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About SecretProject

  • Birthday 01/10/1988

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    Walpole, New Hampshire
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  1. Which is why I'll always consider her as simply a product not an artist. I like my popstars to have some edge.
  2. True! Most Swift fans are people I'd never want to hang out with. Basic beckys. No shade! But also no flavor. Severe lack of taste.
  3. Thing is, she’s right. Madonna isn’t the greatest actress. But if Madonna can’t act then Patti has no appeal and could never cross over to mainstream success for shit. She’s so damn boring and tries so hard to have a shady sound bite and it’s always Madonna. Girl it’s been nearly 3 decades. You didn’t get to play Evita in the movie. Get over it. You think America wanted to see a mug like yours blown up?! Get real! You’d think she’d take it graciously but she hasn’t let it go and always has to trash M in the media. Always. She tries to be so cunty but the fact is that she’s ugly af, can’t sing without that over the top musical theatre shit (could never stand musical theatre), and she doesn’t have mass appeal. She’s a cunt without the warmth.
  4. LMFAOOOOOO That scene! OMFG idky I ever put myself through the misery of watching that movie 4 FUCKING TIMES. You know that game where you lose the game every time you think about ‘the game’ or anyone mentions ‘the game’? That game is the phrase ass to ass for me. I’ll be at the grocery store and out of nowhere my brain is just like ‘ass to ass’. Hahaha
  5. I’m happy for Taylor Swifts success. That said, I am baffled by it. She has no sex appeal or stage presence, her voice isn’t distinct, and her controversies are not about her positions on social issues (except her latest endorsement of Kamala Harris) but rather who she’s dating. She’s not challenging anything. Beyoncé is a far better example of a contemporary artist pushing boundaries and artistic expression. The Renaissance Tour changed the game in my eyes. I have yet to see any thing distinct about the eras tour besides its massive success. Again, I’d never wish for anyone’s downfall but I’m so confused. She popped up out of that stage and gave NOTHING and the crowd went wild. I feel like Taylor is an artist that younger millennials and Gen Z gravitate towards because they’ve been bombarded with a constant stream of national and social issues via social media. The whole concept of millennial gray comes to mind. It’s a color so inoffensive and bland, that it doesn’t overstimulate anything. To me, Swift is the musical version of millennial gray.
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