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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Haha
    LX54 reacted to deathproof in Hung Up in HD on Madonna's channel!!   
    Do you think we’ll get the Rescue Me montage in HD? ?
  2. Like
    LX54 reacted to captainjay in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    I agree with you.
    I also agree that this isn't really who she is, that she's dealing with a lot of insecurity - could be coming from Rocco, Guy, her brother, the fact that she had trouble selling out her last arena tour, and she didn't really capitalize on the critical success of MX Tour, she sabotaged it by being late or failing to cancel the tour for her own good when the time was appropriate. She's pissed off many of the people she's been able to lean on, and her reaction has been bratty or silly or immature instead of what we would expect from someone with her experience (I didn't want to say age, but I mean age .. as we're all older now too, we know what's right and wrong and we're not as punk rock as we used to be, so this doesn't come off as edgy and against the establishment, this comes off as childish, unprofessional, desperate and like she's fighting her own team or sabotaging her own fan-base for no good reason, when she should be feeding the fanbase and engaging them in a positive way).
    If she can compartmentalize her family influences (6 kids telling you they do or do not like your music? Are you kidding me? We'd NEVER get JUSTIFY MY LOVE or EROTICA if kids were being asked for their fucking opinions... or one kid that thinks she's truly lame and pathetic (Rocco) and so just judges the fuck out of her to the point she's paralyzed and can't put anything out there in fear of what he'll think of her next and have his father shoulder to shoulder with him with judgement?? OMG, imagine how paralyzing that would be for ANY person? ANY mother?) and move beyond wanting to fit in with current sounds and what the teenagers are playing on the radio (radio, omg, i'm so old now ...) or STREAMING (more like it) and not worrying about filling arenas (theatre tours are fine and eventually the positive nostalgia will come back full circle and arenas will be easy to fill again (one day, obviously when it's safe to do so). 
    I guess when I heard "theatre tour" I was SO excited. This is her chance.
    Incredible live band Dig out a ton of songs that do not work in an arena sized stage/environment Sing at the piano Sit on the barstool Don't have 18 dancers on stage at every given moment (lame now anyway, it's so over-done -- I mostly hate all tours by anyone young now because they've copied this format to a "T" and it's fucking predictable. 4 songs, video interlude, repeat, a gimmick, a cat-walk, 18 dancers, confetti, over. Lame.) Don't worry about a gimmick (standing on your head, jumping rope like a 12-year old, performing and balancing on a line, pole dancing) A trio of beautifully talented back-up singers to enhance your own beautiful voice (nothing pre-recorded) or 6, 3 male, 3 female - like George Michael would have done -- and lastly,  JUST FOCUS ON BEAUTIFUL PERFORMANCE ... if you can't dance and sing then I say, JUST SING. We've seen you dance - we know what you are capable, you do not need to prove that anymore. BEAUTIFUL costumes. Some edgy - sure - but some just very feminine and flattering costumes and make-up.  No eye patch. No grills. Because ... all the reasons.   
    But instead, I think we got an arena tour crammed into a theatre tour and some of it worked well and some of it did not.
    Fine. We move on.
    But I'd like my version next.  
  3. Like
    LX54 reacted to steady75 in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Elton has the Cher affect. He's just who he is and always has been. There's a familiarity in their outspoken and kooky behaviour that's reassuring. Madonna unfortunately has made a rod for her own back with her reinvention tactics. The public are not dumb, they know that a new image in a video is not necessarily just a new look for her. She morphs and changes and that often includes her partners, her physical appearance, her religion, the country she lives in, her voice, her style of music, her alignments and the people she surrounds herself in. People have a favourite version of Madonna as a result and I just think that current Madonna is nobodys favourite.
    She's also almost famously recognised who someone who doesn't really acknowledge her back catalogue, treats her fans with contempt and is rude and belligerent and out of touch. MJ was out of touch and odd but he was intensely private so the air of mystery gave him some cache. Something Beyonce and Britney have both learned to adopt in many ways. They're still untouchable to people and sooo loved despite their obvious marital and personal problems.
    In the eyes of the general public Madonna is top of her game and has it all, has always had it all and seemingly still wants more. In todays political climate her thirst for yet more fame, power and notoriety and adulation comes off as slightly Trumpian in tone. An ungrateful Queen. I would call misogyny too in some respects but when even her most ardent supporters, (such as I and many on here), who still want her to be number one and top of her game, feel that maybe she's somehow become disconnected from the one thing that people could still connect with despite being such a huge star as her. Her ability to tune into the energy of now and see through the perils of fame other stars seemed to. She somehow managed to seem very relatable and lovable...and funny. You wanted to be part of he team and around her infectious energy...and that laugh.
    It's largely her interviews and the way she used to interact with the regular folk she'd meet on shows or even other celebrities. That seems to have evaporated and now she has ...the mirror. And she seemingly dislikes what it shows her. She just seems bloody unhappy, miserable, annoyed and grumpy a lot of the time...oh and terribly unfunny.
    I'm a mega fan I promise but I like to think a lot of us have always been able to see through some of the guises she's worn. Now I'm not 100% sure I know her. I don't think you even need to be a stan like us to see that. I think the public see it. She's sort of disappeared into an image of herself. It's either that or her press and team guided and managed her output so meticulously in the first 30 years that we were always shielded from things.
    People change. I still love her more than anything x
  4. Like
    LX54 reacted to Aiwa08 in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Remixed all by Shep Pettibone would be the perfect album.
  5. Haha
    LX54 reacted to Andymad in Teasing the Immacluate Collection related suprises   
    I’m only here for an IC keychain or belt buckle 
  6. Haha
    LX54 reacted to PaperFaces in Teasing the Immacluate Collection related suprises   
    An Immacualte Collection shower curtain for those times you want to stay in there to ponder why Madonna hasnt made a connection between her declining relevancy and the managing of her musical legacy and the cultural impact it’s had.
  7. Like
    LX54 reacted to DiegoLCL in Teasing the Immacluate Collection related suprises   
    We'll get a blurry "HD remaster" of Justify My Love, JML and Rescue Me US singles on digital and we better be thankful otherwise "we just complain about everything "
  8. Like
    LX54 reacted to cyberrage in Teasing the Immacluate Collection related suprises   
    woohoo the cushion and candle set is close
  9. Like
    LX54 reacted to nito84bcn in Happy 20 th B-day, MUSIC   
    Sandwiched between the masterpiece that was Ray Of Light and the fan favourite American Life, sometimes overlooked, Music is a pure jewel on her catalog, that brought dance, electronica and funny pop after all her instropective previous era. With an amazing promotion (pity that the Impressive Instant fiasco happened, because I think it deserved a good video and a proper single), and a peak creative tour as the Drowned World Tour was, this weekend, Music turns 20 years old! 



