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Unapologetic Bitches
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    Glindathegood reacted to PlasticLimbo in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    And we seem to realize she plays the stubborn brat in her six , concealing the 'ty' 
  2. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to DoneGone in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    This. That whole narrative that something's terribly wrong around or within her: her yes-to-all team, her addictions, her depression, she's gonna end up like Michael, Prince and Whitney... just any conspiracy or secret reason to cover the fact that their once cold, perfect, up in the pedestal Goddess always was and is, in the end and underneath it all: human - and now older.
  3. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to DiegoLCL in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Also, this very forum is proof that mostly her fans are the ones saying the likes of "Yaaaaas!! You're so beautiful in that pink dress Madonna", "Yaaaaas! you're Queen!!! M!!" "Yaaaaas, you look so young and fierce with that hair style!!" "Yaaaaas!! your ass is so sexy!!!" and we also know how she goes out of her way to not please us, the fans.
    Madonna is not doing the things she's doing because there are people are telling her that she's great...
  4. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to DiegoLCL in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Nobody knows that... You guys talk like Madonna does not have a choice and is being forced by lies and yes men to make mistakes, like... really? She's not a 5 year old child.
    It is very likely that she still a stubborn human being that she's have been her entire life and is saying to anybody with a critic opinion about anything :"This is how I wanna portray myself, fuck off".
  5. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to gafuller in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    If they were age 63… sure. I’d probably dismiss it. Now, Madonna at any of their current ages? Yeah that would be major cause for concern because she was on top of it all at those ages. Now? I’m glad we still have her at all. She’s out her body through the ringer for almost 40 years and it’s showing. Once you slow down, the body crashes. And everything else is an extension of either trying to be young or covering weight gain or etc. So some of us are probably going to cut her some slack, and others will be more aggressive in commentary. I think that’s fair.
  6. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to chaosmen1984mk in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    You should also include USA as another country without good musical taste since it is the rappers who lead the charts and where I find no difference between Bad Bunny and those artists: in their lyrics they promote drugs or crime and where they see women as sexual objects.
    On the other hand, it is true that Latinos are not very demanding when it comes to live performances, we enjoy music and live orchestras more than seeing elaborate choreographies or impeccable dances. And we value artists more than looking at superficial details like if she had bad makeup or a horrible outfit or if she fell on the floor while dancing. That is why artists love to come to Latin America because they feel truly loved, as Madonna herself has declared.
  7. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to Curtains in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I decided to rewatch it today and have to say I don't hate it as much as when i first watched it live. Guess it was also from me having high expectations and staying awake for so long just to watch her perform.
    My points still stand but I feel less bitter now. I still love the arrangement of Medellin and although she looked tired in between the choreo moments and was completely off key near the end of the song (though at least she was drowned by the backing track at that point), it was still enjoyable for the most part. Definitely not at the level of the Billboard Music Awards but seeing her perform in front of so many people was exciting.
    Now Music was very messy, it was probably not rehearsed as much as other users mentionned it. Maluma didn't know what to do in it (and failed to be where he was supposed to be at the end of the performance, which led to an akward moment between him and M), and Madonna overall looked ridiculous in it. Bad dancing, awful singing (especially towards the end), cringy twerking and bad choice of song. Also still not a fan of the styling in general. The hair especially doesn't fit her. Imagine if she had performed with that look instead (such a missed opportunity by the way that it was never used for a video or performance). That way she would have even matched Maluma's hair.

    The dress was a choice but wasn't the worst, it's just the combination of everything. The styling didn't fit the mood of the performance at all and she made it worst by adding that winter jacket during Music.
    As for the missed cues, i did believe it was because she was nervous or didn't rehearse enough or a mix of both. However people here mentionned her ear monitor being the problem for that. I generally think this is a lame excuse but noticed how at some point during Medellin, Maluma went behind Madonna and checked something around her ear/hair, so maybe there was a problem but only she knows.
