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    FrozenRain got a reaction from rlittler81 in Tim Rice recalls Evita Oscars   
    5 minutes before showtime she decided to give herself those bangs..
    The performance was very classy, but personally I don't connect with the Evita era Madonna at all.
  2. Haha
    FrozenRain got a reaction from RUADJAI in Madonna and Diablo finished the script!   
    i do like that Lucy O'Brien Guardian article. Rocketman took like ten years to make so i guess we can't expect the Madonna film anytime soon. She will keep teasing us from her sofa for sure.
  3. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Glindathegood in Madonna and Diablo finished the script!   
    i do like that Lucy O'Brien Guardian article. Rocketman took like ten years to make so i guess we can't expect the Madonna film anytime soon. She will keep teasing us from her sofa for sure.
  4. Haha
    FrozenRain reacted to o_g_c_x in Live To Tell: The Story of Madonna’s Life   
    The title will be "CANDY SHOP" and you know it
  5. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from rlittler81 in Madonna and Ruby Wax Interview 1994 - a revelation by Wax   
    at least she got M to do the interview lying on the bed at the Ritz. A first and last time for Madonna.
  6. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Voguerista in Madonna and Diablo finished the script!   
    the pre-fame story is the obvious choice, but must admit i'd love to see behind the scenes after she shot to incredible fame and her life become a public domain.
  7. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from PlayPause in Madonna and Diablo finished the script!   
    the pre-fame story is the obvious choice, but must admit i'd love to see behind the scenes after she shot to incredible fame and her life become a public domain.
  8. Thanks
    FrozenRain got a reaction from gonna dress u up in Madonna In the First Place of Billboard's Greatest Music Video Artists of All Time   
    Queen of Music Video! Billboard got it right.
  9. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Glindathegood in Madonna and Diablo finished the script!   
    the pre-fame story is the obvious choice, but must admit i'd love to see behind the scenes after she shot to incredible fame and her life become a public domain.
  10. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Voguerista in Madonna In the First Place of Billboard's Greatest Music Video Artists of All Time   
    Queen of Music Video! Billboard got it right.
  11. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Semtex1 in Madonna In the First Place of Billboard's Greatest Music Video Artists of All Time   
    Queen of Music Video! Billboard got it right.
  12. Haha
    FrozenRain got a reaction from DancingInCircles in Who should play Madonna in the screenplay?   
    lady gaga!
    ..just kidding! Imo the acting ability is more important than how much the actor looks like Madonna.
    Who knows.. maybe they'll cast a man for the role
  13. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Voguerista in Who should play Madonna in the screenplay?   
    lady gaga!
    ..just kidding! Imo the acting ability is more important than how much the actor looks like Madonna.
    Who knows.. maybe they'll cast a man for the role
  14. Haha
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Blue Jean in Kim Kardashian and Best Friend Name "Highlighter" After Madonna's "Cherish"   
    That's just lovely. Too bad M has adamantly disliked the song since day 1
  15. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Voguerista in Kim Kardashian and Best Friend Name "Highlighter" After Madonna's "Cherish"   
    In a 1989 interview with Molly Meldrum M said about Cherish, “I mean like it. I think it’s a very catchy, sweet song and I almost didn’t put it on the album because I thought thematically I felt it was the black sheep.”
    Ok, she wasn't really dissing Cherish back then, but she has since called the song retarded.
  16. Thanks
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Voguerista in Kim Kardashian and Best Friend Name "Highlighter" After Madonna's "Cherish"   
    That's just lovely. Too bad M has adamantly disliked the song since day 1
  17. Like
    FrozenRain reacted to Roland Barthes in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    Madonna can't please everybody. I remember fans not liking Vogue when it was released after the more organic Like a Prayer singles (some even hated the Pettibone remix of EY). I remember people trashing COADF after American Life (this one being trashed by others) and Music, some really hated that single.
    Does it mean it's good or bad ? It's just opinions and people are too involved. I for one hated You'll See and that boring Evita period. I didn't think True Blue was a solid album. Do i think i'm right ? It's just my taste and its not better than the next person's.
    The question is, it's ok to not like something but why forcing your opinions on others ? You need the validation because you can't stand your ground on your own ? Why looking for validation in critics or social medias ? Do you like or dislike something based on your gut feelings or do you need the permission and approval of others to feel secure about your own taste ?
    Instead of questionning Madonna, which will avail to nothing (she does what she wants) maybe you should either question yourself or just come back when you'll actually enjoy her again...or take a break from her. Madonna evolves and so does our taste it can't always match. I quite like You'll See now. I loved MDNA when it was released, i can't even bare to look at that album now.
    Madonna tried so many styles and genres musically and got new fans with each that it's impossible for her now to satisfy everybody. She's not the only one. Yesterday Sufjan Stevens released a synth pop track that got his fans mad, the ones who are still expecting a Chicago #2.
    That's the problem with internet and forums, at the end of the day it's the same for every pop stars, disappointed fans are always louder than the ones who enjoy things.Internet is just a place to rant now. I wonder if people are still able to enjoy something anymore. Too scared to say they love something when someone who doesn't keeps telling it's trash and tries to get into people's heads to convince them it is. Times are really hard, focus on what brings you joy and pleasure and share your enthusiasm, there are really shitty things going on in the world right now, a remix is trivial compared to that. Let people get their lives from the things they enjoy and find your own without raining on people's parade. Cynism and negativity are the most shared things on internet when all we need right now is to find a way out, an escape. For some it's a remix, for others it's to rant about the meanest things and belittle people.
    I like this remix and im happy some people find joy in it in this shitty time. Find your own joy and happiness (hopefully not in putting others down because you're down even though misery loves company).
  18. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Mr. Peanutbutter Horseman in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    By today's standards that particular story is problematic and would not be published now, wether it be fantasy or not. In 1992 it was non issue. Just goes to show how we have changed as a society. SEX book is very much a product if its time.
  19. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Ayham in Thoughts on this ONE PART of the SEX book   
    By today's standards that particular story is problematic and would not be published now, wether it be fantasy or not. In 1992 it was non issue. Just goes to show how we have changed as a society. SEX book is very much a product if its time.
  20. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Ayham in Billy Steinberg about Like A Virgin   
    Oh M ..always the charmer. I don't think he's bitter about it, just a funny showbiz story. Like a Virgin launched Madonna's career and probably is still her best known song so I guess she's aware of the significance.
  21. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Voguerista in Wannabe's!   
    Gotta love the 80s. The fanbase was very white I must say.
  22. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from RUADJAI in New Tony Ward Documentary to feature Madonna interview   
    M & Tony were so hot together
  23. Like
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Voguerista in The Talk - Sharon Osbourne: Madonna Is 'a victim of her own ageism'   
    Shady Sharon being shady again.. oh well. Next
  24. Thanks
    FrozenRain got a reaction from Voguerista in RATE the Jean-Baptiste Mondino Videos!   
    1.Open Your Heart
    2.Human Nature
    3.Justify My Love
    4.Don't Tell Me
    6.Love Don't Live Here Anymore -did they elongate M here somehow? How Paula Abdul of her..
  25. Haha
    FrozenRain got a reaction from RUADJAI in Madonna tested positive to coronavirus ANTIBODIES   
    The Antibodies made her do it.
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