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Posts posted by hankypanky2021

  1. 11 minutes ago, New_Boy said:

    You've pretty much abused dozens of members here for any minor imagined problem you have with their opinions. Do you expect to be adored for that by those same members? I've personally reported so many of your posts, stop presenting this as being abused for being this flower of peace and positivity and a victim. And, as @Fighter said, please find the "Edit" button, no one, and especially me, wants to see 10 ignored posts in a row.

    oh you have personally reported so many of my posts , oh please BOTHERED

  2. 10 minutes ago, Fabiolous said:

    Your heart is in the right place, but you're just VERY intense. Let people have their opinions. Some people like some things and not others. You don't have to change their minds and Madonna doesn't need your defending. Just chill. ? There's so many people who don't like Madame X on this forum, if I tried to come for them every time I wouldn't have any fun here lol

    well when this forum allows a member to post instagram links that are dedicated to hating on madonna i begin to wonder if this is the right place for me ..i will defend madonna against people like this not just because i love her but because i feel its absolutely disgusting behaviour - i also believe sadly there are haters of madonna on this forum and they bring down the forum on purpose prob so they can post the meltdowns etc etc on other forums etc etc ..its not that im intense its that i know that there are some on this forum who hate on madonna and ruin it for everybody else and its acceptable ..as for photoshopping well the people who are slagging off madonna for using this are using filters or edited pictures themselves and i will call them out on the hypocrisy of it - its just sad that in this forum a real true madonna fan is a target - people are entitled to not like madame x i do not have a issue with that - please explain why i am intense ?  its not very welcoming forum is it - i feel like if i started saying negative things about madonna i would be more accepted and not abused with personal insults 

  3. Its difficult to be positive in this forum when so much negativity swirls around it , its quite depressing - ive not noticed this in any other madonna forum - its pretty concerning that a madonna fan who defends her will get more abuse than one that hates on her on this forum - im going to step away from this forum for a while as the negativity is just deeply depressing and its difficult to enjoy madonnas work when visiting and reading such rubbish from some on this forum ..tata for now .

  4. 5 hours ago, New_Boy said:

    The outtakes are lovely!

    As for the obsessive poster, I won't interact with that kind of toxic fandom in an elaborate manner if they can't even write, or even understand, a proper sentence. I also definitely won't explain the history of colonialism and why what Madonna was doing was brilliant. I understand they might be unhinged type who'll be coming back all the time, but I've never seen someone so bannable. Thanks for stepping up, @Fighter.

    wow , how many personal insults towards me in one post - pathetic 

  5. 9 minutes ago, New_Boy said:

    I kind of co-sign what you're saying, Jackie. Madonna's "freedom fighting" for the past decade feels so shallow. Even though secretprojectrevolution kind of hit the nail in the head in terms of what was coming in America, the message was delivered through something that can be only be described as a glorified magazine editorial. Therefore the lack of impact. Preaching about billionaires while she herself having a good fraction of a billion is... well, pun intended, rich coming from her. It's just a bunch of slogans and platitudes that ring hollow.

    The only subversive thing she's done lately is the "Batuka" project, both song and video. It was an actual example of humanizing and owning up for the pain of the slave trade. "God Control"? Yawn. "Dark Ballet"? Wow, Madonna and religion, never saw that coming.

    In my opinion the entire madame x show is all about freedom fighting not just batuka and god control was clever and the video was great - it was not yawn ..a song about gun control is not yawn ..madonna has always used religious images in her work and this will continue - least she is a artist that likes to change things up and not do the same shit for decades 

  6. 6 minutes ago, New_Boy said:

    I kind of co-sign what you're saying, Jackie. Madonna's "freedom fighting" for the past decade feels so shallow. Even though secretprojectrevolution kind of hit the nail in the head in terms of what was coming in America, the message was delivered through something that can be only be described as a glorified magazine editorial. Therefore the lack of impact. Preaching about billionaires while she herself having a good fraction of a billion is... well, pun intended, rich coming from her. It's just a bunch of slogans and platitudes that ring hollow.

    The only subversive thing she's done lately is the "Batuka" project, both song and video. It was an actual example of humanizing and owning up for the pain of the slave trade. "God Control"? Yawn. "Dark Ballet"? Wow, Madonna and religion, never saw that coming.

    what the hell do you mean owning up to the slave trade ? 

  7. 4 minutes ago, New_Boy said:

    I kind of co-sign what you're saying, Jackie. Madonna's "freedom fighting" for the past decade feels so shallow. Even though secretprojectrevolution kind of hit the nail in the head in terms of what was coming in America, the message was delivered through something that can be only be described as a glorified magazine editorial. Therefore the lack of impact. Preaching about billionaires while she herself having a good fraction of a billion is... well, pun intended, rich coming from her. It's just a bunch of slogans and platitudes that ring hollow.

    The only subversive thing she's done lately is the "Batuka" project, both song and video. It was an actual example of humanizing and owning up for the pain of the slave trade. "God Control"? Yawn. "Dark Ballet"? Wow, Madonna and religion, never saw that coming.


    1,445 posts



    Posted 2 minutes ago

    I kind of co-sign what you're saying, Jackie. Madonna's "freedom fighting" for the past decade feels so shallow. Even though secretprojectrevolution kind of hit the nail in the head in terms of what was coming in America, the message was delivered through something that can be only be described as a glorified magazine editorial. Therefore the lack of impact. Preaching about billionaires while she herself having a good fraction of a billion is... well, pun intended, rich coming from her. It's just a bunch of slogans and platitudes that ring hollow.

