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Unapologetic Bitches
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    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from blue0rbit in Her face...what a shock   
    What she criticized so much during her speech when she was awarded Woman of the Year in 2016 in Billboard, that is, her rejection of how society condemns old age in women, but I see that everything remains theoretical because she herself does not practice it and we see how she resists the passage of time using effects in her photographs or exaggerated implants in her body.
    Madonna has sometimes been pretentious but at this point I am sure that most of her fans would not mind seeing her grow old with dignity and not see her desperately fighting against the passage of time.
  2. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from nick777 in Her face...what a shock   
    What she criticized so much during her speech when she was awarded Woman of the Year in 2016 in Billboard, that is, her rejection of how society condemns old age in women, but I see that everything remains theoretical because she herself does not practice it and we see how she resists the passage of time using effects in her photographs or exaggerated implants in her body.
    Madonna has sometimes been pretentious but at this point I am sure that most of her fans would not mind seeing her grow old with dignity and not see her desperately fighting against the passage of time.
  3. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from blue0rbit in Her face...what a shock   
    How difficult it is for many to avoid falling into insults when responding to a comment they don't like or disagree with.
    If society criticizes old age in women implicitly demanding that they resort to plastic surgeries and implants in the body and filters in photos and thus hide their old age, then Madonna also ends up submitting to it by doing the same and contradicting herself according to her speech in the Billboard.
  4. Sad
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Kieran in Her face...what a shock   
    What she criticized so much during her speech when she was awarded Woman of the Year in 2016 in Billboard, that is, her rejection of how society condemns old age in women, but I see that everything remains theoretical because she herself does not practice it and we see how she resists the passage of time using effects in her photographs or exaggerated implants in her body.
    Madonna has sometimes been pretentious but at this point I am sure that most of her fans would not mind seeing her grow old with dignity and not see her desperately fighting against the passage of time.
  5. Wow
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Thiago Ciola in Her face...what a shock   
    Her face....so so Sad
  6. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from nito84bcn in Unpopular Opinions Thread   
    I was disappointed to find about the setlist of the Madame X Tour, I thought that being a tour that would take place in theaters, and being these a smaller and more intimate space and where most of the public would be true fans, she would select songs not performed a long time ago like Secret, Take a Bow, Crazy for You, Don't tell me, Gambler, etc. but no, she decided to sing for the umpteenth time Vogue, Like a Prayer, La isla Bonita, Human Nature (causing me to take a certain rejection of these songs) wasting once again a huge catalog that any artist would envy to have.
    But even so, I would have forgiven her to see her perform Rescue Me (one of my favorite songs) as seen in the rehearsal videos where she is seen singing it with the women of Batuka but she decided to change everything at the last minute and release a totally different and disappointing final version.
  7. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from momosfantasy in Unpopular Opinions Thread   
    I was disappointed to find about the setlist of the Madame X Tour, I thought that being a tour that would take place in theaters, and being these a smaller and more intimate space and where most of the public would be true fans, she would select songs not performed a long time ago like Secret, Take a Bow, Crazy for You, Don't tell me, Gambler, etc. but no, she decided to sing for the umpteenth time Vogue, Like a Prayer, La isla Bonita, Human Nature (causing me to take a certain rejection of these songs) wasting once again a huge catalog that any artist would envy to have.
    But even so, I would have forgiven her to see her perform Rescue Me (one of my favorite songs) as seen in the rehearsal videos where she is seen singing it with the women of Batuka but she decided to change everything at the last minute and release a totally different and disappointing final version.
  8. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from cyberrage in Unpopular Opinions Thread   
    I was disappointed to find about the setlist of the Madame X Tour, I thought that being a tour that would take place in theaters, and being these a smaller and more intimate space and where most of the public would be true fans, she would select songs not performed a long time ago like Secret, Take a Bow, Crazy for You, Don't tell me, Gambler, etc. but no, she decided to sing for the umpteenth time Vogue, Like a Prayer, La isla Bonita, Human Nature (causing me to take a certain rejection of these songs) wasting once again a huge catalog that any artist would envy to have.
    But even so, I would have forgiven her to see her perform Rescue Me (one of my favorite songs) as seen in the rehearsal videos where she is seen singing it with the women of Batuka but she decided to change everything at the last minute and release a totally different and disappointing final version.
  9. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from MDNA22 in Was Anyone Else Caught Off Guard by Hard Candy?   
    Well, I didn't know that, so I started looking for more information and indeed, Neil during a conference confirmed that at the beginning of 2007 they were contacted by Warner itself to ask them to produce the new album of the goddess Madonna, which they accepted happy but the strange thing is that days later Warner calls them again to inform them that they had changed their minds and to forget the pre-agreement they had made since they had changed their minds and had decided that Madonna's new album would have a more urban sound.
