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    mdnafrance reacted to Roland Barthes in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I only accept complains from people who were at the show tonight and were affected by the delay...like me. And i don't give a fuck, so. I'd rather wait for Madonna for 5 hours than having to endure Taylor Swift being on time. I'm currently typing on my phone in a bus going home. So i'm killing time and type this to cut myself off my suroundings. It rained all day and night and the bus smells like a wet dog and thousands wet smelly jean's , i'm using this to try not to make eye contact hahaha, i'm trying to look busy.
    There was a lot of technical issues, the rails holding the lights above the stage had to be lowered down and people were asked to move from the pit. Then there was sound problems, her voice was louder than the backtrack and she wasn't hearing the music so she was sometimes not on cue, singing too fast. During her speeches you could see a guy fixing something in the levitating "box" so maybe that's why she spoke so much to us as to kill time. 
    But it was fire, the place was packed, i missed Stuart because i was talking to friends i had not seen in a while near the store and we did not know it was him playing, in fact we thought it was a mix on tape fom where we were. Nevermind. It was electric, i saw Madonna at all her "Bercy" shows and the mood on this one reminded me a lot of the one at The Girlie Show, the audience was insane. There's a lot of dance numbers, it seems to allude to the fact that she was a dancer first and it looks stunning live, i sometimes fogot it was a Madonna concert and felt i was watching a modern dance ballet at le Theatre du Châtelet. I think i was standing next to some dance's families since they scream at them (On t'aime ! ) and cheered two of them each time they got close to were we stood. She gave her all and was super long (2H30) but it went quicker than a ray of light. It's a lot to take in though. It's almost like each song is its own segment. Ok i'm done for now, my stop is next.
  2. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to Lucky90210 in Finally Enough Love: 50 Number Ones   
    I think You Can Dance is being re-released. 
  3. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to Redha DBL in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Ok so this is my take, i've been waiting to express my feelings concerning the Boom perrormance and i did the right thing... at first i hated it with passion, i found it was the worst performance she has ever done. I even think i'm done, from now on i can say i'm not a fan of who she is but of who she was. I've even chatted in dm with other members of the forum who hated the performance too. I didn't want to spread more negativity in the thread so i kept it private. And then, two days later, it was saturday, something stared to grow on me, my feeling towards the show started to change little by little, slowly, and most of all without me trying to force myself to like it. No, i wasn't trying to convince myself, i don't do it anymore for years. I was perfectly fine with the fact i hated it but no matter what, things were shifting and i just couldn't help it, it felt so strange. Hour after hour the hate was turning into love. Since saturday it haven't stopped growing and now k can tellyou that i LOVE that performance ! You might think i'm crazy but i actually analyzed my reaction and now i know what happened ; at first i had a rejection reaction, what i mistook for dislike was actually rejection. That was a brand new Madonna, a totally new one, inside and outside. A full reinvention like she hasn't done in ages. First of all her appareance was like a totally new person to me, she was curvy, seemed like she had even bigger boobs, she had a totally sex outfit. The performance then, it was freestyle, she was close to the crowd, she seemed like she didn't care abiut her moves, she wasn't trying to be perfect like has done all her career,  she wasn't "cold", she was carefree, it was as if it was 1991 in a  gay club, EVERYTHING was different than before. It's like a rebirth, sure less proffesional, less calculated, less "olympic and sporty" but way more happy, warm and funny. That is why my mind rejected it at first, i needed to absorb the change but now i can tell you i love love love that new Madonna and i hope she keeps it that way. In a way she reminds me of the early 90's Madonna. I might add that i also had a click when i saw the Miley Cyrus performance of the Madonna medley and read some people saying that is what M should stick on doing, classy and pro perfomance and i found it so boring compared to the pride performance of Madonna. M show was wild, crazy, carefree, fun and thah was LIFE ! For the first time in years i felt she ws truly and genuinely happy. I love that new Madonna ! No more vintage hollywood hairdos, no more hippy dresses, no tango or cha cha cha, just M with straight blue hair, a Jean Paul Gaultier sexy outfit, a see through top, dance music ! 2021 is the new 1991 ! The only thing is that now i want a full 90's inspired house album for her neW album !!!

