 ... how are you? I come here to ask you a favor: I would really like to ge   
    Unfortunately I can't re-upload to you the singles right now because I'm in my boyfriend's house, and the hard drive with the singles is in my house. Many people downloaded them back in the day. Feel free to ask them to re-upload. I don't mind if someone re-upload the files. I don't know the exact date when I will return to my house (I am enjoying my vacation).
    I'm sorry, I hope you understand.
  4. Sad
    artlover got a reaction from libraguy_1020 in What happened to onlyiplus.net?   
    Looks like Brett had a burnout and left the site for good 
  5. Sad
    artlover got a reaction from Askeroff in ? Screen_Recording_20210524-051817_Instagram_1_1.mp4   
    hi-tech icon
  6. Like
    artlover got a reaction from Fighter in ? Screen_Recording_20210524-051817_Instagram_1_1.mp4   
    hi-tech icon
  7. Thanks
    artlover reacted to Fighter in COVID conspiracy theorists risk being banned. I do not want fake news and conspiracy   
    I'm only advocating for some common sense but if someone doesn't like it, they are free to leave 
  8. Thanks
    artlover got a reaction from Shoful in COVID conspiracy theorists risk being banned. I do not want fake news and conspiracy   
    Why does st*pid people consider LIES freedom of speech? Madonna certainly would not approve of that. 
    Spreading QAnon bull isn't seek truth. 
    Wake up America.
  9. Thanks
    artlover reacted to A. A. Aardvark in Gays will always be...strange. And I’m part of them. I still don’t understand why a l   
    'Gays' are not one homogeneous blob.
    Some people from all walks of life liked her for her singing and her songs.
    Whatever else she does is her business.
  10. Haha
    artlover got a reaction from RUADJAI in Gays will always be...strange. And I’m part of them. I still don’t understand why a l   
    @emanonI'm 26 and 1/7 of my hair is already groing grey. 
    By the time I reach my 40s Imma be a daddy. 
  11. Like
    artlover reacted to emanon in Gays will always be...strange. And I’m part of them. I still don’t understand why a l   
    @RUADJAI those 3 are "bad" examples,  right? Because I just saw before and after pictures...and both looked so much better before, more natural and beautiful.  I hope I dont feel like judging, like in what I said before.  Sometimes, these people dont really have a flaw, at least a physical one....what they have more is insecurity about what they look. 
    I'll talk about me...sometimes I look in the mirror and I'm like: Jesus, put a mask on it. and kinda look like a square. But other times I like what I see, and look good. I must love the square I see in the mirror sometimes, but sometimes its hard.  
    A little more about Madonna. She doesnt look  crazy at all. She looks "nice", but a little artificial lately, to me. It's like some her  facial expressions are gone. I was watching the latest video on her insta with mike dean, and its like her face lost some natural expressions. 
    I remembered the Cat Woman from New York... She was a good looking woman before all those surgerys. I guess that is an extreme example.
    In the end, its her face, her ass, her vagina. HERS....not ours.
    Yet, I still like more what is natural. If I get bald, let it be, I wont wear wigs or make implants. Grey hair?  Mmm,it  can be sexy. So, no artificial coloring. 
  12. Like
    artlover reacted to Voguerista in My hubby has run into more complications after his heart procedures. If you could kee   
    Thank you thank you so much again my dear friends and Madonna family. He got out of the hospital yesterday and is doing much better now(knock on wood). Thank you for helping and all of your loving thoughts and prayers. You helped endlessly and helped me too. Hopefully, we’ve got this now. Thank you. You are all Starlights Starbrights!!!!! 
  13. Thanks
    artlover got a reaction from Voguerista in My hubby has run into more complications after his heart procedures. If you could kee   
    Everything's gonna be alright!
  14. Thanks
    artlover got a reaction from Raio_05 in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    Democrats are what us latinxs see as liberals, center-right-ish. Left is a larger group than Democrats. 
    What is a Trump supporter doing here anyway?
  15. Thanks
    artlover reacted to Fighter in Congratulations President Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris ? ? Congratulations   
    It's perfectly understandable you feel that way, but it's also perfectly understandable that people may misunderstand your replies as you weren't very clear and there's so much chaos out there. Let's just have patience 
  16. Like
    artlover got a reaction from Raio_05 in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    Not Biden nor Kamala are communist guys 
  17. Like
    artlover got a reaction from RUADJAI in My Vice President is a Black Woman   
    Not Biden nor Kamala are communist guys 
  18. Like
    artlover reacted to Raio_05 in Not to offend any US citizen but there's no USA to invade itself in order "to protect   
    @MadonnaLove Do a quick Google search, you'll see that a lot of the faces on that crowd and inside the Capitol (because they weren't even using masks - smart!) are actually pretty well-known white supremacists, Proud Boys, Trump advocates and etc. You can literally see their faces and confirm who they are on various social media accounts. This may go against your personal views, but it's reality.

    Like @artlover said, ANTIFA is not the scaping goat Trump wants you to believe...
  19. Thanks
    artlover reacted to RUADJAI in MAGA terrorists stormed the US capitol with weapons.......   
    I always thought ACAB (All Cops Are Bad) was a little extreme to paint with such a broad brush, but watching these white terrorists still standing around like it's fucking Disney World after they called a curfew at 6pm... and KNOWING what many police forces did when curfews were in place this summer for BLM protests... I have no hesitation in saying it. All Cops Are Bad. This country is so undeniably racist. To all those white people saying Blue Lives Matter and Back the Blue... it has never been more clear that it was never about supporting police, but a racist contempt for Black People using their voices. 
  20. Sad
    artlover reacted to Fighter in Not to offend any US citizen but there's no USA to invade itself in order "to protect   
    absolutely, they wouldve been shot on the spot as we saw last year. not much happening to these fucking terrorist fascists... i think only one woman was shot. WHITE PRIVILEGE.
  21. Sad
    artlover reacted to Fighter in Not to offend any US citizen but there's no USA to invade itself in order "to protect   
    I understand the sentiment however despite the atrocities that the us has perpetrated, its the regular innocent ppl who will actually suffer... as usual
  22. Like
    artlover reacted to Voguerista in I guess I am no longer welcomed here. Thanks to everyone that reached out to me when   
    I didn’t ask you to feed into anything. You have no idea what happened. Just please leave me alone. What did I do to you? Please! Just please leave me alone. 
  23. Like
    artlover reacted to Enrico in Does anyone have a Scribd account? Could you download this file for me please? https:   
    Thank you sooooo much @artlover!!!!
  24. Sad
    artlover reacted to Fighter in I think I understand why people get a gun   
    I know. I'm trying to avoid dumb shit right now 
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