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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. So does anybody really feel to share a single old unreleased track during this shitty moment? C'me on you guys, let's raise the mood, at least with one new song to celebrate with! :pray:

    (Bedtime Stories era most desired)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Debrah


      There's always more wonderful stuff to be leaked, but the BAT New Jersey was already quite a wonderful share .... "to want more would be greed" ! :-)

    3. deathproof


      On 4/25/2020 at 7:24 AM, Debrah said:

      How about I'll PM you a list of those money-grabbing sellers' email addies? You can buy stuff for a few hundies or thousands of $ from them (because it's perfectly reasonable to sell/buy stolen material for hundreds of dollars, isn't it?) and then you can share them for free with everyone here to enjoy, how about that? No, really?  I didn't think so.  :smile:

      i still have my stimulus check. what can one get with $1200?

    4. Debrah


      With $1200 , you can get food to a family in Burundi to eat and survive for more than 2 years.   Or I guess you can buy a crappy, re-encoded and purposely cut-short "B-roll" from some greedy and dishonest seller, and watch Madonna do the same head movement for an hour.  

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