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Rodrigo Olivero

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    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to hankypanky2021 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    no but ive noticed you have a huge issue with Madonna touching up her pics , she has done it from day one lol - i bet if i went back through your posts i could find you just constantly moaning about her instagram or something saying that she should just pack it in and let somebody else post on behalf of her ...to me the pics just look like they are toning her face making it slimmer and doing something with her eyes etc etc ..obviously she is not going to look like that in the morning lol i dont understand your issue and why it triggers you so much - we all have terrible pictures and we all choose the best ones to present ourselves ..i dont see her any different in that way - i wonder if you was one of them who said "im going to follow her instagram sick of her kids " 
  2. Haha
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to hankypanky2021 in Madame X Tour DVD   
    fans " we want something to dance to " 
    madonna " here have a dance song about gun control "
  3. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to scallywally in Harlem performance Oct. 9, 2021   
    She looked & sounded fantastic OK only seen vids but taking it out on the street too?! How Madonna can you get?! 
    OMG the reverb and sound in cheap bars are so shit you cant hear the pitch very well let alone fans singing out off tune and you meeting in the middle. GIVE HER A BREAK! Have any of you tried it? 
    Expected nothing at first, just a hello welcome to my movie maybe a song THEN ALL THAT LOOKING GREAT AND HAVING FUN?!!!!
    Some people REALLY need to get a life a life and leave the forum, and yes you might agree me. Some bitches here are just toxic. 
    (Although most adorable) I f youre gonna moan about anything she does including growing older or having a different body. MOVE ON! Youre poisoning other fans pleasure. 
    Have an opinion yes but FFS its like were swamped by bitchy gaga fans that have nothing but shit to say about her. Fuck off. Appreciate shes alive and trying to entertain US!!!!!!
    I cant be the only one getting bored of the dicks in here having a midlife crisis that Madonnas not 38 so that measns theyre older and shes the one not acting grown up when theyre still acting like school bullies. Is this woman whos gave us joy for years who you want to pick on????? Jesus.  Have a word with yourselves. Get your sewing machine out, make better clothes, perform better than her and report back to us. Thanks. 
  4. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Tiago Lisboa Rodrigues in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Honestly...loved the chaotic edition during the first section. And yes, it completely calms down once Batuka starts. I don't get the comparison with the past 2 tours? Once the last section hits with Frozen it might just the the less edited thing she's ever done including The Confessions Tour, Drowned World etc She had some really lengthy takes during that last section and it looked amazing! Sometimes less is more and she knew it. She was extremely proud of the new footage shot this year and you could tell. 
    But that chaotic first section totally makes sense in context.
    Speaking of that section...I had no idea i was going to love it so much? I really don't remember liking it that much live. It's intense as hell! wow
    Loved one very specific part: When she screams "A new democracy!", throws the hat and the way the song stops for like 2 seconds. It's nice touches like this that to me made this film so great.
    Also...I Rise is a...great song now? wtf...i was shaking by the time Like a Prayer ends and I Rise starts. What a great ending to this show! Even the simple hands choreo was so fitting.
    Everything about this live release was on point. And dare i say it...her best release / promo campaign to the masses ever. This is all over MTV worldwide, Paramount+ did an exceptional job promoting this, Madonna herself even showed up at Jimmy Fallon to promote it. Hell the album is #2 on itunes worldwide and #1 in 14 countries. A live album that we didn't even knew existed a week ago.
    One last thing...Madonna didn't spend a year doing this to release a live show. It's clear as hell. She even calls this a movie or film for a reason. It IS cinematic as hell. You can also tell the biopic inspired her during that intro, the Italy speech, etc. Watching her embracing her career this way is honestly great to witness. Before this we got the occasional music video montage only, lmao.
    Cons of the show: Oddly the 3 best songs to me live...were the ones that were boring on film. I never imagined Vogue could be boring...but it was here. Add  IDSIF and Extreme Occident to the list for the other 2. They are still worth the watch...but they could've been done better because they were all great live.
    Anyway, exciting to be a fan of a woman this creative 40 years after her debut. She is nostalgic about her career but she is also doing 90% of new songs only. I thought that was an interesting contradiction and you can tell her mood shifted between planning this tour and actually editing this show. She's full on biopic mode right now, you love to see it!
  5. Haha
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Fabiolous in Madame X Tour DVD   
    She probably wasn't impressed with the faces some of y'all where making and she had to find something else lol
  6. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Karma in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I just wanted to say that her dedication to this project is truly admirable and inspiring. Personally editing the tour film, the live album, the Rolling Stone shoot, the red carpet premiere, the screening events around the world, the Fallon interview (and possible performance), etc...It feels like an early Christmas week in the Madonna fanbase!.

