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    MarXus reacted to Mister_Pop in Madonna's Eurovision performance surges due to Corona Virus   
    Future is such a good song, yet so different for Madonna, once again...
  2. Thanks
    MarXus reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in Madonna's Eurovision performance surges due to Corona Virus   
    It's due to the performance itself.
    I mean she literally starts by asking for divine intervention ( like a prayer) followed by a song where she says "we're just not ready to act, the storm isn't in the air, it's inside of us" "the wind that's beginning to haul" followed by people in masks falling to their feet, right before she starts a song with the following chorus: "not everyone is coming to the future, not everyone is learning from the past" "not everyone that's here is gonna last" while pointing to the crowd?
    Conspiracy theorists are having a field day with this! It's a huge coincidence and It's already making news lool
  3. Haha
    MarXus reacted to wtg1987 in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Your comment about turn up the radio made me laugh out loud and it’s so true too ?? this guy MarXus just seems to argue with everyone on here so I would just let it be ? he can’t let someone’s opinion just slide 
  4. Haha
    MarXus reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour DVD   
    You should have witness the reaction of a girl standing next to me, I think it was in Rome or Milan. She wanted to hear LAV so much, she got crazy when she heard the snippet before TUTR, when she heard the Waltz version she almost killed M for destroying the song. That version was definitely for die hard fans only.
  5. Like
    MarXus reacted to madgefan in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I'm happy she stopped doing those throwback montages she started using during the DWT. It was fun the first time during Music, it was good during the intro of Music Inferno in 2006 but reusing the concept AGAIN in 2008 was just meh. Talk about running out of ideas.
    The Madame X Tour, though it included old ideas (American flag on the stage, military stuff, and black robes for Like A Prayer) still felt fresh. I hope they make the show justice by putting a great edited film. Madonna's artistic vision on stage at 61 remains untouchable.

  6. Like
    MarXus reacted to LikeAMelody in So.. people believe Madonna predicted coronavirus   
    Love your posts but where does she mock/snub God or Jesus? I missed it. 
    The church yes, I believe she has been critical. 
  7. Thanks
    MarXus reacted to Blue Prince in So.. people believe Madonna predicted coronavirus   
    Well they'd never compare to the hardcore Swifties who are almost capable of counting each hole of her sweater and calculate when her next album is coming. Madonna with Future presented the world's end from human stupidity leading to an environmental reaction, something we all fear will happen sooner or later. There was fire, there was hail and blizzard, probably radiation too, hence the masks with flowers (probably giving off rare oxygen). But people never discuss the cute things she does. Fans never discuss the cute things she does. They only care about the notes she never hit. Good thing Future is getting some attention now. Maybe those morons have good music taste after all.
  8. Like
    MarXus reacted to Piksel8 in So.. people believe Madonna predicted coronavirus   
    Saw this weeks ago and I didn't even bother finishing it, the first 2 points were too stretched. That's how Dr. Oz made his money!
  9. Thanks
    MarXus reacted to madgefan in Madame X Tour DVD   
    To get the inspiration you need to feel you can still enjoy her? How basic is that. What about doing another Confessions Tour?
    Madonna's done dance-pop music since the year 0 and already created everlasting hits that the whole world will still remember even after her death. The fact she's not doing these so called gay anthems that attract the masses doesn't mean she's lost it or she's less of an artist herself.
    Seriously, people if you don't feel happy with the current Madonna you might as well move on with your lives and start appreciating other artists if you feel like it. It's the healthiest you can do. Same for those that are longing for a stadium/arena tour. Not.gonna.happen.soon. Maybe never again.
  10. Like
    MarXus reacted to Régine Filange in So.. people believe Madonna predicted coronavirus   
    i don't think they're joking cuz they're bored, they're mental ill i swear

  11. Haha
    MarXus reacted to PaperFaces in So.. people believe Madonna predicted coronavirus   
    Of course. She's also responsible for the cancelling of the Like a Prayer re-issue in April.
  12. Like
    MarXus reacted to madgefan in So.. people believe Madonna predicted coronavirus   
    People are really bored these days. Maybe they should start cleaning up their houses, or I don't know, doing zumba to keep their energies busy.
  13. Like
    MarXus reacted to Ian in So.. people believe Madonna predicted coronavirus   
    whatta bunch of psychos
  14. Like
    MarXus reacted to tajybajyboo in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Ahh! The memories. It was 2005. There was no corona virus and every Saturday night was a party! I hope all the shit going on the world right now inspires her to create  something uplifting, energetic and fun. God knows, we all need our spirits raised right now. 
  15. Haha
    MarXus reacted to tajybajyboo in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I agree! I loved Medellin too. It was not  what I was expecting at all, and guess it was a bit 'marmite' for some. It's not so much a song that sounds exactly like Hung Up, but something that evokes that sense of urgency to rush to the dance floor! Going a bit off topic, but I'm loving Dua Lipa's Physical at the moment and even Stupid Love has that energy. Maybe Madonna could move in to gay club for the next 4 years to get some inspiration! Ha ha!    
  16. Like
    MarXus reacted to Mister_Pop in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Medellin was and still is for me uplifting energetic and fun. It seems I will never grow tired of that song, purely magical... But maybe only for me, the general public and many fans wants Hung Up again, because it was a magical + year-end era. You know that will never happen, it would be uplifting energetic and fun, but certainly not Hung Up again.