  10. Like
    LX54 reacted to MDNA22 in Hanky Panky EP on streaming Services   
    Agree it's not one of her best but went to Number 2 in the UK charts - at the time anything she released would be a hit lol It's not as bad as Bitch I'm Madonna though lol  
  11. Haha
    LX54 reacted to wtg1987 in Hanky Panky EP on streaming Services   
    I just want warning signs and the LAP demos - I couldn’t care less about remixes we’ve had for decades ??
  12. Like
    LX54 reacted to wtg1987 in Madonnas' success in later years   
    Won’t make any difference whom she is with - she isn’t relevant enough commercially and won’t be now due to her age sadly ? I’m just hoping she still has the desire to make decent music and not renting the latest young thing to duet with 
  13. Like
    LX54 reacted to Raio_05 in Madonnas' success in later years   
    I don't understand why sometimes she or her management try so hard to appease just the American market. She's been a global superstar for almost 40 years and the US public has always been the most unfaithful, judgmental and even downright "boycottal" of her whole career.
    I mean, I get it - she's american, it's the world's stage, 300 million people, bla bla bla. But just Europe alone has 700 million, way better reception of her music and personality and after the late 2000s with piracy and especially streaming, the US kinda lost a bit of that musical monopoly. 
    I kinda want her to continue the trend of global music she started with Madame X and avoid all current US genres. They don't suit her at all and she'll never be accepted there as she was before.
  14. Thanks
    LX54 reacted to captainjay in Madonna Megamixes (17 Megamixes)   
    Sharing my collection of Madonna megamixes. Some of them are from old fan circulated CDs from the 90's, some might be from here or other download sites.
    I've also ripped some from professional "bootleg" CDs that made their way into stores in the 90's. 
    I do not know the real name for Megamix #1 and 2 -- if you know the name (or can correct me on the names on any of these), please let me know!
    Set includes:
    Megamix #1 (Canadian Megamix) Megamix #2 (Need source for name) Bed Time Megamix Ultimix Erotic Deep Throat  Heavenly Megamix Mad-Mega-Donna Megamix Venezuela #1 Venezuela #2 Guy Garrett DJ Enferno Paul Dakeyne DMC #1 DMC #2 Pizza Mix Spaghetti Mix Virgin Tour Live Medley
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  15. Like
    LX54 reacted to Rob72 in D/L: The Girlie Show (Fukuoka Instrumental)   
    So here's The Girlie Show (Fukuoka Instrumental).