  4. Thanks
    mdnafrance reacted to cosmicarlo818 in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    NO! SHAME THE FUCK ON YOU! You shouldn't be here!
    People like yourself are why Madonna has been fighting the bitter but worthy fight the last two decades!
    We only have Respect and relative Love and Appreciation for Madonna here! Take your heinous negativity elsewhere, fuck out of here with your tasteless "humor" dude
  5. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    Seriously, most of you on this forum need to really really check the amount of time spent here and the amount of negativity you spread on this forum. Nothing's ever good, nothing's ever fine. Maybe the problem is you. Maybe you can't enjoy anything anymore or at least anything Madonna does so the question is : Why do you feel the need to be party poopers for others ?
    It's ok to not like something and to say it but saying it over and over and still hang out here to check if someone dare say something positive to make sure only your bitterness with life prevails around here is pure toxic behaviour.
    Use your time to work on yourself and find new passions instead of poisoning others. Thank You.
    You havn't enjoyed anything Madonna did for the last two years and you keep saying it. We got it but apprently you don't. You're over her. Move on. No she's not Madonna of 1987 and thank god for that. She looked awful during WTG tour with that New Jersey granny hair and awful make up. Try Prozac.
  6. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to milingo83 in Madonna PRIDE 2021   
    HQ polaroid from interviewmagazine.com

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    mdnafrance got a reaction from dylanlioncourt in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    In case you didn't see, i have to share this little masterpiece i found on Twitter ?
  8. Thanks
    mdnafrance got a reaction from Beautiful Madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    In case you didn't see, i have to share this little masterpiece i found on Twitter ?
  9. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to Régine Filange in Madonna and ageism - where lies the problem?   
    Also if she was aging "gracefully" the media and the world would've eat her alive 5x times as they always do. The problem and the hypocrite isn't Madonna for doing whatever she wants with her life. Check the DailyMail comments under her articles, there are people that literally search her images in HQ just to detect wrinkles in her face. 
  10. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to Roland Barthes in Rumor : New album / Update page 23   
    Before talking about Madonna maybe you should check her background. I know in these times of social media people are lazy to do the homework and speak before they think or know. What you want to be and know becomes the truth. Nothing wrong with that until you share something not as YOUR thought but as some truth. 
    We all love Madonna for very different things and eras. I can't understand fans who glorify the shit Evita years or MDNA when i hate them so much but i would neversayitis her worst because this is just my fucking opinion, you know. What we all have here are opinions. Based on personal taste and knowledge. My opinion is not better or worth more than yours. It is just my opinion.
    HOWEVER, You show that you know absolutely nothing about Madonna's background. At the time Madonna was a florishing artist in New York, not yet signed she was already hanging out at hip hop venues. The Roxy was just that, a hip hop club, the first one, with a rollerskating ring. She was hanging out with Bambaataa, Fab Five Freddy (accidentaly it's at one of his gigs Maripol noticed her) but she was also a regular at Negril, a small bar in the Bronx where hiphop was truly born. This is something every old school rapper have told. She was dancing with Crazy Legs and hanging out with Futura 2000, she even had a graffiti phase, Boy Toy was her tagname. She was discovered at Danceteria and music there was mostly british and new wave but her gang was hanging out there because that's where record companies scouts and art gallerists were hanging out. But their favourite club was Roxy because of HipHop and The funhouse because of the latino sound (Jellybean was the dj there) mixed with...hip hop. Sadly, AllAboutMadonna is no longer online otherwise i would have linked very early interviews from 1982/1983 where she talks about it and herfriendship with Grandmasterflash. Madonna has been listening to Hip Hop from the get go. Andshe never stopped. She favoured Public Enemy in the late 80's, you can see her train for A League Of Their Own listening to hardcore rap. Her first band signed to Maverick was Proper Ground a Los Angeles hip hop punk band. It is not something new. It is not because you hate hip hop and black people (because believe that's the subtext of everything you wrote, that's what gets out of every line you produced) that she's not allowed to like it. This is not because you don't understand hip hop that she does not, it isnot because you don't know hip hop that she does not, and it is not because you don't know Madonna that she does not know herself. 
    Feel free to listen to someone else if you like disco, every pop tart released a disco album this year. You can listen to someone that fits more with your taste. You don't share Madonna's tastes anymore, you don't have a contract with her and she does not have a contract with us. We're free to go somewhere else anytime. Hanging on like this and going on over and ovrabout what you want from her is unhealthy. And that goes for all of us. It's like a bad relationship, when you are no longer satisfied by it, it's time to move on and let go. Asking someone to be what you want them to be and how you want them to act, to please you says much more about you than about the person. You don't like that person but the idea you made your mind up about that person. 
    threads after threads here, it's toxic comments after toxic comments that say way much more about the posters who write them than about Madonna. Move on. find your pleasure and happiness somewhere else. Make your own record. Do your own thing. Let people who still enjoy what Madonna does enjoying it without raining on our parade with your bitterness.  Saying this or that is shit is incredibly agressive. Just say "i don't like it". Saying it's shit because you don't like it just shows that you have too much regards for yourself. Not only that but it saying "it's shit" ends the conversation, saying "i don't like it" can open a conversation. That's the big difference. Saying "it is shit" only brings negativity and some people will just hate you for that, it creates an hostile environment. And someone will lose their shit and it will end badly. Somebody leaving, somebody being banned and everybody will get a dose of negativity in the end. 
  11. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to Frank in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    So u think getting tattooed is disrespecting a body? As a fully tattooed person, i have something to say to you:
  12. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to PlayPause in Mirwais interview in Libération (October, 17th)   
    "I had a hit with Naive Song, from my Production album. There's Auto-tune all along. Madonna wanted it, so I wrote Nobody's Perfect for her. It was the first time a major star used the Auto-tune on a song from start to finish."
    "We did some trials to see how things were working out between us because she tests a lot of producers before she makes up her mind.  With Air, for example, it didn't work out."
    "We are both extremists when it comes to music. She could die for a sound. She is very impatient, everything has to be quick in the studio, and it ends up paralyzing some producers..."
    "During the American Life session, the work on a track was going on forever, so she asked 'How come it's taking so long to be cool?'. I replied 'Cause it's very fast to be uncool'. She laughed. There's a lot of fun between us. I remember I once had to quote Spinoza and Freud to have the last word on  Whatsapp. We're not friends though, we hardly call each other. She thinks I'm crazy so I'm allowed to say that I kind of see her as a slightly nuts sister. I couldn't stand living around her, she's a diva, but I support her 100% because she's one of a kind. I left the recording of COADF because she was being a pain in the neck."
    "Her last record, Madame X, gave me the impression that she was back in control. We hadn't seen each other in 12 years, she's living in Portugal, she loves Cesaria Evora, so she asked me if I felt like composing in that direction. We experimented a little and then embarked on making the album, eventually opening it to club tracks."

