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    MarXus got a reaction from rlittler81 in Unpopular Madonna Opinions   
    While I agree to a point, but in a way it was "her last great record" commercially.  From there, it has gone down hill, and that is why I think people think of it as "her last great record."   But to me, commercial success doesn't measure a great album.  I love Rebel Heart so  much. I feel that is a great record too.  Hard Candy is another fun record, but still none of them seem to have that something extra special that Confessions seemed to have.  There is something about a number of her albums that really make them shine more than others.  I feel the same with albums like Ray of Light and Like A Prayer.   They all definitely mark a time that she really went all out and put her heart and soul into.  Not to say, she hasn't on other albums, but you can really feel the passion, the messages and love poured into them.  You can really listen to those albums from start to finish and still be "wowed" by it all.  Also, if you think about it, those three albums really made a huge impact among her fan base and gaining new fans.  I've yet to have that sort of feeling for her albums since Confessions. 
  2. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from Glindathegood in Unpopular Madonna Opinions   
    I don't think she cares either.   Personally, there are some pics (if I was her) I wouldn't have post, but I am not sure she's taking it so seriously.  We know she prefers Instagram as a way to communicate with her fans.  To me, it makes sense being she's such a visual artist.  I think she just has fun with it. 
  3. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from NowRadiate in Celebrities you think resemble Madonna   
    I always thought Gwen resembled Madonna a lot.
  4. Haha
    MarXus got a reaction from vespertine in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I hear "voices" too! 
  5. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from NowRadiate in The Lost Art in Singles and B-Sides   
    I miss physical singles.  I miss going into a music store and thumbing through her singles and albums.  I also remembered always checking out the Billboard Charts in the 80's/90's as well. 
    For me, the 12 inch Maxi Single of Open Your Heart really stands out to me. At the time, I hadn't seen 12 inch singles yet, so imagine me freaking out seeing an album size of the single.  I remember being confused what it was.  This was late '86 and by summer of '87, I had collected most of her 12 inches. I remember visiting my grandparents, who lived in a bigger city and finding many more. I still kick myself not getting the Gambler 12 inch.  But I had so much money, and I sacrificed that one for the more popular singles of the time. 
    Great topic by the way. 
  6. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from gonna dress u up in The Lost Art in Singles and B-Sides   
    Personally, the True Blue single covers were all my favs. 

  7. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from VogueMusic in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    Yeah, I see this thread getting ugly.  All I am going to say is; even if there was something amiss with her these days, we've had a good run of entertainment and music from her. 4 decades and not many entertainers can claim that.
    I don't necessarily agree things have gone down hill for her in the past years.  I also don't think her management is really the problem. After all, she's totally in charge.  I know some hate Guy O., but he's been wanting to do more with her past work (like most fans want), but Madonna is preventing that from happening. She's always had a keen sense in business as Guy O.  Of course, nothing is perfect.  Nothing is always guaranteed.  Though, she's hardly living in the poor house.  She's still touring and recording music that she wants to record despite what some fans think.  In the end, it's her ship.  It's bound to hit some icebergs.  No one can bat a 1000 all the time.  I think some fans get stuck in an era or two and enjoy and want her to keep producing that same sort of magic.  Sorry, that's not Madonna.  She evolves and I think some fans have a hard time doing the same. All I know is that I still enjoy her very much.  That's what I try to concentrate on.  I don't believe worrying about Madonna's career at this point is something we should concern ourselves with especially when there are far more important things to worry about.  I prefer to enjoy what she gives us, than pick apart what isn't perfect. After all, I've enjoy so much from her, more than not.
    What's next?  I'm sure something fantastic and enjoyable like all her past work.  I'm sure she's going to take some time to get her health back on track, and then probably look into doing a film.  Then an album again. 
  8. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from Glindathegood in Will Madonna Ever Have A Hit Single Again?   
