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    Mp1992 reacted to kesiak in What other singer has this discography?   
    Forgive me, but Pet Shop Boys are the most overrated band under the sun (OK, maybe second most overrated, after Oasis). Neil Tennant's "singing" makes me want to self-harm and apart from "Rent" and "West End Girls" their singles haven't aged very well. I'd defy any average member of the public to name 5 of their songs, despite having 22 top 10 hits in UK. Madonna had 3 times the amount. Not even in the same league.  
  2. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to Can-We-Get-Together in Bedtime stories album cover   
    Guys are we really that bored??  Who cares what bloody way her face is supposed to be?  It looks great either way, just enjoy the album!
    It's one of my favourite Madonna albums and I love the photoshoot. These photos and the ones from the Human Nature single are my favourite images of her. She looks absolutely gorgeous!
    How anyone can say she looks ugly is beyond me, can we see your gorgeous face on your own album cover? THOUGHT NOT! ?

  3. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Can-We-Get-Together in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    And it's on the BLM website as their mission statement, one of the leaders has said NUMEROUS times that she wants the police abolished
    And what the hell's a Russian not? I don't even know what that is
  4. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Can-We-Get-Together in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    You're wrong and probably white and
    Probably live in the suburbs, funny how NO liberal whites live in diverse neighborhoods
    You don't understand the COMPLICATED nature of this , I still remember having to move my Grandma off her block 10 years ago as drug dealers had taken over and they broke into her house TWICE and destroyed it, a house my Grandfather worked his ass of for
    The cops couldn't do nothing because they were afraid of false cries of police brutality, the whole block was a shit show
    She moved into a nicer neighborhood and is happier now
  5. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Can-We-Get-Together in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    So you think innocent, law abiding, Black citizens being victims of homicides in the inner city, without a police force, is funny?
    Again, do me a favor liberal whites, please stay in your lane
  6. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Can-We-Get-Together in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    The Democratic party is pushing to abolish the police force, which is also made up of a higher than average amount of minorities, for instance Black women police outnumber white women 3-1, I have a Black female cousin who is a cop
    What's not to comprehend?
  7. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Sadie Starlite in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    Do you want to live in a country without police?  With ZERO police protection?  Because that's what the left is now pushing
    Did you not read my earlier post about how bad (worse) the inner cities will be without polic
    It'll be a massacre of mostly law abiding Black citizens lives being lost without police
    Personally I can't stand Trump but he's better than what the Democratic Party (Sleepy Joe Biden) has running
    Technically I'm still registered Democrat
  8. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Sadie Starlite in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    Ok let's back up, not all Trump supporters are "white supremacists", most don't even like him but it's better than the alternatives, also Trump received awards and honors from the Black community and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton when he was a Democrat, he switched to being a Republican and all of a sudden he's a racist?
    Doesn't make any sense
    Secondly, if you read their mission statement, anyone in their right mind should be against BLM as their ultimate goal is complete abolishment of the police.  I'm half Black and have Aunt's and Uncle's who still live in the hood and they don't want police gone, and they're the ones whose livelihood will be most at risk, because of the tremendous amount of Black on Black crime, that will no doubt go up in their neighborhoods
    And Black people, myself included, need to do better, the Black on Black homicide rate is disgusting, we can't complain about Black Lives Mattering, when they don't even matter to US
    And white liberals really need to calm down and stop virtue signaling, from there priveledged white neighborhoods.  It's not about you 
  9. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to Ayham in Cher on Madonna. Spot on!   
    Miley is just one annoying voiceless/talentless girl. She’s just forced to be a singer tbh. She had her time back when she used to be a teenager with girls loving her Hanna whatever. Now she’s just trying hard & people are bored already. ?
  10. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to Hari Beaux in Cher on Madonna. Spot on!   
    Miley is so cringe. She is someone that probably is goofy during sex. Yeah not for me
  11. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Tricia Snell in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    Ok let's back up, not all Trump supporters are "white supremacists", most don't even like him but it's better than the alternatives, also Trump received awards and honors from the Black community and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton when he was a Democrat, he switched to being a Republican and all of a sudden he's a racist?
    Doesn't make any sense
    Secondly, if you read their mission statement, anyone in their right mind should be against BLM as their ultimate goal is complete abolishment of the police.  I'm half Black and have Aunt's and Uncle's who still live in the hood and they don't want police gone, and they're the ones whose livelihood will be most at risk, because of the tremendous amount of Black on Black crime, that will no doubt go up in their neighborhoods
    And Black people, myself included, need to do better, the Black on Black homicide rate is disgusting, we can't complain about Black Lives Mattering, when they don't even matter to US
    And white liberals really need to calm down and stop virtue signaling, from there priveledged white neighborhoods.  It's not about you 
  12. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Can-We-Get-Together in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    Ok let's back up, not all Trump supporters are "white supremacists", most don't even like him but it's better than the alternatives, also Trump received awards and honors from the Black community and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton when he was a Democrat, he switched to being a Republican and all of a sudden he's a racist?
