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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Scottyx in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    she never looked prettier than in this picture
  2. Haha
    TOpher reacted to ChrisK in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    She looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! YASSSSSS BITCH!
  3. Haha
    Sorry to all the haters, but this is everything. It was a romantic love letter to the company that helped make her who she was, and who she helped become who they are. No one else BUT her should/could have opened the 40th Anniversary year VMAs.  She got a standing ovation, she didn't stumble on her words.. she started over because the applause was still going. (and maybe she forgot what year it was because we all lost a damn year) She did a backwards pivot in 10 inch fuck me porn star heels so she made sure not to eat the floor. and then gave the kids what they wanted. Quite possibly the only memorable moment they would see tonight. 
    I for one am more excited than ever of what is to come from her. It's quite obvious she doesn't take life/herself/her career as serious as some of you do. Some are saying she is trying to hard, but I see it as she doesn't give a fuck. Artists are here to disturb your ideas of how things should be. 
  4. Like
    TOpher reacted to deathproof in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    she shoulda kept the curls 
  5. Haha
    TOpher got a reaction from Ziploc in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    Well that was unfortunate.
  6. Like
    TOpher reacted to scion in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    That's the point though.

    She could look phenomenal because she was so beautiful. But she's literally ruined herself, and dressing in outfits like this monstrosity doesn't make her look brilliant for her age, it makes her look sad, no matter how pert her body is or whether she has zero wrinkles.

    There's nothing authentic about her now. She doesn't look like Madonna, doesn't impress like Madonna and doesn't focus on quality music like Madonna.

    That's what gets me down with her... even though the latter two issues I feel she could readily rectify if only she wanted to.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Gambler in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    I love her!!! That introduction to the show was amazing!!! She is THE ICON !!!
  8. Like
    TOpher reacted to eXtremeOccident in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    I’m sorry, I love the woman….as do all of us here.
    I don’t recognize who this is. Everything that was cool about Madonna is gone nowadays. She has zero confidence and tries SO hard. She looked absolutely absurd tonight. Like an overinflated balloon sex doll.
    I don’t get who she’s trying to appeal to. She seems so…lost.
    I feel really sad for her. That divorce and the aftermath ruined her.
  9. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Sultrysully in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    As opposed to what other 63 year olds'  appearance?  She looks amazing.  
  10. Like
    TOpher got a reaction from Pootz333 in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    Well that was unfortunate.
  11. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Sultrysully in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    To me, it just looks like a bit of weight gain pushed around by the wardrobe.  The spank-nets and panties are altering her appearance.  As well, the corset and bra are altering her boobs.  She looks a bit thick for Madonna standards but still a hottie.   I am not worried a bit.  She looked much less healthy during the oversculpted, American Life era.  This is really just weight gain and costume.  Glad to see her out and about.
  12. Like
    TOpher reacted to Andreo in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    I never make negative comments, especially on her body, but I hate this. She was naturally beautiful and now she's a completely different person. Why is she doing this? The filters, the lack of confidence, even the butt implants damaging her legs, why? I'm worried for her, really, she is like a totally different person, I hope she will understand one day, that she never needed surgery or to act "cooler" because she was already unique and beautiful before that. Sorry, just my irrelevant thought. 
  13. Like
    TOpher reacted to DiegoLCL in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    I'm going to say it before the positivity police arrives and I'll leave:
    Why does she have to try this hard? Everything looked terribly edited and filtered; might as well do it directly on animation next time... why bother shooting at Time Squares? She couldn't say one sentence without stumble and she literally couldn't walk with those heels... I'm not going to comment on her body because what I find even sadder is that you can't see a trace of confidence in her anymore.
  14. Like
    TOpher reacted to TwistedRope in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    Jesus the fact that it makes a fold in her skin when she turns sideways… It must be so heavy! Like I’m not against her looking how she wants to look, but when she’s put so much effort in to recovery from her hip and knee issues, surely she’s just putting herself at risk for more problems by having that. That’s what’s annoying, is that she’s just going to end up damaging herself, when she’s always been such a stickler for being healthy and doing whatever she can to treat herself and her career right.
  15. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Fabiolous in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    She looks OK, it doesn't look any different from, say, the Medellín music video. I don't think it's photoshop, it's just how her face looks + lighting and color correction 
  16. Like
    TOpher reacted to deathproof in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    Babe, we all saw the paparazzi shots of thr Times Square filming…
    It was heavily filtered and photoshopped 
  17. Like
    TOpher reacted to TwistedRope in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    I’m annoyed the cameras weren’t on her when she took the coat off, that would have been a fun moment!
    It’s sad to see her lacking confidence in her delivery just reading the lines out though. Once upon a time we’d have felt so at ease with her owning that kind of situation. I know it’s terrible to think but it sort of makes me wish she wouldn’t put herself in these live moments, cause it makes her vulnerable.
  18. Like
    TOpher got a reaction from cyberrage in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    Well that was unfortunate.
  19. Haha
    TOpher reacted to the queen in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    why.. i'm crying now... her face is.. I just don't get it. this is not live but they use this cut?
  20. Like
    TOpher reacted to stefo in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    Wow really?! WE NEED A LINK HERE IN EU!
    please, in the meanwhile, update us and, if possible, record her moment to share it ( after the Brits, the Eurovision and the 2021 Pride event, I have to admit that when I hear she's going to perform I'm also a little scared for her )
  21. Haha
    TOpher reacted to wonderboy in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    I was told LIVE performance.... and I wouldnt be surprised if she has Lil Nas X join her! (Also youre a DC gay? I'm in Delaware!)
  22. Haha
    TOpher reacted to scion in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Still a better performance than Eurovision tbh [emoji102][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Haha
    TOpher reacted to Danton in Madame X Tour DVD   
    frankly the madame x tour in streaming or on dvd is a snack - we waited so long for this dvd that interest has weakened ... 3 years that she has not recorded a song not even a single, a movie soundtrack ... nothing and she doesn't seem to have a musical project for a long time (if she has to shoot her biopic first) - we are not in her head but what about if she does not intend to record any music anymore. May this deal with warner to bring out all his old stuff with bonus is a sign of the end of her musical days ? ... what if her musical career was over ? 
  24. Thanks
    TOpher reacted to thegoldencalf in Madame X Tour DVD   
    And let’s not forget those Covid diaries lol.
    Now only if she stopped sharing videos of her kids it would be perfect
  25. Like
    TOpher reacted to Andreo in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Yeah I'm sure she bought a new home with a big ass recording studio in it just not to use it and retire definitely 
    It's normal to be impatient, but let's not be overdramatic, she has so many things in store for us,  we're gonna get a ridiculous amount of new stuff coming in the next years, from unreleaseds and remasters to a movie and possibly a new hits compilation and new music, it's not like she's sitting on her ass all day lol
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