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Alan Leggate

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  1. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to Andymad in Is the Madame X tour her worst tour?   
    This. 100%. You know, it’s very hard to be a Madonna fan. I think it’s very easy to come across some people in this world, who are so hardcore they’re absolutely delusional. 1- it’s ok to not be obsessed with everything she does and still gag over her every move. 2- it’s OK to refer to a “demo” and not even think twice if it’s “demo #4 straight pass rough take work print...”. Haha.
    But what I found normal, for me,  was that this tour just wasn’t anything hype for me. I was actually kind of glad she skipped Canada. Having such few Madonna live experiences, I don’t know if I would have walked away wow’d. Probably. But who knows.
    But getting back to what you said, yes being perfectly fine with your honest feelings is absolutely normal.
  2. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to RinoTheBouncer in Madonna Tours rumors/outtakes/plans etc.   
    This isn’t rumors, just my own thoughts: Rebel Heart Tour should’ve had more Rebel Heart album tracks like Hold Tight, Inside Out, Joan of Arc, Best Night and most of all Ghosttown! Freaking Ghosttown as an opening theme or any properly planned and apocalypse-themed performance. It’s the second single, and one of her best songs. Why ditch that in favor of a terrible medley that ruined three great songs or an opener that felt like a recreation of MDNA Tour, albeit weaker??
    Also, closing with Holiday felt uninspired. The song was used too many times as a closing track and it wasn’t in any way reinvented or enthusiastic here.
    The Girlie Show... I still can’t believe that she ditched Bad Girl... another great single that she tends to neglect, and same goes for Drowned World your not including Nothing Really Matters, I Want You, You’ll See and Bedtime Story... ugh.
    Re-Invention Tour should’ve had Die Another Day as the closing track, even though I love the way they did Holiday, and she should’ve performed East Ride, X-Static Process, I’m So Stupid and Love Profusion. MDNA Tour should’ve had a proper Love Spent performance from the start of the tour, I’m glad she added it later and filmed it, though and she should’ve done more MDNA tracks; Falling Free and Beautiful Killer are among her best songs ever with so much potential for a live performance.
    Confessions Tour did almost everything perfectly well, but I wish she did Everybody in addition to Lucky Star and La Isla Bonita and performed How High, at least as an interlude.
    No one does tours as beautifully as she does and also nobody ditches great tracks and potential great opportunities like her, either.
  3. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to dylanlioncourt in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I'd be content with some editing (the backdrops to make the moment feel there similar to Confessions) and especially during some performances like IDSIF, Batuka, Crave etc. But I do hope in the softer moments of the show it isn't messed with too much. Her voice in Sodade and others shouldn't be altered way too much because she nailed those performance. I don't mind some stylistic editing in her releases but MDNA and RHT to an extent was almost seizure inducing.
  4. Haha
    Alan Leggate reacted to scion in Vogue Live: Official Youtube Uploads   
    You do more moaning about the moaners moaning than the moaners actually moan!
    chill MarXus, you'll bring yourself down, and you're too good for that :)
    ooooooh! I just love how punchy and strong the sound mix is compared to any other Madonna DVD. It's a brilliant performance.... her shoulder dislocated in Manchester during this in 09, or something to that effect! 
  5. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to scion in Madame X Tour DVD   
    It may only be me that thinks this...
    buf I wouldn't put it last her to do a literal sequel to Madame X where she carries on the persona.
    it would be my worst nightmare music wise but I know a lot of you would absolutely love it!
  6. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to scion in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Who can blame her 
    What was actually a promising era video wise just went from average to atrocious by the end of it... 
  7. Like
    Alan Leggate got a reaction from NothingReallyMatters in Stuart Price, 15 years ago this week   
    I loved the relationship they had together, he took no crap from her but in a fun way. He would remix oldies with respect and understood fans would love to hear them. Was it not Confessions where he tried so hard to get her to sing Rain and she wouldn't. One of the best things he did though was Erotica/You Thrill Me. I'd never heard that song before and just fell in love with it.
    I always love the interaction in DWT near the end of Music when she goes up to him as he is playing.
  8. Like
    Alan Leggate got a reaction from scion in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Very interesting! Thank you. I didn't think about radio scanners. It's just mind blowing to think of the amount of stuff that some people have or that is in vaults and may never see the light of day, especially live shows. The amount of playback would be a disadvantage but the auto tune/effects are the ones that I can't stand.
    Listening to some of the Madame X recordings, particularly Medellin, there's so much echo and of course the sound of an actual live band is sad.
