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Roland Barthes

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Roland Barthes

  1. I had to for work since i work in the media and it made me angry daily. Especially when i gained a lot of followers after many publications were shared by celebrities because i interviewed them, suddenly people control what you are allowed to say, people you don't know irl. And you find yourself not only having an opinion on everything but needing to express it as if the world needs to know it and you get into fights with people you don't know, you'll never meet, as if your life depends on it. It turned me into a bigger asshole than i already am. I left when Musk took over because i just could not support a racist antisemitic islamiohobe transphobe homophobe incel sexist major asshole so i sent him a tweet to tell him to die and my account was immediately shut down for good, i had already saved my data and said my goodbyes, i did it because i knew i would come back if it wasn't totally banned because it's addictive and i knew saying this to this jerk would end like it did. It's poison.
  2. it's confusing but the files he shares from the early days are ace : here
  3. You can pre order the album here the song is called Young Lion and it is credited to Sade Adu so i guess it's her first solo effort.
  4. I don't think so he's just the original drummer, he formed Pride, the band Helen (Folasade) joined as a background singer then some members formed Sade from there. She had him fired from the band so he's pretty pissed off but he can back his claims with incredible files. There's a new Sade track coming up on november 22nd on the Red, Hot &....compilation in support of the trans community, it's a track about and dedicated to her trans son. Maybe an album will follow or a surprise release in the coming weeks, we know the album is done..
  5. I can't wait for the day X will be over and done for good. Only cunts are still there wether it's just people or companies. Whenever i'm sent a link to check something there (and it does not work anymore if you don't have an account anymore) it feels like that scene in 1982's Poltergeist movie when the psychics open the children's room door and everything is madness.
  6. Quincy Jones asked him to make something like Sade for Michael that's how he came up with the two bars of La isla bonita. So no wonder Chris Lord Age did the remix (Sade's mixer). If you're interested in Sade, check Paul Cook's youtube account or sadedrummer on Youtube, he has all the tea and since he's suing the band and Sony, he's sharing incredible unreleased material like demos, early gigs and tv appearances.
  7. Ok, i'm adding "Is it Madonna or Paula here ?" to my questions at an eventual Christopher Q&A ( in fact i've already asked him in the comments section on Insta under the pic posted by a acquaintance we both have in common)
  8. Janet's loons think she never had one so it's logical they think others did when they didn't. That's what happens when you spent years of trying to make alternative facts true online.
  9. The Andrae & Sandra Crouch choir declined to star in the video hence why no one from their choir appeared in it. They were deeply religious, Andrae was not just a gosoel singer but an ordinated preacher as well. They produced the gospel choir but Jean's solo is buried deep in it when you listen to the stems, she did not record it in a booth by herself and it's a shame because it must have been a nightmare to create this amazing part in the song with a source material. It's recorded live with mics set up around the studio. Maybe new technology can bring her voice more upfront but will it work as well as it does ?
  10. I keep having this silly theory that the Max Martin track is for The Joker 2 soundtrack, maybe not a duet but just songwriting. That would be madness, which is totally appropriate for the movie.
  11. I asked him if L'air du temps i found registered at Sacem (french music copyright society) was a glitch in their database or a real song. He said it's real and added that it's a good song too I can't remember if l'air du temps was her mother's or her grandma Elsie favourite perfume. It's in Chris book.
  12. I asked him if l'air du temps was a real song or a glitch in the french copyright society database, he said it's a real song and added that it is a good one.
  13. What is it like to have been given so many opportunities in life and to have blown them all because you felt entitled ? Let me reword this. How does it feel to be Latoya when you could have been Janet ? Why did you defend that homophobic clerck Kim Davis ?
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