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Unapologetic Bitches
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emanon last won the day on June 9 2021

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I'll Remember

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  1. Tomorrow is my  birthay :)

    so I'm asking for a gift. If any soul feels like being generous, please, send me: SS Lisbon audio. It can also be SS Barcelona, CT show with Kravitz, both RIT lisbon, all Madame X Lisbon, Madame X demos...but I would be happy with SS lisbon. I can keep it secret if you want! 

    Also, Madonna, if you're feeling like a very very generous soul you can send me the raw edit of Madame X Tour. 

    This is meant to be funny (because I already know it might not happen).  kkkkkk

    Happy birthday to me!:tongue:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. emanon


      @Enrico thanx. I would take any vaccine but this One i dont know... anyway, I'm Not priority even if i had to work With públic and never stoped working. Hope for the good

    3. Enrico


      Yes let's be optimistic! And how knows? I might be proven wrong and a major leak will happen in the next hours!! 

      madonna GIF

    4. artlover


      I would give anything for a vaccine shot and you guys say that.

      Life ain't fair.

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