    This make me think that Warner was ahead of the facts by contacting the PetshopBoys since Madonna had already recorded some demos with Pharrell (maybe Warner wasn't aware of that) and had already decided what style her new album would have, so she rejected Warner's proposal.
    But what seems unforgivable to me is that we have missed that collaboration of those 2 music legends (Madonna and PetshopBoys) recognized worldwide, I am not exaggerating when I say that it would have been the album of the year due to the great expectation that would have been generated by seeing what would be the result of that union. Sorry and Jump would be the perfect foretaste of what was to come: a truly orgasmic album. But what we got in the end was ... Hard Candy.
    Unfortunately I feel that accepting Warner's proposal to make an album with the PetshopBoys would imply for Madonna a greater commitment and seriousness that she was not willing to offer since it was her last album with Warner and she did not want to commit much to the project and she left everything in the hands of the fashion producers at the time.
  10. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from anton5000 in Was Anyone Else Caught Off Guard by Hard Candy?   
    Well, I didn't know that, so I started looking for more information and indeed, Neil during a conference confirmed that at the beginning of 2007 they were contacted by Warner itself to ask them to produce the new album of the goddess Madonna, which they accepted happy but the strange thing is that days later Warner calls them again to inform them that they had changed their minds and to forget the pre-agreement they had made since they had changed their minds and had decided that Madonna's new album would have a more urban sound.
    This make me think that Warner was ahead of the facts by contacting the PetshopBoys since Madonna had already recorded some demos with Pharrell (maybe Warner wasn't aware of that) and had already decided what style her new album would have, so she rejected Warner's proposal.
    But what seems unforgivable to me is that we have missed that collaboration of those 2 music legends (Madonna and PetshopBoys) recognized worldwide, I am not exaggerating when I say that it would have been the album of the year due to the great expectation that would have been generated by seeing what would be the result of that union. Sorry and Jump would be the perfect foretaste of what was to come: a truly orgasmic album. But what we got in the end was ... Hard Candy.
    Unfortunately I feel that accepting Warner's proposal to make an album with the PetshopBoys would imply for Madonna a greater commitment and seriousness that she was not willing to offer since it was her last album with Warner and she did not want to commit much to the project and she left everything in the hands of the fashion producers at the time.
  11. Like
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to 50ft Queenie in The rappers in the music of Madonna.   
    Why are you imposing his opinions about Rap Music onto me? I was just saying that disliking a certain genre of music does not automatically equal racism. I never mentioned one thing about the user that you were calling out. Stop acting so pressed all the time please. Also, stop going off on rants because you watched one Youtube video and are now convinced its holy scripture. I don't have time for individuals who refuse to properly read a comment. For a moderator you sure are jumpy. Stop coming after me with your passive aggressive behavior because you are still salty about a comment I made about one of Janet Jackson's live performances that hurt your feelings. Go listen to some Mozart, his music is known to have a calming quality.
  12. Like
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to 50ft Queenie in The rappers in the music of Madonna.   
    This thread is full of the usual users accusing everyone of racism because some people don't seem to like Madonna and her Rap direction. Disliking Rap or disliking some of the Rap that Madonna has featured on her albums has nothing to do with being racist against anyone black. Madonna did not start out or build her fanbase off of being Kanye West, The racism card is usually just an excuse to try and silence criticism about many of her more recent projects from butthurt fans who cry whenever anyone dares criticize Madonna and her series of bad collaborations. The collaborations are bad because they are bad, not because of the artists ethnicity. Atleast Madame X gave us the excellent Crave video, something decent for a change. I am not a fan of Mongolian Throat Singing, that does not mean I am racist against Native Mongolians. More people in this forum should start thinking with their heads and not get over emotional about everything.
  13. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from TOpher in The rappers in the music of Madonna.   
    If you deduce that she likes that music because in Bedtime Stories there was a song with a rapper, then why did she wait fourteen years to include rappers in her songs again? Has no sense. She could have done it before.
  14. Sad
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from New_Boy in The rappers in the music of Madonna.   
    If you deduce that she likes that music because in Bedtime Stories there was a song with a rapper, then why did she wait fourteen years to include rappers in her songs again? Has no sense. She could have done it before.
  15. Sad
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from New_Boy in The rappers in the music of Madonna.   