    Doesn't make any sense
    Secondly, if you read their mission statement, anyone in their right mind should be against BLM as their ultimate goal is complete abolishment of the police.  I'm half Black and have Aunt's and Uncle's who still live in the hood and they don't want police gone, and they're the ones whose livelihood will be most at risk, because of the tremendous amount of Black on Black crime, that will no doubt go up in their neighborhoods
    And Black people, myself included, need to do better, the Black on Black homicide rate is disgusting, we can't complain about Black Lives Mattering, when they don't even matter to US
    And white liberals really need to calm down and stop virtue signaling, from there priveledged white neighborhoods.  It's not about you 
  13. Thanks
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Tex20 in Madonna vs Rihanna   
    Again the point that I made that you're refuting is that NO ONE will touch Madonna 's actual ALBUM sales record of over 200 million sold. DIGITAL 99 cent single sales are NOT THE SAME as selling albums for $15-$20 the world over. Rihanna's ALBUM sales have always been bad especially when you consider how "big" she supposedly is
    Yes Rihanna may topple Madonna when it comes to total units sold (digital SINGLES 90% of her total sales) but no one especially Rihanna who hasn't even sold 50 million albums since her debut in 2015 will come for Madonna 's total worldwide ALBUM sales.
  14. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Tex20 in Madonna vs Rihanna   
    Are you serious? I'm talking about ALBUM sales, Rihanna hasn't even sold 50 million in ALBUM sales. Almost all her sales are DIGITAL SINGLES.
    Madonna has over 200 million PURE albums sales worldwide followed by Celine and Mariah
  15. Thanks
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Beautiful Madonna in Madonna vs Rihanna   
    Not true. Madonna will definitely remain the best selling female artist ever when it comes to ALBUMS since no one buys albums anymore. Madonna has sold over 200 million ALBUMS alone, I dont see any female artist selling 200 million PURE albums. Has Rihanna even sold 50 million albums worldwide?
  16. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from nito84bcn in The Mistreatment of Madonna’s Legacy   
    yes and TGS was the same thing.  Arena's in the US, stadiums outside the US.  TGS made way more money than BAT with fewer dates and at the time has the highest per show gross of any female tour in history
    People forget that.  She was also expected to continue the tour in early 1994 with more US dates but Madonna opted not to because she wanted to record another album and concentrate on film roles, this would lead to her eventual fall out with manager Freddy DeMann who wanted her to continue her hugely successful GS tour in 1994
  17. Thanks
    Mp1992 got a reaction from remixed224 in The Mistreatment of Madonna’s Legacy   
    Her WTG tour was almost ALL stadium shows in the US.  Not to sound rude but if you're gonna make a bold statement like that, you might want to have your "facts" right
  18. Thanks
    Mp1992 got a reaction from MDRA in The Mistreatment of Madonna’s Legacy   
    She played some stadiums in the US during the Who's That Girl  Sticky and Sweet and MDNA tours
    I saw her at Yankee Stadium in 2012 during the MDNA Tour
  19. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from captainjay in The Mistreatment of Madonna’s Legacy   
    She played some stadiums in the US during the Who's That Girl  Sticky and Sweet and MDNA tours
    I saw her at Yankee Stadium in 2012 during the MDNA Tour
  20. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Velvet Rope in The Mistreatment of Madonna’s Legacy   
    exactly.  I work Target and my store has music and they play her probably the most ofany artist   .  I hear her 5 times on an 8-10 hour team lead manager shift.  From Borderline to Ghost town 
  21. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Voguerista in The Mistreatment of Madonna’s Legacy   
    exactly.  I work Target and my store has music and they play her probably the most ofany artist   .  I hear her 5 times on an 8-10 hour team lead manager shift.  From Borderline to Ghost town 
  22. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in The Mistreatment of Madonna’s Legacy   
    Some fans have a hard time looking at a woman that doesn't have hits anymore so they say she's over when in fact... she's doing better than anyone at her age. Still #1 albums, best selling theater tour ever just last year, best streaming numbers than anyone from the 80s or prior among female acts, etc. 
    How was Tina doing at her age or Cher? Or anyone else? In fact Look at all the women now hitting 50. 10 years younger than madonna.
    Mariah is always everywhere during Christmas but no one gave a shit about her album. 
    Jlo released s single like 2 months ago and no one cared. Kylie does good in one country. 
    Madonna is doing fine. Shame her fans don't realise it just because she's not giving us Confessions part 2 lol.
  23. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from nito84bcn in The Mistreatment of Madonna’s Legacy   
    exactly.  I work Target and my store has music and they play her probably the most ofany artist   .  I hear her 5 times on an 8-10 hour team lead manager shift.  From Borderline to Ghost town 
  24. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from nito84bcn in The Mistreatment of Madonna’s Legacy   
    Everyone over the age of 18 knows OF her, but unless they're a die hard fan, they're pretty clueless to her legacy and impact.  However, she has the best streaming numbers, Youtube views and YouTube channel subscribers for an over 60 female artist.  Cher and Dolly Parton have it much worse and they seem to get love.  It's weird
  25. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Raio_05 in The Mistreatment of Madonna’s Legacy   
    exactly.  I work Target and my store has music and they play her probably the most ofany artist   .  I hear her 5 times on an 8-10 hour team lead manager shift.  From Borderline to Ghost town 
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