  13. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to artofdarkness in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Hi there! I made two new fanmade posters imagining how I would like the cover of the show to be! Hope you all like it and give your opinions about it!
    The first one is inspired by the performance of Frozen and the phrase "you can't hit a moving target" from Medellín music video. The second one is inspired by the clip she put out on her Instagram from I Don't Search I Find.

  14. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to Redha DBL in M has voted and posted new pics with pink hair !   
    Amazing. I love it and she looks wonderful
  15. Like
    mdnafrance got a reaction from MDNA22 in Madonna song you cried to?   
    I forgot: Extreme Occident! As for Rebelheart, it's so moving when she sings about her past. And the rythm that changes twice in this song, had goosebumps the first time I heard it (and of course the portugese section adds some magic to it). When she performed it in Lisbon I was especially touched
  16. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to Frank in M has voted and posted new pics with pink hair !   
    And no makeup at all, just some lipstick. 62? Really? She's gorgeous. F*ck the haters.
  17. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to madgefan in M has voted and posted new pics with pink hair !   
    I wonder how many people here and on social media constantly upload selfies with an obcene amount of filters just to hide their wrinkles, spots, and other 'imperfections'. It's not the first time she posts pictures of herself with those weird effects and it sure won't be the last time. Y'all acting like you know better than her should be ashamed of your boring lives indeed.
    By the way, her new colour suits her quite well. Hope she keeps it for a future photo shoot or something.
  18. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to Voguerista in M has voted and posted new pics with pink hair !   
    “You give me fever....”  more pink Madonna hair...
  19. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to Raio_05 in M has voted and posted new pics with pink hair !   
    And my point is that if she followed the natural course of aging, fans would be having meltdowns and criticizing her for "not doing anything about it". She couldn't win either way, therefore it's best for her to do whatever she wants, even if that implies too many fillers.

    Now if you ask me, personally I MUCH prefer her face now to that example above. I  don't have a problem with plastic surgery, never have...
  20. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to Frank in M has voted and posted new pics with pink hair !   
    Exactly. Also all the "fans" that keep saying her face has changed again, just by looking at pics with snapchat filters on it... I'm so tired of reading the same things over and over and over... ¬¬ If only they'd watch the IGTV video she also posted... She looks really fresh and cute <3

  21. Like
    mdnafrance got a reaction from Semtex1 in Songs that Madonna could cover?   
    I'd love her to cover and record officially "Between the bars" (she sang it once on IG, so beautiful) 
  22. Like
    mdnafrance got a reaction from Voguerista in Songs that Madonna could cover?   
    I'd love her to cover and record officially "Between the bars" (she sang it once on IG, so beautiful) 
  23. Like
    mdnafrance got a reaction from NowRadiate in Songs that Madonna could cover?   
    I'd love her to cover and record officially "Between the bars" (she sang it once on IG, so beautiful) 
  24. Like
    mdnafrance got a reaction from sidney78a in Songs that Madonna could cover?   
    I'd love her to cover and record officially "Between the bars" (she sang it once on IG, so beautiful) 
  25. Like
    mdnafrance reacted to Raio_05 in Madame X Tour DVD   
    As a portuguese fan and Lisbon native, I'm sad she's leaving  I liked the feeling of having her "close" to me and the hope that maybe someday I'd run into her on the street! I still remember almost running into her back when she was attending the weekly soccer practices.
    But I guess life is a circle and to have is not to hold. At least she gave us an album. Now I must let her go to other, greener pastures and hopefully she'll gain new inspiration for a another album.
    Até um dia!
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