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Blue Jean

Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Blue Jean

  1. 54 minutes ago, Redha DBL said:

    You couldn't be more far from what i think...  You make it sounds like i could be afraid cause she's too good or maybe jealous that a new female could bring something "unique" (to quote you) like Madonna did when in reality i really feel she's the epitome of silly music for 15 yo white girls who think they're rebels cause they drink a beer and give the middle finger. If you could feel how much i find that girl's music and universe dull and idiotic i think you would have a heart attack.

    What about 35 plus gay men who think they’re rebels cos they do coke and ketamine?

  2. 57 minutes ago, EgoRod said:

    I saw Charlie at Club Motherfucker in 2009, this was a dirty basement not far from my house with lots of bands and djs curated from MySpace. She sang with a ipod mini plugged to a tiny speaker. I loved her song Francheesckaar!! and something about a T-Rex. I knew of her because of some music blog I followed. She was the first act and we might be about 40 people in there.

    After that I saw her months later opening for Peaches at Southbank Electro Festival, I think we were about 10 people paying attention to her in a huge filling up auditorium.

    I thought she was cute and generic electro punk chick sound at the time. And then she went huge.

    I’ve never been a huge fan. Just some songs now and again. I saw her on tv perform at Sydney World Pride before Kylie and she lip synced the entire thing. Kylie put her to shame.

    But when Brat came out i gave it a listen a loved it. its a truly brilliant album.

  3. Most fans won't pay for something every month they already get for free on YouTube, existing streaming services, on here... And I can't see Madonna "curating" anything truly good/rare unless there's good money to be made like with vinyls. Also, any old interviews she doesn't own the rights to so that would cut into profits. So probably would never happen.

    The best hope would be that her team uploads that sort of stuff in good quality to her YouTube channel. Once they get done with upgrading her music videos by 2035 they can get started on other content.

  4. 34 minutes ago, Redha DBL said:

    Don't get me starting on Sia, i can't stand her voice... But i save that fight for another time. One fight a day will keep the haters away, two fights and they're blown away 

    Will you be attending the upcoming Kylie tour if she comes to France?

  5. 2 minutes ago, Redha DBL said:

    That is not the question uhhhh, i say her music sounds dated Period. It doesn't lead to another question about how many times i piss in a day or if prefer spaghettis or couscous. Her music sounds dated, that's all. Pepsi's Pepsi.

    I just wanted to know what you’re into so I can understand how you could possibly dislike Brat or consider it dated.

    I know you like Kylie. Was Padam Padam current sounding?

  6. 3 minutes ago, animalinstinct said:

    I’d love a Charli collab, but ‘Club Classics’ would probably be my last choice. I’d rather she appeared on an ‘Apple Remix’ 🍏💚

    Club classics is a grower. I’d be here for a Madonna feature on that one, it’s one of my faves

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