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    nodoman reacted to dankpepe in M has deleted the bath tube post   
    Absolutely right. Then they wonder why the public doesn't watch award shows where celebs give 'woke' speeches about how we need to live our lives or like the celebs who take 3 private gas guzzling jets, arrive with a multi-car entourage to tell us about climate change and how we need to bike to work
    Hollywood is very out of touch these days
  2. Thanks
    nodoman reacted to artlover in M has deleted the bath tube post   
    She was way more down to earth and smart back then. She wouldn't go through it by saying that or the other
  3. Like
    nodoman reacted to artlover in M has deleted the bath tube post   
    She was wrong from head to toe. To romanticize a situation like this is quite awful. The virus didn't come to bring us together. It came because it had to (a new pandemic appears around every ten years or so) and it won't bring peace. It will just kill homeless and poor people who can't choice to quarantine and not work outdoors so it's a win win for wealth people and capitalism. Madonna should have thought better and harder before saying stuff like that.
  4. Thanks
    nodoman reacted to CYSMM in M has deleted the bath tube post   
    it was ridiculous so thanks god she removed 
  5. Like
    nodoman reacted to PNutButter in Madame X Revenge: Quarantine Diaries   
    This quarantine has really been a wake up call for a lot of people in how out of touch celebrities are with regular people. I think when it's over (hopefully soon) things will change.
  6. Thanks
    nodoman reacted to truerebel in Madame X Revenge: Quarantine Diaries   
    That bath post makes me feel so, so sad. That Madonna "Magic" is gone, instead we are left with a shallow self who has completely lost touch with reality. 
  7. Thanks
    nodoman reacted to rlittler81 in Madame X Revenge: Quarantine Diaries   
    Let's face it, she's living in a bubble(s) these days!
  8. Like
    nodoman reacted to scion in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    I think some fans forget that even though S&S sparked her biggest tour ever, if they'd chosen to do a complete stadium tour for COADF, she probably would have far outdone S&S with The Confessions Stadium Tour. I'm not actually sure why they didn't.
  9. Like
    nodoman reacted to Andymad in Do You Miss Madame X?   
    Look I was very excited when she came up with all of these personas for MX. They were exciting and fresh for her, I couldn’t wait to see where it went! However once the album released, it really wasn’t anything I was jumping up and down about. And the personas kind of just went nowhere. I thought for sure after seeing her as a spy we’d get another Die Another Day. I thought she’d create something epic with that blue dress look with the pigtails. I was living for it.  Anyway. It is what it is. It was a fantastic concept for her but I don’t think she really had a well thought out plan for it. I don’t think she should have toured straight away. 
  10. Like
    nodoman got a reaction from kesiak in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    i honestly don't know why you think she'll retire after this. 
  11. Like
    nodoman got a reaction from MarXus in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    well, you do make it sound like retirement is around the corner hoping for one last era at least.
    there could be more. she's free now. might as well do this at her own pace and in more creative ways.
    maybe more experimental mini-albums. we'll see, but this is not the end of her!
  12. Haha
    nodoman reacted to scion in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    I'll write it in bloody stone 
  13. Haha
    nodoman reacted to aprilshack in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Wash your mouth out with soap and water you heathen!!! ?
  14. Like
    nodoman reacted to milotjuh in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    If anything, this tour has proven that she will keep working till she drops. Considering her insatiable drive, we do not have to fear her retiring anytime soon.
  15. Like
    nodoman got a reaction from Sheridan1980 in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    well, you do make it sound like retirement is around the corner hoping for one last era at least.
    there could be more. she's free now. might as well do this at her own pace and in more creative ways.
    maybe more experimental mini-albums. we'll see, but this is not the end of her!
  16. Haha
    nodoman reacted to scion in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Thank God it's over. I hope Madame X goes the same way in history as Bedtime Bory Madonna and Breathless.... rarely to ever be referenced again.

  17. Like
    nodoman got a reaction from milotjuh in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    i honestly don't know why you think she'll retire after this. 
  18. Like
    nodoman got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    i honestly don't know why you think she'll retire after this. 
  19. Like
    nodoman reacted to eXtremeOccident in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Not going to lie, I've never anticipated a post-era phase this much. This is the first time I truly have no idea what to expect from Madonna after she performs the show tonight. 
  20. Thanks
    nodoman reacted to mrsciccone in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    I am so happy when this fiasco finally comes to an end!!!!!!!
  21. Haha
    nodoman reacted to devilpray in Which album is Madonna's magnum opus?   
    Can we ban whoever voted Hard Candy? Lol
  22. Thanks
    nodoman reacted to truerebel in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    This complete and utter MESS of a tour should have ended MONTHS ago. It was clear she was not in the right physical shape to continue on and no matter how she tried to spin it; the damage was done between her and her core fan base. Stop throwing the "I hate to disappoint" BS in our faces, you're not doing us any favor by deciding last minute whether or not your majesty would perform. Regardless of who you are, the level of RESPECT is lost, the only concern she has is herself; which is fine and she should have taken proper steps to mend the injuries early on by adjusting the tour dates/cancelling in advance. Many of us worked hard to save money just to see a show, and your casual "CANCELLATION" (many times, last minute) is a slap in our face. 
    Those will continues to justify this that and the other, WAKE The F**K UP. She does not care about you! She has become more and more self centered and it's sad and pathetic watching it play out over the last 10 years. Enough, Madonna.....you are NOT above anyone else. 
  23. Like
    nodoman reacted to Angelo in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Are you serious?? Get a Better brain
    sounds good??
  24. Thanks
    nodoman reacted to aprilshack in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Wtf? Some of the money fans have spent won’t be recouped. Should she put her health first? Of course. Don’t you dare tell people to get a better job, work overtime. People on here work hard enough to pay for tix, flights etc. Who do you think you are telling people what they should do? It’s a risk going to gigs and shit happens, but you have no right telling people to get a better job. The fans who have paid money are human and have the right to feel disappointed. As someone who had their show cancelled last weekend I can feel disappointed & empathy at the same time. I won’t be told to get a better job. Go fuck yourself. If I get banned for Saying  that fine. You need to stop looking at life with rose tinted glasses mate. I expect to not being able to log on here in the morning, fine. It’s been nice on here until someone who think we can all get a better job overnight is an acceptable solution to fans loosing money on a trip is an acceptable solution. 
  25. Thanks
    nodoman reacted to G House in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    The audacity of saying this really makes me sick. It's not even my show and I'm mad because of this answer. 
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