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    For those who ask, I use www.moises.ai
  16. Like
    LX54 reacted to You Thrill Me in Question about a "Hung up" snippet (with male backing vocals)   
    Is this the clip you're looking for?

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  17. Haha
    LX54 reacted to wtg1987 in "Human Nature" Maxi available on streaming sites   
    Why does it have to be remastered ? Why is everyone on here so obsessed with remastering and upscaling - it was released on cd and vinyl not a cracked plate ??
  18. Thanks
    LX54 reacted to Aiwa08 in Express Yourself (Remix Edit with Vocal Intro)   
    We all know that the original Remix Edit doesn't have the vocal intro ("Come Girls, Do You Believe in Love,...."). For the video-clip Warner/Madonna copied & pasted the vocal intro from the "Local Mix". Finally, in 1991, The Immaculate Collection gave us the proper "Remix Edit" vocal intro, but the song was edited to four minutes. So I've added to the original Remix Edit the original vocal intro from the Immaculate Collection. If you wanna enjoy the full Remix Edit with the proper vocal intro, here it is:
    WAV, 5:01

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  19. Like
    LX54 reacted to Steffmad in DL/ Fever (Promo Remixes) eMaster   
    Think they sound better then before. Enjoy or Not 

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  20. Thanks
    LX54 reacted to Rob72 in D/L: Who's That Girl World Tour (Tokyo AI Instrumental) NEW LINK 24.03.24   
    NEW LINK 24.03.24
    Who's That Girl World Tour (Tokyo AI Instrumental)

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  21. Haha
    LX54 reacted to Enrico in The Brilliance of 'Rescue Me'   
    The chorus was too vocalky demanding for Madonna.
    And too many lyrics to remember!!
  22. Like
    LX54 reacted to Turuncan in True Blue: The REAL Lead Single   
    The difference is, ‘Die Another Day’ was featured on the soundtrack album of the same name, hence rendering its inclusion on “American Life” album a bonus track. The movie “At Close Range”, on the other hand, did not have a soundtrack album as far as I am concerned, making ‘Live to Tell’ actually a single off “True Blue”, which happens to be used in a movie.
    So while I agree on many points with you about ‘Papa Don’t Preach’ being a better representative of the “True Blue” era, it is actually ‘Live to Tell’ that was the first single.
  23. Like
    LX54 reacted to MiB in Like a Prayer - 30th Anniversary on Spotify (OMG)   
    yeah true colors was fab! so was A Night to Remember!
  24. Like
    LX54 reacted to Enrico in Like a Prayer - 30th Anniversary on Spotify (OMG)   
    So you're not counting TRUE COLORS? Come on!
    Are we talking about the first woman to win a Tony Award for best composer of a musical?
    Let's just admit that other artists and their management care more about music releases...
    We should only pray that Madonna and Warner decide to do similar things...

  25. Like
    LX54 reacted to wtg1987 in Things I loved about the 2010s   
    Sorry - her worst decade in terms of great music quality output(Standout songs for me have been Falling Free, Masterpiece, Rebel heart & Ghosttown) the videos havent been great either and as for her tours - please ditch Kevin Antunes !! - i dont think she will ever capture the magic she gave us in the 80s or 90s but i would love to be proved wrong
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