    And the thing is, she doesn’t have to promote as hard, especially when it's not as profitable as it used to be and this was originally meant to be a private theather show. All nitpicking aside, I think we should consider ourselves very lucky to experience an once-in-a-lifetime artist like Madonna. Her old school hustle is very rare in a generation that seeks for instant gratification and hates long term hard work. And I'm happy to see her still passionate as ever about her latest music, nearly 40 years into her career, on top of it all.
  7. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to remixed224 in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Actually I love this clip, it’s fast cuts but it’s intense part of the song. 
  8. Thanks
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to cosmic_system in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Well don't watch it then! I hope it's like this for 2 hours! 
  9. Haha
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Andreo in Harlem performance Oct. 9, 2021   
  10. Thanks
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to thegoldencalf in Madame X Tour Premiere ~ September 23   
    It’s funny cause for once everyone has a really positive attitude about her and her fan base is the one being nasty.
    Shes just keeping up with the times. But some of her fans are getting older and they are not keeping up.
    They want her to act old and stuck in the past, like they do. And play her old hits on guitar 
  11. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Andreo in Madame X Tour Premiere ~ September 23   
    You guys are being a bit too critical and judgmental towards her lately tbh. I worry too because I love her sm, but the things many people focus on are honestly absurd and laughable, chill lol. 
  12. Thanks
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Markdonna in Madame X Tour DVD   
    The negativity around here is depressing, I gotta agree.  
  13. Thanks
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Andreo in Madame X Tour DVD   
    You guys treat Madge as an unknown newbie of the industry that needs to hurry up releasing two albums a year not to disappear, it's beyond ridiculous. She's been doing more her in the last 15 years than many artists in their first decade, don't be so impatient lol. 
  14. Thanks
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to thegoldencalf in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Ummm she just released an album and went on tour up until the pandemic started. And she was dealing with major health issues. 
    She’s been doing way more than any other artist in the history of mankind for 40 years. 
    This entitlement some fans have over her is mind boggling to me
  15. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Fontainebleau in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    What is going on with all this scrutinizing of the one minute Madonna was on the MTV stage? While we are still debating her looks, outfits and antics Madonna herself is probably already busy with something else. Why make it more than it is? Why give so much meaning to something that very likely wasn't  meant as meaningful? If the one minute suprise appearance was intended to have people talking then mission accomplished. Why make it more than it is? If Madonna didn't want to do it, then she wouldn't have done it. If she wants to have butt implants and wear a leather outfit, then let the woman do her thing. But all of a sudden it's a sign of insecurity and we feel sorry for her? It's Madonna we're talking about, not some new and inexperienced starlet. The talk of filters, plastic surgery, her clothing, it's all so trivial and it devaluates her forty years in the business. She's a survivor and she will continue. But she will do it on her terms, not ours.
  16. Thanks
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Roland Barthes in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    The overreaction here ! Seriously come back in a few months and read what you wrote again...or in a few years. You shouldn't be spending that much time on someone especially to be so negative. Ask yourself why this triggers so much rage in you. It's unhealthy to witness. Really.  Breathe and think it over. It's not that important and not that bad.
  17. Thanks
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to me1981 in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    1997 - Since when has M cared about being nominated for an award, how desperate is she for acceptance? Why should she be nervous? She's Madonna, she had rehearsal time and she shouldn't care so much. She should own the room. Not the Madonna I remember, she wouldn't have cared so much but she has changed. What emotions, she wasn't nominated, she should have been fine. That wasn't even her song. 
    1991 - She was trembling and many said her performance was lame/trashy back then, which shocked me. Not as many people were impressed as we think. She also messed up the words "A girl can get awfully awful in the spotlight" What does that mean? Awfully awful. Did she mean Awfully lonely? 
    1988 - She spent the 88 Tony's going on about the mic stand and seeming so out of place in a ridiculous flower dress that she looked awful in (see how easy that was) 
    Honestly I can rip anything just like everyone has the 2021 MTV Awards. I watched it again. She was fine. She repeated herself as she wanted to be heard, just like she has done in other appearances. Normally she bellows to be heard. She had a slight jolt when she turned, but she walked in and off with confidence. So she was nervous, she is always nervous. 
    If you can forgive her past nervousness I don't get why this is any different. If you can forgive past cringe moments of which there are plenty, then why is this so different. If you can forgive past times she looked terrible in an outfit then why not this time.
    This was not the sad pathetic moment people think it was. It just wasn't. I am not a M apologist nor a stan who can't be critical. I have had my moments, but this wasn't it. 
  18. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to xrhaul in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Don’t wanna get my hopes up but the editing looks better than the MDNA - Rebel Heart Tour so far, you can see her face 

  19. Haha
    I can't believe we got this massive news and STILL some people are moaning about it. God.
  20. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to MCL_1993 in [RHT screens] New attempt - same old story   
    Hey, I hope I don't waste anyones time with a dedicated post for this but here we go again:
    This is a snippet of what I have been adding to my collection. A very nice lady who has recorded a few screen videos in Manila was kind enough to share them in their original quality and I incorporated them in my new edit. I also tried to edit the audio in a way that was described by the person who has shared so much info about the production with me, 
    that's why I choose to cut it down to only the short version of the medley performed in certain european shows. The 'backdrop' was just a quick kaleidoscope overlay.
    I think now that we have footage from Torino, Las Vegas, Portland and Manila, as well as quite a collection by James from madonna-tv we might be on track to finally get the edit that we deserved. 
    Any help is (still) much appreciated!
  21. Thanks
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to maddy1111 in Why did Madonna leave Warner in the 1st Place ??   
    And how is your post related to the discussion about her leaving Warner? Or you just wanted to be troll and spread same hate towards Madame X even in this thread?! 
  22. Thanks
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Ali Khafaji in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Boring and Long??? rescue me interlude was one of the highlights in the show!!!! Her voice the choreography!!! I guess not everyone can understand ART. 

  23. Thanks
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to PanditaRulez in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Please guys if you are still believing that this is going to be a documentary ala IGTTYAS or Truth or Dare just because you are reading the word "Documentary" please stop!!! This is going to be the full concert! JUST STOP COMPLAINING AND WAIT UNTIL OCTOBER 8TH!!! 
    @Shoful I understand how you feel sis  is so stressing and annoying see pure negativity and drama just for a 40 seconds teaser
  24. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Frank in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Don't trust that site AT ALL.
  25. Like
    Rodrigo Olivero reacted to Sultrysully in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Jesus.... a 39 second flash of a preview and you are reviewing the show already.
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