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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Sad
    Danton got a reaction from Madame Madonna in It's been a year and a half she hides her butt   
    ? évolution 

  2. Like
    Danton got a reaction from Voguerista in It's been a year and a half she hides her butt   
    ? évolution 

  3. Haha
    Danton reacted to Redha DBL in It's been a year and a half she hides her butt   
    She reads my thread ! That cannot be a coincidence !!!! Almost two years she clearly hides it and a few days after i create that discussion she reveals it full force ! No way that is a coincidence !
  4. Like
    Danton got a reaction from Voguerista in Madonna Song, This or That Game!   
    I deserve it / You must love me or you’ll see ?
  5. Like
    Danton got a reaction from Fighter in Madonna tested positive to coronavirus ANTIBODIES   
    I can hardly believe she was sick in Paris. She canceled a lot of dates and pretended that it was because of her injuries and not the flu. In addition, she canceled on Sunday March 1 but did the full show on Tuesday and the following Wednesday, then canceled on Saturday and finished Sunday in top form with a full show. Strange because when you have the flu you are sick for several days, but there she just canceled a concert here and there like she did in London and Lisbon. I hope this story about Covid is not a way to get rid of her untimely cancellations supposedly linked to her injuries ...
  6. Like
    Danton got a reaction from Alan Leggate in Madonna tested positive to coronavirus ANTIBODIES   
    I can hardly believe she was sick in Paris. She canceled a lot of dates and pretended that it was because of her injuries and not the flu. In addition, she canceled on Sunday March 1 but did the full show on Tuesday and the following Wednesday, then canceled on Saturday and finished Sunday in top form with a full show. Strange because when you have the flu you are sick for several days, but there she just canceled a concert here and there like she did in London and Lisbon. I hope this story about Covid is not a way to get rid of her untimely cancellations supposedly linked to her injuries ...
  7. Like
    Danton got a reaction from Voguerista in Madonna Song, This or That Game!   
    Fever -  Jump or 4 minutes ?
  8. Haha
    Danton got a reaction from Alfalfa_HampusFL in Next Album: What Style Should M Explore?   
    À christmas album or a cover album with standards
  9. Haha
    Danton got a reaction from DRY99O aka RCB in Next Album: What Style Should M Explore?   
    À christmas album or a cover album with standards
  10. Haha
    Danton got a reaction from confessed in Game: A to Z Madonna!   

  11. Like
    Danton reacted to DWMG in Next Album: What Style Should M Explore?   
    i was thinking... the best she can do now is take the DJs/Katy Perry route: record and release singles every 3 or 4 months. She can experiment with differents sounds, producers and writters without having to make a whole album with that. She can focus on one song and try to do the best with it. She doesn't even have to promote it because it's not a whole album/tour campaign.
    Maybe some of them sticks and becomes a moderate hit. In 2 years she can release a mixtape/EP with all of them, do a small show like TOC or even do a music video if the song does well.
    She can't be out for 4 years in the streaming era. Times changed and she has to do the best she can to adapt to it.
  12. Like
    Danton got a reaction from Voguerista in Madonna Song, This or That Game!   
    Ghosttown.   Drowned World or secret ?
  13. Like
    Danton got a reaction from Voguerista in Madonna Song, This or That Game!   
    Paradise (not for me)
    Music or Hung Up ?
  14. Like
    Danton got a reaction from Voguerista in Madonna tested positive to coronavirus ANTIBODIES   
    I can hardly believe she was sick in Paris. She canceled a lot of dates and pretended that it was because of her injuries and not the flu. In addition, she canceled on Sunday March 1 but did the full show on Tuesday and the following Wednesday, then canceled on Saturday and finished Sunday in top form with a full show. Strange because when you have the flu you are sick for several days, but there she just canceled a concert here and there like she did in London and Lisbon. I hope this story about Covid is not a way to get rid of her untimely cancellations supposedly linked to her injuries ...
  15. Like
    Danton got a reaction from Levon in Madonna Song, This or That Game!   
    I love New York
    Give it to me or Girl Gone Wild ? 
  16. Thanks
    Danton got a reaction from into the erotico in Madonna tested positive to coronavirus ANTIBODIES   
    I can hardly believe she was sick in Paris. She canceled a lot of dates and pretended that it was because of her injuries and not the flu. In addition, she canceled on Sunday March 1 but did the full show on Tuesday and the following Wednesday, then canceled on Saturday and finished Sunday in top form with a full show. Strange because when you have the flu you are sick for several days, but there she just canceled a concert here and there like she did in London and Lisbon. I hope this story about Covid is not a way to get rid of her untimely cancellations supposedly linked to her injuries ...
  17. Like
    Danton reacted to DFTFLX in Madonna tested positive to coronavirus ANTIBODIES   
    To be fair, I cannot think of a very famous person who is not a complete embarressment on social media. Though Madonna did completely lose all touch with reality many moons ago.
    Most of the public are also beyond tired of the endless celebrity activism and preaching - which generally feels opportunistic, poorly informed and hypocritical virtue singnalling of the most cynical kind.
    Can we please go back to the old days of reclusive stars full of mystery and mystique?
  18. Thanks
    Danton reacted to Redha DBL in It's been a year and a half she hides her butt   
    And actually the purpose of the thread is not to complain or bash her new butt, actually i never said if i like it or not, if i prefer her natural butt or the new one, you didn't hear my trash her, i just notice that she hasn't wear trousers a single time in almost two years. It's really not common, for anybody. She has always use her body to express herself and hiding (cause she' definitely hiding it) her butt for almost two years catch my attention. Exactly at the moment she had that procedure. 
  19. Thanks
    Danton reacted to MDNA22 in What Is Your Worst Madonna Albums?   
    Rebel Heart 
  20. Like
    Danton got a reaction from Voguerista in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
  21. Like
    Danton reacted to OceanBlue in Your Favorite THREE Ballad Videos by Madonna!   
    Noone mentions I want you ? Really ?
  22. Like
    Danton got a reaction from Mp1992 in Idolator: "Sticky & Sweet: Madonna’s ‘Hard Candy’ Turns 12"   
    One of her best record for me ! 
  23. Like
    Danton got a reaction from Voguerista in Idolator: "Sticky & Sweet: Madonna’s ‘Hard Candy’ Turns 12"   
    One of her best record for me ! 
  24. Thanks
    Danton got a reaction from Voguerista in Your Favorite THREE Ballad Videos by Madonna!   
    Bad girl - the power of goodbye - Rain
  25. Thanks
    Danton got a reaction from Voguerista in Your THREE Most Favorite Or Most Played Madonna Albums!   
    Today the most played are : Madame X - MDNA - Hard Candy   But globaly the best albums are : True Blue - Ray of Light - Confession on a dancefloor 
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