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    NothingReallyMatters reacted to nito84bcn in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Wow she looks amazing, sounds amazing and it's not the typical latin, religious sections, it's al mixed and I can't wait to see it live.
    My only 'complain' is the hairstyle. The blond wavy style is there forever since 2008 and her changes were used to be the 'identity' of her tours, but this is a minor thing considering that she looks A LOT better than 2020 / 2022...
  2. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to scion in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    This will be remembered as her finest tour. It will evolve and a month from now all doubt will be gone. As for her physicality, shes 65 and she knows it, she's accepted her physical change with grace and humility and the outcome is an excellent stage ability where she's doing the best with all skill set. Im thrilled ♥️
  3. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to Voguerista in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
  4. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to dankpepe in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    They kind of were nearly 99% right. If you followed my updates were I summarized the clues, their teaser videos got nearly every song predicted on the setlist and they were the first to tease Nothing Really Matters. They knew Bad Girl, details about a 70s cover song (I Will Survive), etc. Those aren't vague guesses in the dark.
    If they said Like a Prayer, Vogue, Celebration were going to be on the setlist and left it at that, I'd agree but they named lesser known hits and even a cover song that nobody would've been able to know if they didn't have inside info.
  5. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to Markdonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I have been to every tour starting with Drowned and there are many songs I have only seen once.  Erotica.  Live To Tell.  Open Your Heart and then a surprising amount that I have NEVER seen her SING live on tour.  
    Bad Girl. Bedtime Story. Rain. (All three are long times wish-she’d-sing-these tracks for me.  Especially the first two.
    Nothing Really Matters really works here as an opening.  It is so on point with the theme and so damn bouncy.  Plus, never been done on tour before… so pretty dang exciting.
  6. Thanks
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to dankpepe in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I understand the critique but she is getting older and with every tour, she is going to move slower. She hasn't been in the physical shape she used to be in.
    The "story" does seem loose but I see it more of a career celebration type of show that's sort of patched together. It does seem like this show has undergone changes for whatever reason (i.e. illness, time constraints, maybe seeing Beyonce's show made her reconsider things, lack of an actual band, whatever).
    I see areas in the show which I bet will allow wiggle room for changes in the setlist. I could easily see Frozen, Ghosttown, maybe even Hold Tight and Rain swapping places on some nights. I could see Oh Father and Mother and Father changing places too.
  7. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to Dazedmadonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Lol why are you so stubborn in always minimizing the details me and Drownedmadonna have given?
    We were accurate in basically 99% of everything, from the song hints, to the opening song, the details, everything. Some minor mistakes and changes happened and neither me or Drowned stepped back from it and we actually acknowledged them.
    I don't understand what's your problem honestly, but you trying to make people think I lied or Drownedmadonna lied is pure bullshit. 
  8. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to FraP in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I just got back to my hotel after the show. I had a lot of fun and was really excited, but it was also a bit disappointing. Some moments were beautiful and thrilling. Songs like Erotica, Mother and Father, Die Another Day, Crazy For You, Ray Of Light, and Live To Tell were such great moments!
    But the overall performance felt somewhat unfinished, not quite the Madonna we know. It's not because she's no longer the super dancer with endless energy; I understand her physicality has changed. It's more about the show's concept feeling less inspired than usual. It doesn't seem like a tour that was meticulously prepared over months; it feels like it was put together hastily. At times, it seems like she lacks stage presence and a clear role in the performance.
    Musically, there doesn't seem to be a lot of creativity, and some songs were almost ruined, like Like A Prayer and Don't Cry For Me Argentina. Where's Stuart Price? It's like he just gave some casual advice. It felt like a mega medley rather than a fresh narrative. Sometimes I got annoyed because she was about to engage us with a song and then abruptly moved on.
    She did a full Live To Tell, which was beautiful, but she could have closed it like at the Confessions Tour without losing any of the song's atmosphere; in fact, it would have improved the song. It would have also made space for other songs that felt rushed.
    Then, the absence of a live band was noticeable.
    Going back to the stage presence, her choreography often seemed unoriginal and uninspired, despite its low difficulty (as there are equally simple yet more impactful choreographies)
    Still, I'm happy I got to see this concert because she gave us moments we've longed for. However, it doesn't feel like a Madonna show in its entirety.
    Each of her tours has been a unique story, even Madame X, which I liked less than the others, had a clear narrative. This time, I'm not so sure. I need some time to think about it. I'm happy to see her, glad she's alive and still performing, but my expectations were very high. I attended the show with a friend who knows an insider, and since April, I knew many details about the songs she was rehearsing. My friend explained that Madonna cut several songs she had rehearsed, more than in previous tours. This might be connected to the fact that the tour doesn't have a clear story or concept. The ending felt rushed, as if it lacked a proper conclusion. I agree, it felt lifeless.
    My friend mentioned that initially, Madonna planned to close with The Power Of Goodbye, which would have been a great finale, but later, in April/May, she decided to end with BIM + Celebration. He also told me that she performed Frozen until September. Other songs like Sorry and Oh Father had prepared performances, but my friend doesn't know why they were cut. The last information he received was in late August.
    Perhaps my comment is influenced by the fact that I had low expectations in January, but since my friend shared all the information, my expectations and excitement had been through the roof. Who knows, maybe the show will evolve in the upcoming stops.
  9. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to dankpepe in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Agreed. There are little adjustments that could be made but overall it's a good setlist (not so sure about the order of the songs) but its good to have the chosen songs all in one show.
  10. Haha
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to Dazedmadonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Bet she adds Candy Shop back but not Oh Father

