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Unapologetic Bitches
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About PlayPause

  • Birthday 05/21/1975

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    Into The Groove

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  1. I already had doubts about Maluma being someone interesting at all, now I believe he's a moron and a coward 


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. PlayPause


      Litterally : “Es algo que no puedo resolver. Solo vine aquí para disfrutar de la vida, el fútbol y la fiesta del fútbol. No es algo en lo que realmente tenga que involucrarme. Estoy aquí disfrutando de mi música y de la hermosa vida, jugando fútbol también”

      He only cares about himself.

    3. RUADJAI


      Please use the English language only

    4. Roland Barthes

      Roland Barthes

      Sorry (Playpause and i know each other from another place, we realized it was us just a few weeks ago) we were joking about the fact Maluma reminds me of a french singer, MPokora, as they are handsome guys but their very bad taste ruins everything and since both used to be professional football players before being injured, maybe this explained their awful & similar bad taste in clothes and hairdos. 

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