    Again, I can appreciate your wishful thoughts here, but bringing those people together will not promise another big hit from her. And people have been holding on this idea of her "pulling a Cher" forever now.  It's not going to happen. In fact, "Believe" did not become an instant hit when it was first released.  Eventually, it did, but it simply was one of those flukes in music history.  You can't force that to happen.  Expecting Madonna to repeat some formula (which she never does) or someone else success, is going to set you up with a lot of disappointments.
    By the way, Shep hasn't produce any music since the late 90's.  He's a Nightclub owner. 
  9. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from WopaelWopael in Madame X VIP Book on sale for...$225.00   
    Yeah, when I first saw that it was available, I thought that it may be around that price.  When I saw the actual amount, I was like "Fuck that!". Still, it's supposed to be a limited edition item, so I can see why they are trying to sell it for a hefty price.
  10. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from Roy in Warning Signs: Has anyone really ever heard it?   
    Nope!  It's only because Madonna mentioned she wrote/sang three songs for the soundtrack and later people were able to look up the published songs at the time, we knew it existed.  It's the same for DSS, she wrote a song of the same name as the movie. No one has heard that either. 
  11. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from Levon in What M song made you a FAN?   
    Which one finally sealed the deal, or do they all come as a package to you? 
  12. Thanks
    MarXus got a reaction from boytoy77 in Filming of MX tour   
    You know, if you were a bit more kinder with your words, weren't calling us names throughout, it might be a little bit easier to give you some room here with your claim, but all through this thread you are saying everyone else has been rude or insulting, when you have.  I mean if you can't even see that you've done that, how can you expect someone to take you seriously with your claim.  I'm done here!  You've done nothing but argue about the most silliest thing, claiming we all have been rude to you, but all through your argument you've called us ignorant, blind, seeing out of our butts, brainless, and the list goes on. 
    What a waste of time on your part when you could have at least argued your point much more effectively if you were much nicer about it, rather so focus on wanting to be right.  If you read back, I was all willing to believe it could have been altered, but the more you insulted and berated us, the less effective you were. 
  13. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from boytoy77 in Filming of MX tour   
    Sorry, it has nothing to do with "refusing to accept".  Anyone who watches the version with the white corset (which actually if I recall it was more of an off white/pinkish), see's that white section you're pointing out.  It doesn't overspill as much as the black does.  The purple was not colorized. 
  14. Thanks
    MarXus got a reaction from boytoy77 in Filming of MX tour   
    Yes!  Therefore, it was not digitally colored as suspected.  You see her black undergarment throughout the time in her purple corset which in the white you do not!!  So do you want to continue to insult our eyesight and brain function when you have just proven it wasn't digitally colored.
    I don't care for an apology, but you should at least apologize to @boytoy77because you belittle him just as well for trying to prove to you it wasn't colorized.
  15. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from boytoy77 in Filming of MX tour   
    Well, you're screen shot (with the arrow) on her chest is conveniently covering the black undergarnment, but anyone who plays the video at 1:07 to 1:10, comparing it to the other image you posted, shows that she isn't wearing black undergarment with the white corset one. 
  16. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from boytoy77 in Filming of MX tour   
    Oh I know I am going to regret this,,,, but you've proved nothing.  Look at @thelioncourtheart_'s video comparison. The other video; where she's wearing the purple corset, when she's standing at that point, you see the black undergarment coming out of her cleveage.   Go back between the 1:07 t0 1:10 mark in the video he posted with the purple corset and you'll see the black undergarment popping out of her chest.  It's the same similar movement as in your above pic, but it's not the same.  Here I'll even post the video at the exact spot to prove to you:   As you can see, you see black undergarment coming out of the top of her corset, but you don't see that in the above pic.  If you watch the whole part on the platform, you can pretty much see the undergarment the whole time.  Again, you do not see that in the other with the white corset. 
  17. Thanks
    MarXus got a reaction from boytoy77 in Filming of MX tour   
    There's no joke there.  You just furthered clarified you were insulting.  LOL! All this talk about me being "rude", and look at you!   Pot... Kettle... Black Much!! 
  18. Thanks
    MarXus got a reaction from boytoy77 in Filming of MX tour   
    Once again you are losing your argument by continuing to be insulting, while not backing up any of your claims with proof!
