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Unapologetic Bitches
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  • Birthday 05/21/1975

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  1. Discovered Bowie's '87 Glass Spider Tour, amazed by it and wondered how much M thought of it before working on BAT



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    2. mr00mister


      oh The Glass Spider Tour was so iconic but took so much of him personally and artistically, he said he was exhausted even before the first show, and he got to the point of not knowing what the audience wanted and forgot his first audience was himself. but thanks to that we got the glorious 90s albums, a complete rennaisance of his work and creativity where he gave no fucks to what people wanted, he just did his thing. i mean, 1.Outside is the best album ever made!

    3. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      The first mistake with Glass Spider - his words - was to have it as an outside show.
      All the stuff going-on on stage was just a bunch of ants to people at the very back.
      AND this was his 'Officially Shyte Era' too.
      There's a video clip of Thomas Dolby and David Bowie both oohing over George Clinton which did the inter-web rounds again recently.
      I have seen her Madgeness say she couldn't remember 'who' her first gig was....,"....either Elton John or David Bowie...."
      Now she admits it was his Diamond Dogs Tour that changed her life.

      The Jacksons Victory tour I read about it's 'amazing' lights.
      'til one music journo said it was a piece of the Diamond Dogs Light Rig they were re-using.

      Outside ?
      Interesting choice.
      It's part of a longer project called Leon.

    4. mr00mister


      yeah, I've read all over again how M has said her first show was Bowie when she was 15. I wanted to see which date and tour she assisted to. calculating years, she was 15 in 73/74. the Ziggy Stardust Tour had a couple of dates in Detroit, in October 72 and March 73, when she was still 14., while the Diamond Dogs Tour had two dates in June 74 (perhaps she went to one of these two), and a residence of 6 shows in October 74. Besides I remember she said the show had mimes all over, and that fits the DD show.

      When I talked about this with a friend, he noted how her make up on the Drowned World Tour looked so much as that of Bowie's during the Diamond Dogs show.

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