    And when you thing about it, if you compare to other pop artists, it's incredible how Madonna never repeats herself. Each single seems to be unique in her catalogue. That is also the kind of respect she has for herself, her art and her fans too. Always evolving to keep a real interest and be upgrading pop.
  17. Haha
    MarXus reacted to madenis in Madame X Tour DVD   
  18. Haha
    MarXus reacted to madenis in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Have you searched on youporn ?
  19. Like
    MarXus reacted to LikeAMelody in Debi Mazar do not agree with M (her bath speech)   
    Madonna was being philosophical but it's real for Debi right now. I do not think either is wrong because they said what they said from whatever they were experiencing at the moment. 
    I am getting increasingly concerned about the virus in my position. I wish I could stay home. Like Madonna, I have been somewhat philosophical as well. 
    As I saw people becoming more anxious and fearful and then having to isolate themselves I realized that practically everything I do is exactly what people are having a nervous breakdown over. I spent almost my whole life in isolation...watching everyone else have relationships and enjoying life. Isolating myself for a couple of months would be a cakewalk. My life is the same except for not going to cafes and not dog walking. I go straight to work and come straight home.  
    It has somehow made me think that I am unselfish and stronger than I ever dreamed. I think that might be along the lines of what Madonna was getting at. 
    I don't wish people to be unhappy but I could not help but think "welcome to my world; how does it feel?" People do not understand how some can be so sad yet they are separated from people for a couple of weeks and can't deal with it.  I feel forced into isolation because I could never find anyone to unconditionally love me. I have made myself be alone but I never want to be. 
    Anyway...I wanted to explain why I am defending Madonna so ardently on this one. I believe I have taken a bath with rose petals even in my first humble apartment. I was focused on her mood and her words. Everyone else is commenting on her looks, rose petals, she's sitting in a bathtub....
  20. Thanks
    MarXus reacted to tajybajyboo in M has deleted the bath tube post   
    Oh the irony of people criticizing Madonna for having a point of view, saying she’s out of touch, when just a few, short weeks ago they were complaining about their show being cancelled! Boo hoo you. A concert that many of us paid hundreds, if not thousands of dollars/euros/pounds for - but that’s okay because all the terrible things going on in the world didn’t matter back then, as long we got to see our show!
    Now this virus is on our doorstep, and she, like everyone one else is scared and vulnerable, and yet people seem to forgot everything she did during the AIDS epidemic, and all the things she’s been doing quietly raising money, building schools, orphanages and hospitals for an impoverished and long-forgotten, African nation, ravaged by AIDS, over the last 2 decades! Was she out of touch with reality then, or maybe people just didn’t give a shit, because that wasn’t their problem?
    Just because she has hard-earned wealth and privilege, doesn’t mean she can’t be worried for her friends and family. It’s not just about her. I’m sure she has elderly relatives and that was the point she was making - coronavirus doesn’t care how wealthy, famous or celebrated you are. There are no barriers and there is no cure. No one is immune and being treated in a clean, private hospital or a dirty, public hospital won’t make any difference. Where you live and how many staff you have is utterly irrelevant. If you get it and you’re a certain age or have underlying health problems, then you’re at a higher risk of dying. That’s it. People should stop denouncing celebrities for their wealth and privilege because it’s utterly irrelevant.
    Saving the world is not Madonna’s problem, but fans on this forum should know far better than most, how much she has already done to help it.
  21. Thanks
    MarXus reacted to confessed in M has deleted the bath tube post   
    Truth, but I said I don't read comments under her posts. I don't understand why post negative comments if they just don't like the person? Just don't follow and ignore. I know sometimes she's out of touch but for some people she's just a punchbag and has always been
  22. Thanks
    MarXus reacted to confessed in M has deleted the bath tube post   
    I never read comments under her instagram posts. What a waste of time! People say shit because they have nothing to do in their lives, why should I care about what random people say of her age/face/boyfriend
  23. Like
    MarXus reacted to Ian in Debi Mazar do not agree with M (her bath speech)   
    I think Debi might have been a tad irresponsible , she, knowing full well there's a pandemic going on , having experienced what might be early symptoms from the virus, had a "fun night with friends" and went out and did all of what she mentioned -ran some errands, granted she's a mom- while having in the back of her mind that she might have had the virus even if she was told she didn't meet the criteria.
    Anyway, it would be very sad to see M and Debi grow distant because of it -as with everything , we don't know the full story-
    I do wish for Debi and her family to get well , this virus has taken even healthy people , I'm scared too , like -I assume.-all of Us are.
    I do think too that M took it down because of Debi
  24. Thanks
    MarXus reacted to Ian in POLL: What is your favorite "Water" Video Between Power Of Goodbye, Love Profusion, Cherish, and Rain?   
    ^Take a chill pill will ya? I wasn't being super negative or anything, I was just pointing out something, absolutely no need to be so defensive ok
    sorry you took it so badly and had to take it out on my comment
    and I did vote for POG which I like, only I liked Rain better is that so wrong? Geez some people
  25. Like
    MarXus reacted to Enrico in Come on! Vogue: 30 Year Anniversary   
    I don't know how many follow Luca Tommassini on IG, but during these quarantine days he is teaching a choreo to his followers that also includes Vogue (unfortunately, only a small part of the chorus, the easiest):
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