    Love Kim Wilde - I will need to go have a listen to that album! Thanks :-)
  9. Like
    Alan Leggate got a reaction from Ngl in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Very interesting! Thank you. I didn't think about radio scanners. It's just mind blowing to think of the amount of stuff that some people have or that is in vaults and may never see the light of day, especially live shows. The amount of playback would be a disadvantage but the auto tune/effects are the ones that I can't stand.
    Listening to some of the Madame X recordings, particularly Medellin, there's so much echo and of course the sound of an actual live band is sad.
    Love Kim Wilde - I will need to go have a listen to that album! Thanks :-)
  10. Like
    Alan Leggate got a reaction from Voguerista in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Very interesting! Thank you. I didn't think about radio scanners. It's just mind blowing to think of the amount of stuff that some people have or that is in vaults and may never see the light of day, especially live shows. The amount of playback would be a disadvantage but the auto tune/effects are the ones that I can't stand.
    Listening to some of the Madame X recordings, particularly Medellin, there's so much echo and of course the sound of an actual live band is sad.
    Love Kim Wilde - I will need to go have a listen to that album! Thanks :-)
  11. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to scion in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Oh it'll happen. 
    why should we move on?
    I found MDNA Madonna absolutely atrocious, but I persevered and then she brought out the Rebel Heart era where I thought she was at her best... HC and and RH era Madonna for me is the best she's been since WTG.
    No need for fans to call it quits. True fans stick around, through thick and thin... but that doesn't mean they have to be quiet when they really don't like something!
  12. Thanks
    Alan Leggate reacted to scion in Madame X Tour DVD   
    There was tracks used to beef up the live sound of the band on every tour she's done. The last time we had a live sound on tour was 1993... not sure where you get the idea that the MDNA tour wasn't track based!
    Those days are gone.
  13. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to PaperFaces in M has deleted the bath tube post   
    This is the first time where I thought she was out of touch, indeed.
    Dont give me lessons on pandemics and isolation when you are floating in a bath of rose petals.
    Also dont give me speeches about making people equal when you think you're better than everyone else.
    I usually understand her perspective, but all these celebrities whining about being lonely and giving back...please.
    Why dont you take some of your millions to pay the bills and wages of 2-3 small businesses while this is going on?
    Ellen crying cuz she misses people...from her million-dollar home....with her staff. 
    I swear to God, people will riot once they can go back outside. And celebrities will be the first people they come after...once theyre done with government officials.
  14. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to nito84bcn in M has deleted the bath tube post   
    A rich woman, talking from her golden bath tube, about how the virus is equal for everyone... It may be equal, I can understand what she meant, but it can be bad recieved from the general public... after all people are dying without the option of saying goodbye to their families, music arenas are used as funeral homes, etc... Really sad and dangerous times to talk about poetry from your golden bath, even when her intention was good. 
  15. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to truerebel in Madame X Revenge: Quarantine Diaries   
    That bath post makes me feel so, so sad. That Madonna "Magic" is gone, instead we are left with a shallow self who has completely lost touch with reality. 
  16. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to nito84bcn in Madame X Revenge: Quarantine Diaries   
    I agree! 
    She's still surrounded by assistants, at her big house etc. It's not her fault, but you can't compare her quarantine with the ones that we are dealing every day. Some people have only their rented room and they have to be there for a fucking month or more. 
    As you said, other artists with less money but more imagination, are using this time to create new music, doing live acoustic concerts, researching and asking for donations, etc. 
    If she doesn't want to create new music it will be really cool, if she sits with the camera and starts to talk about her memories, her career, the way she recorded a song back in the day, what the albums mean for hear, how was she feeling during the Madame X Tour... a lot of possibilities to talk about her legacy, memories, etc. 
  17. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to Pretender1978 in Madame X Revenge: Quarantine Diaries   
    I think madame X needs a reality check... No this virus does not make us all equal, in these times it matters greatly if you're rich or poor, even more if you're young or old, the elderly are dying while the 20something are doing yoga in the parks because the virus hardly affects them! The poor don't have the luxury of having staff taking care of our children, groceries, or filming you for instagram. The poor need to take the risk of getting sick going out to get in line for basic needs, at the same time worying, not only about their health but also about their own future. So many people have lost their jobs. Governments (some) are doing their best, healthcare is trying even harder, I expect Madonna to do the same, but instead we get Madame X musing about the deeper meaning beneath all of it as if she were in a Parisian speakeasy during the 60's. There is a time for that sure, now is not that time. Now is the time to help, give money or supplies, help spreading factual information so people are informed and stay inside, let people forget about their worries for a minute and entertain them. Madonna always goes on on how important art is, how it can lift your spirits, how it can advocate for change. Well look around, everywhere there are artists, theatre groups, festivals, museums, they all share content, make new works, give away music, record plays, complete opera's are being offered for free to watch online, all to help people from going insane.This would be the time her art could really make a change for a lot of her fans. I really loved Madame X the record, the alter ego is something else though, in any case she's not the same woman who during RebelHeart gave tribute to the victims of Bataclan. We need empathy, solidarity and altruism, not self pitty! End of rant ;-) Next time more positive vibes x
  18. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to scion in Madame X Tour in retrospective   
    To be honest, I feel she needs a stricter no bullshit manager. Somebody who can not only ensure logistics and planning do their job right, but also that M treats her audience with respect. 