    So yeah not the best performance but Medellin at least balanced it out, kinda like how Shanti made the Ray of Light VMA performance slightly better. Just something else to add to the list of bad performances by Madonna. But for us fans this is not the end of the world. We've had bad performances before, but we also recently had her cover Your Song with David for Ukraine and it was great so it's not like everything she does nowadays is bad. This one just didn't work and at the end of the day I hope that she's fine in her life. It's what truly matters to me.
  8. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from mavericksire in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think Maluma  is a true gentleman and has a lot of affection for her. He probably didn’t know she was having issues when he invited her to perform there because the last time he performed with her at the Billboard Music Awards she was fine and the performance came off well. 
  9. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from mouse in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think Maluma  is a true gentleman and has a lot of affection for her. He probably didn’t know she was having issues when he invited her to perform there because the last time he performed with her at the Billboard Music Awards she was fine and the performance came off well. 
  10. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from madgefan in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think Maluma  is a true gentleman and has a lot of affection for her. He probably didn’t know she was having issues when he invited her to perform there because the last time he performed with her at the Billboard Music Awards she was fine and the performance came off well. 
  11. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from madfactor in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think Maluma  is a true gentleman and has a lot of affection for her. He probably didn’t know she was having issues when he invited her to perform there because the last time he performed with her at the Billboard Music Awards she was fine and the performance came off well. 
  12. Thanks
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Blue Jean in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Why would she want anyone to think she has an alcohol or drug addiction? Usually performers go to great lengths to hide their addictions. 
  13. Thanks
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Pootz333 in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Why would she want anyone to think she has an alcohol or drug addiction? Usually performers go to great lengths to hide their addictions. 
  14. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Starchild in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Most likely in the past she relied on high energy exercise to lose weight and now she can’t do that. I never got the impression she was the type of person that denied herself food even though she always ate healthy.  When you exercise a lot you also eat a lot. The problem arises when you stop exercising but you keep eating the same. You see this a lot with former athletes after they retire. 
    Losing weight is not easy particularly as you get older. If it was that easy everyone would be thin and no one would gain weight as they get older.  It’s not as easy as saying I don’t like my body and just change it. 
  15. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to mdnamdma in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    its also lack of practice with her these past years .. maybe she is just enjoying life and we are in shock she is not the perfectionist she once was .. it also feels like she is her own manager .. like nobody advices her so she is like in " disturb the peace " mode all of the time and even social media .. where is guy oseary lol .. i dont think shes on anti depressants and i dont believe she is unhappy though but she is deffo in a " provocative " mood all of the time lately .. in almost everything she does and i think this wont change because the older she gets the more fans and others will say no you cant do that and she will just do it more and more 
  16. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Ccgen in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think Maluma  is a true gentleman and has a lot of affection for her. He probably didn’t know she was having issues when he invited her to perform there because the last time he performed with her at the Billboard Music Awards she was fine and the performance came off well. 
  17. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to gafuller in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    And I think people are ignoring how much physical movement she can do now since surgery. The exercise she does now is more rehab based and for staying limber and prevent further injuries. Not for building muscles or losing weight.
  18. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to steady75 in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    Ok so before watching I was expecting the absolute worst from the reactions on here.
    Medellin was cute enough. Music was a bit off and she was not on point. Actually she was clear enough at the end of the performance to realise that Malluma was not on the floor in the right spot and made sure she dragged him back so he wouldnt get injured when the platform descended into the stage, so she wasnt totally out of it, while he looked like he didnt really know what was going on so mom was the one in charge there.
    Yes there's been some questionable fashion, surgery, over editing and she does seem to have lost her confidence since 2015 somewhat. The Madame X tour was good though.
    I dont know about anyone else but I'm personally struggling with getting back into real life and work again after two years of covid. Life is tough mentally at the moment. 
    She has also had a really bad injury, which she hasnt recovered from. and has just had a break up..plus I've said it before. Menopause really fucks with your head. You just go blank in the middle of what you are doing ,
    The endless procedures are worrying and the ass is a joke that seems to put her balance and entire movement off.
    I think she's just going through it a bit at the mo and while i'd keep a cautious eye of concern out for her if I was someone in her team that loved and respected her, this is not a Whitney or Britney situation. 
