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Unapologetic Bitches
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About PlayPause

  • Birthday 05/21/1975

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  • M Fan Since
    Into The Groove

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  1. It's time for M to re-release Ghosttown as a charity single or whatever because she's just been ripped of by the Rolling Stones with their new song that's going out in 4 minutes (to save the world) 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. devilpray


      It would be slammed by the media if she did that, sadly.

    3. deathproof


      A post apocalyptic love song as a charity song? Makes no sense. Re-release Music, Holiday, or Ray of Light. Something positive. Something celebratory. We need light. Not something somber and end of the world subject matter...

    4. PlayPause


      @devilprayhow can you be so sure? @deathproofmakes a lot of sense to me, lyrically "Hold on to each other, etc."

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