  19. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour in retrospective   
    It's a long wait
    It's a long wait
    M have Mercy
    Things have got to change
    There's a dvd ahead
    I hear the fans blowing
    Swear the road is long
    And Madonna listens
  20. Wow
    Alan Leggate reacted to Enrico in Madame X Tour in retrospective   
    Can I say something bad?
    I can't stand Marvin Gofin. Was he drunk or high in this video?
    I didn't like his irony on coronavirus.
    And I feel sorry that M didn't take a minute to acknowledge the last forced cancellations...
  21. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to scion in Guys...Why not state the obvious?   
    Jessica Fletcher must be shitting herself.
  22. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to scion in Is the Madame X tour her worst tour?   
    Up until MDNA, I was always of the impression and feeling that I had to be 100% besotted and onboard with everything that she does , and that I'd be less of a valid Madonna fan if I disliked an era... but apart from the Super Bowl and the brilliant tour performances of Revolver and Celebration, I didn't like a single thing. I was back on board for everything that followed between MDNA and RH and realised that it's perfectly fine to be honest with your feelings. 
    I ended up loving RH and RHT, but haven't really liked anything since she did the outdoor concert for Hillary, that's literally the last time she wowed me... and I'm fine with that, I thought it was spectacular but nothing from 2017 onwards has floated my boat particularly well and that's okay. 
    there's always next era
  23. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to scion in Madame X Tour | Paris   
    Catty remarks contribute even less than my posts.
    The end of the tour has indeed been very anticlimactic. No special songs, no serious changes to the show as it's gone on besides deductions. Rebel Heart had song additions, MDNA had the special celebration songs as the tour went on, Confessions had that very strange wig that caught us all off guard... 
    I just feel like at a time when she's publicised very well on social media, there could have been something triumphant about the last show that's unusually missing.
    Maybe a special performance of Holiday or something like that would have been nice...
  24. Haha
    Alan Leggate got a reaction from dylanlioncourt in Madame X: A Missed Opportunity   
    A lot of different things said by various people that I agree/disagree with but I've went with MarXus' post as it touches on a lot of what I think.
    I definitely agree that the idea must have been there to have the various characters involved more, the adjectives used to describe each character of Madame X and the money she spent on the different holograms at Billboard Awards. I guess we'll never know the reasons why this ended up not being explored or whether time just seemed to run away, but there seemed to be a few things that happened that were clearly planned in advance such as iHeart, the random Apple store events and Apple interview which was recorded, fans attended but never aired? The Graham Norton interview was a shambles. Whether due to nerves, exhaustion or being last minute, she didn't come over well at all, to the point everyone who knows I am a huge fan, I was fed up of hearing them say this but I agree.
    Marxus didn't mention it, but Eurovision was not the time and place to make a statement and the songs performed were terrible choices. A lot of people, especially in the UK tend to have Eurovision parties and I think the reaction to this (not taking into account vocals) must have effected her. To many people I know, Eurovision is like the European version of the Superbowl halftime.
    100% agree with MarXus on the ticket prices, I was absolutely stunned when the prices for London came out and although I earn a decent enough wage, I was priced right out market this time. The logistic/injuries have been so unfortunate and she has fought on as best, if not even more than ever expected. What hasn't helped has been the mis/lack of communication from her team and the mess of the management of her Instagram. This needs to be looked into asap by her because this has effected her badly by who is running it. Cancelling London shows then uploading a video soon after praising the Lisbon audience or cutting the first act of the shows but then soon after a clip of the God Control performance uploaded.
    Agree that the videos for the songs released have been the best in a long, long time. Pride Performance was fab, but another missed opportunity to have it uploaded onto YouTube. I do think she has tried to make it work taking all things into account. I know songs are cut all the time but some songs teased felt unfair once the final set list was revealed, however, I do think it was good of her if she couldn't work out or a performance of Rescue Me wasn't working, she still did include it in the show.
  25. Like
    Alan Leggate reacted to Rebel Hugo in Do You Miss Madame X?   
    I miss the Rebel Heart era, Madame ❌ era is for me MDNA 2.0 era it was such a mess since the beginning!!! I'm sorry for everybody

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