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Rays Of Light
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    madaboutM reacted to Adrian in Most Overrated Madonna Era?   
    Actually I think most overrated era by fans (not public) is American Life.  There are few great songs on it that weren't singles, but half of it is really bad, sorry.
  2. Like
    madaboutM reacted to PlayPause in Most Overrated Madonna Era?   
    Since when the highlight of a career can be considered as overrated ?
    Like you said "Hum, too much success, she didn't deserve it"
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    madaboutM reacted to ITG in Most Overrated Madonna Era?   
    I don't think any are overrated......more underrated if anything.
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    madaboutM reacted to Turuncan in Madonna Pins   
    Wonderful! Please bring out more!
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    madaboutM reacted to devilpray in Madonna Pins   
    This is gorgeous! It looks even better on the ebay pictures! 
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    madaboutM got a reaction from Xander in Madonna Pins   
    Hi, I recently began designing and selling Madonna lapel pins. Eventually I want to create a small collection of some of her most iconic looks. This is my first pin and I'm open to ideas for other designs, so please share them here! Vogue's "Strike a pose" might be next!

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    madaboutM got a reaction from Betuncba in Madonna Pins   
    Hi, I recently began designing and selling Madonna lapel pins. Eventually I want to create a small collection of some of her most iconic looks. This is my first pin and I'm open to ideas for other designs, so please share them here! Vogue's "Strike a pose" might be next!

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    madaboutM got a reaction from null in Madonna Pins   
    Hi, I recently began designing and selling Madonna lapel pins. Eventually I want to create a small collection of some of her most iconic looks. This is my first pin and I'm open to ideas for other designs, so please share them here! Vogue's "Strike a pose" might be next!

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    madaboutM reacted to Frank in MDNA Skin   
    Bye gurl. SHE'S ALWAYS BEEN A BUSINESS WOMAN, ALWAYS. The best one. And always will be.
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    madaboutM reacted to Luiz Ribeiro in MDNA Skin   
    ---------------Detectar idiomaAfricânerAlbanêsAlemãoAmáricoÁrabeArmênioAzerbaijanoBascoBengaliBielorrussoBirmanêsBósnioBúlgaroCanarimCatalãoCazaqueCebuanoChinês (simplificado)Chinês (tradicional)CingalêsCoreanoCorsoCroataCurdoDinamarquêsEslovacoEslovenoEspanholEsperantoEstonianoFilipinoFinlandêsFrancêsFrísio ocidentalGaélico escocêsGalegoGalêsGeorgianoGregoGuzerateHaitianoHauçáHavaianoHebraicoHíndiHmongHolandêsHúngaroIgboIídicheIndonésioInglêsIorubáIrlandêsIslandêsItalianoJaponêsJavanêsKhmerLaosianoLatimLetãoLituanoLuxemburguêsMacedônioMalaialaMalaioMalgaxeMaltêsMaoriMaratiMongolNepalêsNianjaNorueguêsPanjabiPashtoPersaPolonêsPortuguêsQuirguizRomenoRussoSamoanoSérvioSindiSomaliSoto do sulSuaíliSuecoSundanêsTadjiqueTailandêsTâmilTchecoTélugoTurcoUcranianoUrduUzbequeVietnamitaXhosaXonaZuluPortuguês     I can not stand that hideous hair anymore!
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