    Thank God songs like Music or Like a Virgin did not have the participation of a rapper otherwise I do not know if I would have liked them as much as I do. And it is that rap is a genre that I don't like at all, in fact I don't follow or know most of them if it weren't for Madonna including them in her songs. Candy Shop, Future, The beat goes on, are just some examples of songs that I wish there were versions where their participation was omitted.
    I don't know if she likes that genre or if she does it to get the long-awaited number one on the charts but there are millions of fans who don't like feeling forced to listen to these "artists". Something that started with Candy Shop and continues to this day.
  16. Like
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to realityisalways in Madonna Back In The Studio!   
    She's in the studio with fucking sawg lee of all people instead of being there with Patrick Leonard, Stuart Price or William Orbit. My excitement is at -200%, not here for an auto-tuned, grills-vocaled rap track.
  17. Like
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to beautifulkiller in Madonna Back In The Studio!   
    I dont think a lot of fans care because they see swae lee and jozzy and think we are getting a rap track lol if it was stuart price im sure it would be getting a lot more attention - i cant help but wonder its frozen turned into a duet and it will be part of a deluxe edition of ray of light 
  18. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Lucky90210 in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Ugh NOW can we move on from this tedious era? Madame X tour was the worst. Madonna get it together and put out dance music that we can all enjoy. I don't need the meaning of life from you nor do I need a report on the state of the world today, You are preaching to the choir. Your following GETS IT ALREADY and the general public doesn't care about your POV. Now Let's dance. Thank you.
  19. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Shoful in Harlem performance Oct. 9, 2021   
    Me too
  20. Like
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to eXtremeOccident in GIRD YOUR LOINS M IS PERFORMING TONIGHT! @ The VMA'S!   
    Something else about tonight…
    Is Madonna starting to have substance issues? For a long time now, she’s been holding a drink in her hand in pics every chance she has, including tonight on her insta. If it’s not a drink, it’s a joint. But at least 50% of her posts nowadays do, if not more.
    Her speech was…off…tonight. And it’s been something a little noticeable in public events for a while now. She also tripped a teensy bit on stage if you were watching closely. Now, sure, it could be the butt or heels or clothes…but the puffiness in public events and her slight inability to get two sentences out tonight was weird.
    I don’t know. I’ve gotten the vibe for a while now that a lot of her Instagram behavior may be attributable to that, and tonight she just seemed off. Her expression is regularly glazed and her eyes don’t seem….how should we put this….fully alive. Again, it could just be the nip tuck but I do worry a little bit about her.
    Tonight just left me a little sad as a fan. Sigh. Sorry to be the downer in the thread. I know I’m in the minority here, and I’m really happy for the fans who loved tonight.
  21. Like
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to tasteinmen in Madonna - Rebel Heart Demo Collection eMaster   
    What started as trying to get my favourite demo's put through eMaster so the volume levels would match and to add a bit more clarity, I ended up compiling a 28 track album featuring the songs I think are the best versions in terms of production and clarity, so enjoy! @SteffmadI hope you don't mind, I've included your versions of Rebel Heart, Inside Out and Messiah 6 as you did such a good job.
    01 Rebel Heart (Demo 2014.05.19)
    02 Addicted (Demo 2014.05.09)
    03 Devil Pray (Demo 2014.09)
    04 Borrowed Time (Demo 2014.09)
    05 Wash All Over Me (Demo 2014.07.03)
    06 Beautiful Scars (Demo)
    07 Hold Tight (Demo 2014.10.07)
    08 Never Let You Go (Demo 2014.06)
    09 Inside Out (Demo)
    10 Joan of Arc (Acoustic Version)
    11 Living For Love (Demo 2014.08)
    12 Iconic (Demo 2014.10.13)
    13 Bitch I'm Madonna (I Just Want A Beat Demo 2014.05)
    14 Trust No Bitch (Demo 2014.06)
    15 Illuminati (Demo 2014.06)
    16 Tragic Girl (Demo 2014.06)
    17 Freedom
    18 Take a Day
    19 Back That Up (Demo 2014.06.11)
    20 Body Shop (Rough 4.1)
    21 Holy Water (Demo)
    22 Nothing Lasts Forever (Demo 2014.06)
    23 Two Steps Behind (Demo 2014.03)
    24 HeartBreakCity (Demo 2014.05)
    25 Alone With You (Demo 2014.03)
    26 Heaven (Demo 2014.06)
    27 HeartBreakCity (Demo 2014.05)
    28 Messiah 6

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  22. Like
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Aiwa08 in Fever (Album Version) or Fever (Edit One)?   
    Fever (Edit Two) is my favourite. It's the "Edit One" but 25 seconds longer: 
    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  But I don't know why I love the album instrumental: 
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