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    MarXus reacted to Mister_Pop in Madonna donated some coin to fight COVID19   
    Glad she did this !
    As for the haters, it's all related to the pro-Trump, anti-celebs because they supposedly eat and terrorize children #Adrenochrome #Qnon etc... Madonna called as evil and pedo... conspiracy theories where Hollywood is sick and evil...
    I've been having fun on Twitter responding them. @PopMusic1977
  2. Like
    MarXus reacted to Blue Prince in Madonna donated some coin to fight COVID19   
    Despite all the noise, what's important is that the money be used wisely and for good cause. It is all that really matters. After that, are you still certain that her music choices and collaborations actually matter in whether people like her or not? They only love to hate her so let the woman do what she wants. 
  3. Like
    MarXus reacted to dylanlioncourt in The Confessions Era   
    "Leave a Confession. And remember by leaving your confessions, you allow your confession to be released at any form, at any time until the end of time. So think twice if you've been naughty" was the message she recorded if I remember it correctly.
  4. Like
    MarXus reacted to Ian in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
    Fame - M auditioned for this TV show and thank the Universe and all there is that she DID NOT get that part
  5. Like
    MarXus reacted to Ian in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
    It wasn't a huge issue but a lot of people just raised their eyebrows at it also I like to pepper things a bit y'know ?
  6. Like
    MarXus reacted to Celebration in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
    Former shipyard in Gotheburg where Madonna performed on her Blond Ambition World Tour.
  7. Like
    MarXus reacted to Mister_Pop in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
    And I won't let you drive me cra-a-a-a-zy, I won't let you drive me crazy !
  8. Like
    MarXus reacted to Ian in Favorite M Album?   
    can I say that this is extremely difficult? I love many albums and it all depends on the day, the mood, sometimes I just wanna listen to a bunch of them back to back etc etc
    some notes tho: 
    -since I have the American version of LAV it bothers me that there's no ITG so I try to include it somehow I always forget I have to play the foreign edition
    -as much as I love ROL, it's a darn long album , and I do prefer the Japanese version which has Has to Be 
    same with RebelH too long but this is more of a chore to listen to in its entirety  , not so with ROL
    -Music is too short I am always left wanting more haha
    -I consider YCD and WTG full albums tho, only YCD is well to dance to and/or exercise and WTG is more M&friends to me
    -MDNA only album I skip songs after songs
    -justice for Evita lol
    but yeah I do love her massive, varied, iconic, FEELGOOD discography
  9. Like
    MarXus reacted to Mister_Pop in Favorite M Album?   
    You're right, we should be able to vote for 5 albums we love the most in order to really judge which one are the most popular !!
  10. Haha
    MarXus reacted to Blue Prince in Favorite M Album?   
    You guys have one?  What does it feel like to be in a stable state of mind? 
  11. Like
    MarXus reacted to dylanlioncourt in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
    X, the original title for SEX.
  12. Like
    MarXus reacted to Ian in BEDTIME STORIES: Her Most Underrated Album!   
    about don't stop, back then I got a radio call-out call and they played a clip from some rando song and after that a clip from Don't Stop and then a machine told me to choose song#1 or song #2 and I chose DS of course,  and got all excited and wondering if that was gonna be the next single and then after 2 weeks or so  I heard Human Nature actually was the new one and got all disappointed by the announcement , but hey at least I liked the video and the mixes !
  13. Like
    MarXus reacted to steady75 in BEDTIME STORIES: Her Most Underrated Album!   
    Bedtime Stories is a funny one. The first time I heard Secret I remember thinking how understated it was. No big fanfare release, just plonked on radio. It felt very warm. It’s a special song in her catalogue for sure. I actually think the underatted nature of it is part of its charm. Sort of like a grandmother / keeper of her career. Sweeping in as a soft comforting, reassuring arm after all the shouting and screaming of the previous era.  A safe haven and a moment of gravitas and reflection. 