    Studies?  On this corset change of color? Are you joking?  LOL!  Yes, please show me the studies.  I want to see these studies.  Yes, prove my ignorance because this is the first I've heard of this. You can't just sit here and claim something is true over and over and hope your insulting tactics are going to prove something here. 
    What's being "classy" got to do with this?  I was making a point!  You are obsessed with certain topics with very little matter, to the point you want to argue excessively over.  Your posts in this thread within the last hour only prove this.  You keep arguing about something that you can't even prove and anyone who asks you to prove it, you insult them as you have me and @boytoy77, over and over in this thread so far.  I've been respectful with all my responses and have not insulted you once. 
    I'm going to just bow out of this exhausting corset conversation with you.  If that makes me unclassy" or "rude" for saying that, then so be it.  I have nothing to prove here!  You do! 
  19. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from boytoy77 in Filming of MX tour   
    But wait?  So you don't know either, yet insult anyone who challenges your claim?  @boytoy77explains logically how it's possible.  You keep insisting it's true, yet begging other people to verify it for you. If you're so damn sure, prove it.  
    Again, this is such a silly argument.  If that makes me rude for pointing this out, I'm sorry.  It's just this isn't even what this topic began to be, and now you're insulting people with logic when you can't back up your own claim.
    If anyone is being rude it's you.  You're the one calling people names, saying we have "unaltered eye sight and intact brain function" and saying we're watching with our "butts" rather our eyes?  Neither one of us insulted you or used any such tactics to argue our points.  But we're the ones being rude?? 
  20. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from boytoy77 in Filming of MX tour   
    Look dude, that has nothing to do with this.  I was not rude. It's just how you chose to interpret it, since I refused to argue over something you obsess over. That happened several weeks ago. Today is today. Please check your drama at the door, before dragging other people into a private conversation that you're playing victim to.  And you wonder why I blocked you from messaging me any further?  
  21. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from Qrusch in The Lost Art in Singles and B-Sides   
    I miss physical singles.  I miss going into a music store and thumbing through her singles and albums.  I also remembered always checking out the Billboard Charts in the 80's/90's as well. 
    For me, the 12 inch Maxi Single of Open Your Heart really stands out to me. At the time, I hadn't seen 12 inch singles yet, so imagine me freaking out seeing an album size of the single.  I remember being confused what it was.  This was late '86 and by summer of '87, I had collected most of her 12 inches. I remember visiting my grandparents, who lived in a bigger city and finding many more. I still kick myself not getting the Gambler 12 inch.  But I had so much money, and I sacrificed that one for the more popular singles of the time. 
    Great topic by the way. 
  22. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from Shoful in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Personally, I don't believe it will sell well.  It would have to be heavily promoted, but I feel it will only appeal to fans, and still, some fans will find a rip of it, rather than buy it.  I'm gonna bet, she's cut a deal with some streaming service to make as much money as possible from it, before releasing it to DVD. 
  23. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from Bat-Fan in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Personally, I don't believe it will sell well.  It would have to be heavily promoted, but I feel it will only appeal to fans, and still, some fans will find a rip of it, rather than buy it.  I'm gonna bet, she's cut a deal with some streaming service to make as much money as possible from it, before releasing it to DVD. 
  24. Haha
    MarXus got a reaction from NothingReallyMatters in THE RELIGIOUS JOURNEY TOUR - A Fanmade Tour   
    Could you imagine that die hard Bible thumpers accidentally confusing this was something truly on their religious level.
  25. Like
    MarXus got a reaction from groovyguy in What Is Your Worst Madonna Albums?   
    Revisiting what I said earlier in this thread and it doesn't change.  There isn't an album I can really throw under the bus.  There are albums that I don't listen as often, but over time I've fell in love with them such as Bedtime Stories.  It's obviously extremely underrated.
    I'm grew up loving Madonna from the 80's.  So it's that decade I still have my most fondness for Madonna's music.  Though, she's become a far better vocalist and song writer since then.  She's released some pretty fantastic albums since then.
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