    The only subversive thing she's done lately is the "Batuka" project, both song and video. (add in my opinion here ) 

  8. 29 minutes ago, Jackie said:

    I agree, and I agree with the chaotic nature of the 'shoot' - it's inconsistent, random and doesn't flow. It's a collection of random images (some really great, some shit). 

    They also used photoshop so poorly. I am also bored with her one note 'freedom fighter' - girl, what you fighting - if you truly felt that way, why you editing your images so much. 

    hilarious - fighting to be free 
    does this answer your question 

    free to do what the hell she likes ..photoshop what she likes , get ass implants if she likes ...so editing her photos does not mean she is fighting ? ..erm ok - 

  9. 24 minutes ago, thegoldencalf said:

    The film is amazing! I wish she was more natural like that in the photos. 
    Maybe if we all posted more comments on these things about how beautiful she looks she’ll start using more natural retouching 

    she wont stop touching up her photos till haters and some fans stop being so triggered by it - this is the new grills lol 

  10. 2 minutes ago, DaddyZ said:

    Mawww. So offended by being called a dimwit yet calling people fools first. You lash out but whine when shit comes back to you. Of course.

    I’m sure you’re perfectly nice in real life but here you’ve presented yourself as a not so smart hypocrite. That’s really the nicest way to put it  


    My work is done here. Have a good night. 



    im more offended by being called a dimwit by somebody with a drawn neon penis on his profile picture - im just glad i pissed you off - i did click ignore on your profile but sadly its not working so i still have to look at that penis drawing ffs and even worse read your pathetic change the record posts about madonna using photoshop - yawns 

  11. 1 minute ago, DaddyZ said:

    And STFU about “you lot”….I don’t post links to anything. So stop generalizing. Point something out that I did that is hypocritical, if you want to make a counter argument go ahead but stop being so intellectually lazy. 

    People like you really are the worst part about forums. 

    fans who defend madonna are the worst part about forums ? erm ok ...i dont see this trouble in other madonna forums or hate or people posting links to hate filled anti madonna instagram pages either ...i am not the problem here .

  12. 6 minutes ago, DaddyZ said:

    You being unhappy with her voice, making fun of her touching up her vocals, hating her small performances and even dragging Guy Oseary into your rants is EXACTLY the same as others being unhappy with the ridiculous amount of photoshop work.  The fact that you can’t see that speaks for itself, dimwit. 

    Go preach to a toilet. 


    fancy calling me a dimwit when you have a drawn penis in your photo - hilarious 
    i never said i hated her small performances 

    i said guy should have never have allowed madonna to sing live at eurovision after having heard her rehearsal - as a manager he should not have allowed her to sing live but he did and well the rest is history ..

    i was saying it would be difficult to fix that harlem performance vocally and i still do not think we will ever get the full performance of it because i do not believe she is happy with it herself and also i liked the dark ballet performance and i do hope we get that in good quality 

    stop twisting what i say ...idiot 

  13. this is totally different , i was just pointing out she was singing poorly due to her humping the walls etc etc and when she stayed still she sang well and that she should take more care of her voice ...every single one of you fools who slag off her photoshop have edited photos yourselves - i think its you lot that need to practice what you preach not me ..you wont find me posting links to instagram accounts that dedicate the entire account on hating on madonna like some have done ..i was just concerned about her vocals i dont think she should jump into a performance when she has had little rehearsal and so much time away from performing - i was not being nasty - i i like how my comments are triggering the usual negative so called fans in this forum and they are coming for me ..bring it on or block me ..i dont care either way 

  14. 12 minutes ago, madaboutM said:

    How much is she paying her social media manager for those photoshop fails? Like, what’s happening between her ear and her chin? ??‍♂️ 


    the majority of people will not zoom in and look for these things ..its clear they are slimming her face as she has gained weight in the face - could be steroids for her knee etc , she looks great - i love this look and what a shock that somebody would point out a flaw instead of how fab she looks FFS - You know what the sad part is if she did not edit her bone structure to remove any visible weight gain in the face we would all be saying she has got fat ffs ..she cant win ..i really cant blame her - people including her fans are fucking cruel ..we dont know why she has gained weight it may be medical but she is obviously not happy about it 

  15. 2 hours ago, thegoldencalf said:

    Ha. I’ve been a fan since 1992 and it’s always been like this. At the time many fans were saying the SEX photos are terrible and subpar quality. And they were calling her too old and saying she looks like shit. Just because after Playground they were expecting her to go in that direction. 
    30 years later she gets the same shit from her fans. 
    And then during the American Life era there was full on war within her fan base. So many people hated it with a passion. And there was a lot of complaining over the retouching in her photos. 
    But I think that’s ok. I think part of the reason I love her is because she doesn’t do what we expect of her but pushes us to embrace new concepts and ideas

    the fan backlash is deffo to do with her not doing what they want and perhaps they are listening to much to other fan bases who hate her because shes the queen of pop a bit too much 

  16. 30 minutes ago, Prayer said:

    At this point it would be amazing if she officially released the remix on Spotify and all platforms.

    But I'm surprised and happy that she's so committed to it. :cute: The "Madame X Q & A" with celebrities is another good idea to keep things interesting and having new content after the release of the tour. Her new press team is quite good.

    a video to go along with the photoshoot would be good despite the obvious usual backlash she will get from people offended by the monroe theme 

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