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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by New_Boy

  1. Why was the "Everybody" thread locked? 

    1. theglamorous


      Someone broke the third rule of "Everybody"

      Third rule of Everybody: if someone yells “stop!”, goes limp, or taps out, the fight is over.

    2. MDRA


      I'd rather ask why is it still featured? 

  2. Stuart Price +Disco -Madonna


    1. sidney78a


      this is one of the best things Ive listened in 22

      yeah maybe its a good idea to reach for him again 


  3. Kinda happy this forum is going away. Madonna's fandom has truly turned toxic...

    1. MCL_1993


      Don't you think lately, everyone is getting involved to be more generous?

  4. Is this really the world we're going to live in? Where any criticism is seen as a mortal wound?
    I certainly won't take the blame, or be ashamed about anything I've said. It was truly a minor thing, life goes on, other people will discover filters too.


    1. luckystar908


      It's exhausting, isn't it? God forbid you try to be constructive again. It's all so childish but as you say, life goes on :pray:

    2. New_Boy


      Wait, did you not find what I said to be constructive? If so, please forgive me for misunderstanding. I never for one second criticized what was being done other than the sheer in-your-face-ness of it all. But maybe this is  what the forum is at this point? Just certain users hogging it completely because of their own desire for validation?

    3. luckystar908


      Sorry if I didn't express myself properly. I was being cynical about you (and a few others) making a constructive comment and being called a "hater" for it. It's ridiculous, but that has happened to me too. Not the first example of this and won't be the last either. Let's stay positive :)

  5. I know we're in a rough period, but does anyone ever stop and wonder "Before I open this thread, will more than two people care? Is it informative? Or am I posting things we've had for five years?"

    1. realityisalways


      Do you have examples? To better understand your post.

  6. Anyone else excited for this camp excellence?


    1. RUADJAI


      this looks good. 

  7. I see some pointless topics popping up :eyesroll:

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