    This theme continues throughout the album. Bedtime Stories is the sound of Madonnas career in cocoon. Even in the visuals. Death represented in the Take A Bow bull fight video. A cruel sport. A metaphor for fame. Her relationship with the media and being in bed with the media... her literally under the sheets with a television. No accidents. Even the title. Take a bow.
    The album opens with Survival. Where an insipid sounding Madonna plays sweet and references two of her softer earlier offerings in Angel and Live To Tell. She’s playing the room but biting her tongue.
    The images of rebirth in the Bedtime Stories video. A new Madonna being born of silicone and steel and in the lab scenes. 
    She was under construction. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that she returns to the theme of her own mother on Inside Of Me.
    And then there’s Human Nature. The last Madonna mark 1.0 version song. Sure there were reinventions before this but in truth the original free Madonna was put to ground with Bedtime Stories...Just as the world lowered the coffin of Madonna 1.0 into the ground, Human Nature spits in their eyes just before they screw the lid on, she’s not sorry....but the twist is it’s Madonna herself who is laying her old self to rest. 
    The two hits of “I’ll never explain again” and “absolutely No Regrets” forming her Epitaph, carved on her gravestone. 
    We all know what happened after. Her public rehabilitation era. The role of her life and her daughter. Old Madonna was gone. New Madonna was thrilling in a different way but Bedtime Stories will forever be the axis of Madonnas career. A very special and important album that is still her record that has the most replay value. It’s just so playable late night or on a rainy day. 
    I adore it. 
  14. Like
    MarXus reacted to ozboyfromphx in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
    Max Factor Gold Ad 1999
  15. Like
    MarXus reacted to Ian in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
    Finn, Nikki

  16. Like
    MarXus reacted to LikeAMelody in Madonna donated some coin to fight COVID19   
    My theory is that people are jealous or annoyed by people capable of giving when "they" can't or can't be bothered to.
    Some are jealous of the tools celebrities have and some try to downplay others intentions because they do not want someone they think has everything showing them up or showing off. 
    I really do think people who are the most critical of celebrities simply want what they have and their behavior would be exactly how they "think" a celebrity should act if they got that celebrity status. 
  17. Like
    MarXus reacted to LikeAMelody in Madonna donated some coin to fight COVID19   
    I love her voice. I love what she is saying. ❤
  18. Like
    MarXus reacted to Niagara31 in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
    Oops sorry!!! I didn't pay attention! lol!
  19. Like
    MarXus reacted to LikeAMelody in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
    Bay City MI 
    Madonna's birthplace ?
  20. Like
    MarXus reacted to ozboyfromphx in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
    Crazy for you
    was one of my favorite slow songs, but it does change all the time.
  21. Like
    MarXus reacted to cybertotor in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
    Where Life Begins
  22. Like
    MarXus reacted to LikeAMelody in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
    X the possible original name for you know, that book.
  23. Like
    MarXus reacted to Niagara31 in Game: A to Z Madonna!   
    "Absolutely no regrets"
  24. Like
    MarXus reacted to madgefan in Madonna donated some coin to fight COVID19   
    Madonna could find the cure of COVID19 inside her bathroom and people will still hate on her.
    Bravo Madonna! You're not really the greedy bitch everyone and their mother believe you are 
  25. Like
    MarXus reacted to groovyguy in Today’s Must Read: Pedro Almodovar Talks Madonna & Oscars   
    Pedro Almodovar Talks Madonna & Oscars

    Today's Must Read: Pedro Almodóvar talks Madonna and Oscars
    Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 12:00PM
    by Nathaniel R
    Pedro quarantined and tripping through memory lane.
    You can keep all those celebrity sing-alongs or other social media attempts to cheer us up collectively. Instead give us gossip to chew on. More juicy shared "diaries" of stir-crazy stars, please! 