  11. Thanks
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to dankpepe in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Thank God that section cut.
  12. Wow
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to Dazedmadonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Back That Up, Candy Shop, 4 Minutes.
    The lack of Hard Candy representation is so random!
  13. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to Adonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Not HD but pretty good from a distance:
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  15. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to Markdonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Bad Girl and Bedtine Srory are so exciting to me.  As is Rain.  Love that EROTICA is three songs in on this tour.  That is pretty exciting.
  16. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to proxy in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    From DrownedMadonna :
    "Unfortunately Hold Tight, Sorry and Oh Father, as we hinted on our previous videos, were cut from the opening night, but it is possible they were omitted due to a technical problem at the O2; we surely hope to hear some of those very soon!" 
  17. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to Roy in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Given that this is the opening night, it is given that there are messy bits happening but once it keeps going, no doubt the Celebration Tour will be a reminder of what Madonna can still do. :D
  18. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to stefo in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    And with images like this, I think we can just bow down to her and close this amazing comeback night!!!

  19. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to DiegoLCL in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Guys, I can't get over the "rebirth" with Bedtime Story/Ray of Light/Rain. Her mind, etc... This comes directly from the late 90s tour we never got. This will definitely be a classic Madonna moment on stage.

  20. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to DiegoLCL in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    To be honest this feel like there is an anti-tour inside the show. Rain, Bad Girl, Die Another Day, Bedtime Story, Nothing Really Matters, Mother & Father... 

    In Junior's word, this is a wet dream (remix).  
  21. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to MPowered in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    That entire segment was 100% Hard Candy. I wonder if Give It 2 Me and/or Candy Shop were originally part of that segment.
  22. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to Future Lover in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I think this just about the best setlist she’s ever had. 
    The setlist is a perfect balance of deeper cuts and hits. Some of the tired workhorse songs she’s beaten to death are gone (thank GOD there’s no Music). The staging is creative, complex, and innovative. This is such a lovely retrospective of her career. There’s some opening night bugs but it’ll get ironed out as she goes.
    This is exactly the show I wanted. There was no way the setlist was gonna please all but she gave so much that there’s something there for all to enjoy. 
    I don’t see the messiness some people here do, I see a party and a celebration of all the things that make her great. We didn’t need more super highly thematic themed acts, it’s gotten so tired. Oh look another sex segment. Oh look another latin segment. Its overdone. 
    This approach is much more exciting and unpredictable. 
  23. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to MPowered in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    After this tour, she can pull out that anti-tour with all non-singles and neglected hits! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
  24. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to MPowered in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Seeing this tour makes me think that truly her biggest career mistake was doing The Next Best Thing instead of going on tour for BS/ROL in 1999.
    This is the first time we have gotten A LOT of 90s material in one tour and there are still a lot of songs from the decade on the waiting list.
    Had she done that tour in 1999, then her 2001 and 2004 tours could have been very different and we wouldn’t have to bitch so much about certain omissions and her neglecting certain albums or songs of hers.
  25. Like
    NothingReallyMatters reacted to dankpepe in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    It looks like a different show from her usual fare and it's refreshing to get some new gems in the setlist that she rarely performs.
    I'm not sure I totally understand the "story" she's trying to convey with the song choices but it looks like a show that a Madonna fan would enjoy. From the online clips, the only bad sounding tunes I think are I Will Survive and Don't Cry for Me Argentina, I think those could've been replaced with other Madonna songs that convey similar messages.
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