    She is 63, but 63 really isnt old and she is moving and holding herself in the manner of someone of much advanced years than 63. I think she's obviously in pain and out of sync with her body. 
    Maybe she'll go back and look at this and think..yeah I wasn't great there and a few things need to change. She'll obviously be reconsidering some of her recent life choices as we all do after a break up. She's also observing the arc of her life with the biopic and must have a lot of feelings and thoughts. 
    I hear the voices for concern and while I appreciate that most of them come from a place of love, as well as a little bit of shock that this once seemingly invincible woman is ....less than she was, I think we need to be careful of crossing lines of concern just now. 
    If true insiders have the know on her current state of health (mental and physical), and can hand on heart say there are voices of concern then that's a different matter. 
    But I do trust her. I think shes just been a bit lost for a while and sometimes you need to hit a place pretty low to begin the climb back up. Imma cut her a while heap of slack on this one. I think she's trying to rely on some old and tired over sexualised public tricks and power moves that actually don't serve her very well anymore. They don't make her look powerful so the effect is totally lost. 
    I think Maluma was respectful and Madonna had (sadly) another less than favourable outing...but maybe she knows she needs to get back out there after three years and this was her first day back on the job as it were. Ultimately she didn't look like she was having any fun at all...and that's more the worry for me. 
    We shall see xx
    Love you mom x
  19. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think Maluma  is a true gentleman and has a lot of affection for her. He probably didn’t know she was having issues when he invited her to perform there because the last time he performed with her at the Billboard Music Awards she was fine and the performance came off well. 
  20. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Pootz333 in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think Maluma  is a true gentleman and has a lot of affection for her. He probably didn’t know she was having issues when he invited her to perform there because the last time he performed with her at the Billboard Music Awards she was fine and the performance came off well. 
  21. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from MDNA22 in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think Maluma  is a true gentleman and has a lot of affection for her. He probably didn’t know she was having issues when he invited her to perform there because the last time he performed with her at the Billboard Music Awards she was fine and the performance came off well. 
  22. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to realityisalways in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    How is Maluma an asshole, that assessment is so off, he actually spent 70% of both performances trying to take care of her. Imagine if this would have been Drake, he would have pushed her off or something. 
  23. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from heikeeduardo in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think there are some people here who are just being mean for the sake of it, but there are others who are genuinely concerned about her welfare. 
    Yes, she’s older but this performance is a decline from the Madame X shows which a lot of people on here saw. 
    I thought she was really good on Madame X. Admittedly I saw one of the first shows in Brooklyn before her injuries got too bad. 
    I don’t know how to describe it but I feel the way she speaks in interviews or even on Instagram is quite different and not as with it as she even was on Madame X. 
    I love seeing new pictures and video of her daily, but I think having Ricardo there photographing and filming her constantly  may not be the best thing. It seems stressful like you are on a reality show. 
  24. Like
    Glindathegood got a reaction from Starchild in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    I think there are some people here who are just being mean for the sake of it, but there are others who are genuinely concerned about her welfare. 
    Yes, she’s older but this performance is a decline from the Madame X shows which a lot of people on here saw. 
    I thought she was really good on Madame X. Admittedly I saw one of the first shows in Brooklyn before her injuries got too bad. 
    I don’t know how to describe it but I feel the way she speaks in interviews or even on Instagram is quite different and not as with it as she even was on Madame X. 
    I love seeing new pictures and video of her daily, but I think having Ricardo there photographing and filming her constantly  may not be the best thing. It seems stressful like you are on a reality show. 
  25. Like
    Glindathegood reacted to mdnamdma in Madonna onstage with Maluma in Medellín April 30   
    medellin was good ..music was messy its clear it was not rehearsed as much , she should have just done medellin .. all i see is a unfit madonna .. out of breath easy in all her most recent performances .. i dont think the problem when performing is her ass its her fitness .. we are not used to seeing madonna look unfit and its a shock .. some of the comments here are disgusting about her body or how she is drunk or addicted to drugs ..she is just unfit which is fine considering she wont have been able to work out as much or maybe she just wants to enjoy life 
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