    The occassion for this request is that we've just finished reading a new article by Spanish genius Pedro Almodóvar. He wrote a piece for the Spanish website el diario about... well, a lot of things. It begins with memories of getting dressed up to go on an errand during quarantine and segueways into other memories of getting dressed up for movie events. Lots of fun anecdotes follow including a night with Jane Fonda (!). But the bulk of the piece centers on 1990-1991 when Madonna entered his life via Dick Tracy through the essential documentary Truth or Dare (1991). You must read the whole thing -- Spanish readers will probably enjoy it most but the rest of us will have to suffer through a google translation.
    I've excerpted the Dick Tracy story after the jump...
    The day after the [Oscar] ceremony, in the morning, a female voice calls me to the hotel. She says to me, as if she was not aware of its impact, but sure that her voice was going to impact me, "Hello, I'm Madonna, I'm shooting Dick Tracy and I'd love to show you the set. Today I 'm not shooting and I can dedicate the day to you."
    It could be a false Madonna, or a psychopath who thought to cut me up in one of those fields that James Ellroy describes so well in his novels (if you read The Black Dahlia you will know what I mean. You can also see the movie that my beloved Brian de Palma shot about the book with Scarlett Johanson and Hilary Swank, but the truth is that it did not go very well. For the quarantine it is not bad, but before I would recommend many others, from De Palma himself: Sisters, Phantom of the Paradise, Carlito's Way, Body Double with Melanie Griffith at the peak of her career and thin as a reed, and above all Scarface with Pacino. Go from The Black Dahlia and make a cycle with all these films, you will thank me. All jewels, super accessible and super fun, in the end I will make you a list of recommendations. 
    Going back to the Madonna call. It could be someone who was playing a joke on me, but my self-esteem, despite not winning the Oscar, was high enough not to doubt the authenticity. Madonna's voice gave me the address of the studio where they filmed, and I introduced myself there, happy as castanets.
    The truth is that the entire team, from Warren Beatty himself to [cinematographer Vittoria] Storaro, couldn't have been more kind to me. They treated me like I was George Cukor. Beatty forced me to sit in the chair that put his name, in the director's place, to watch the filming of the sequence they were shooting. I was about to confess to him that when I was a child I discovered my sexuality when I saw him in Splendor in the grass (there was no mason of Pain and Glory), but I kept it to myself, of course. They were filming a sequence in which unrecognizable Al Pacino chattered non-stop. For that performance, he earned an Oscar nomination the following year, and the film earned three statuettes.
    With Madonna I toured all the sets and met someone I greatly admired, Milena Canonero, the costume designer who had already won three Oscars (for Dick Tracy she would be nominated the following year) for Chariots of Fire, Barry Lyndon and Cotton Club [sic*] -- the three films are recommended for coping with quarantine. My favorite is Barry Lyndon from Kubrick. Milena Canonero would still win a fourth Oscar, I don't remember now which movie. Visiting the workshop where Canonero worked was probably what most impressed me about the visit, it would have been the only reason I would have liked to work in Hollywood: the obsession with details.
    One of the characteristics of Dick Tracy , the comic book character, is his yellow hat. Milena was obsessed with getting that yellow that one saw in the drawing of the comic. She showed me over two hundred hats in which the only difference was a subtle change in color. I totally identified with that detail obsession. As far as I am concerned I do the same thing when I roll, I don't know how to work any other way (but I do know how to work with much less money).
    If Madonna calls you and goes out of her way the day after you didn't win an Oscar, that means that the material girl has a huge interest in you. It was not long before we met again the following year on the occasion of her Blonde Ambition Tour...
    Pedro & Madonna at the party documented in "Truth or Dare"
    The following story gives you more Warren Beatty, Annette Bening, and Antonio Banderas anecdotes. A great read.
    Thank you to Iggy for sending us this photo of Pedro being interviewed on Spanish TV (where he mentions this article). Look you can see his BAFTA, Golden Lion and both his Oscars on the top shelf behind him!
    * Almodóvar had his Oscar trivia wrong there. Canonero had actually only won two Oscars at that point and had not even been nominated for The Cotton Club (though she won the BAFTA for that). After Barry Lyndon and Chariots of Fire there was a long drought before she won twice more for Marie Antoinette and The Grand Budapest Hotel. 
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