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    Daxkoba got a reaction from Voguerista in Your Least Favorite Madonna Album   
    Madame X although I do appreciate how much effort she put into the music, visuals and the unique tour experience (compared to some of her other recent efforts). I just didn’t connect to it at all. I do love IDSIF though.
  2. Like
    I did. Nobody believed me. 
    Overdramatic much? Nobody is demanding anything here. At least the majority is pretty realistic and chilled for the most part IMHO. After three years however of being offered the same old same old is boring to a lot of people even though many fans try to gaslight the situation and pretend that so far the stuff we got has been the second coming. It has not. 
    The next curated project will be the Bedtime Stories RSD release. In two weeks we will know if they have actually switched gears or if that release will be Let Down Your Guard and Your Honesty on silver vinyl. 
  3. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to Redha DBL in Very honestly, has Taylor Swift surpassed Madonna all-around?   
    She has 0 cultural impact. Standing with a guitar singing about your ex has the cultutal impact of a pigeon on a roof. Shania Twain had way more charisma and personnality than her. She's the blandest succesful singer ever. 
  4. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to aitorelao in Very honestly, has Taylor Swift surpassed Madonna all-around?   
    Their careers belong to different eras. Madonna's imperial years were when the physical format, real promo, radio support and international visibility were needed. Taylor is from the streaming, social media, multiple album editions , bulk buying and payola years. Even the "record" sales thing is rigged counting single and streaming data instead of REAL album sales. We cannot compare them because they belong to complete music industry eras.
    Madonna's impact in every music related aspect, record sales and charts around the globe and legacy are something Taylor will never get as she's doing incredibly well but she's the most basic, scripted and most chart obsessed artist in the industry. And we better not talk about that mentally 7 year old fanbase.
    Imagine Madonna's career if the internet and social media had been like today during her first 2 decades in the industry. 
  5. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to Roland Barthes in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I wonder if she's interested in making music now, she does not have deadlines because of a contract, she's not forced to make a record anymore.
    She said she wasn't into making the 3 albums before Madame X while promoting it, maybe she wasn't into it either but wasn't gonna say it while promoting it anyway. It's been 5 years, longest break and she still has no recording contract. 
  6. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to nito84bcn in The Official M new Music SPECULATION thread 👑   
    I doesn't make much sense to record a song in 2023 and release it 2 years later, when trends and sounds change so quick nowadays. I think the Max Martin track is shelved with the Swae Lee and Sickick ones... 
  7. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to Blue Jean in Supposedly new pic from 1979/ Madonna or not ???   
    I was obviously referring to her pubic hair being trimmed back and it was in jest. Nice attempt to turn your constant vile attitude toward Madonna back on me. Eg, defending her brother who sold out his own sister, trashing her son etc. And who can forget what you said when she was hospitalized too. Now that is for shame.
  8. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to Aiwa08 in RUMOUR: New The Weeknd, Madonna & Taylor Swift collab!   
    I'm still waiting for Madonna to do a collab that I actually like. The previous ones have always seemed like very simple and forgettable songs to me.
  9. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to steady75 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    They’re probably anxious about their growing bodies and as teenagers and don’t really relish the world seeing them and a bunch of internet queens judging them on why they aren’t smiling. They’re babies. None of us went through what they’re going through in front of the entire world. Imagine a NO isn’t really an option when mom wants a photo. 
  10. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to steady75 in 💤 Susan Thomas’ Nap Time 💤   
    Love Won’t Wait sounds like an S Club 7 album track. It’s so unMadonna and has no place on Bedtime Stories. Stylistically or thematically. It’s a real outlier. I think it was her attempt at a Janet Jackson Whoops Now carefree bouncy throw back track which was popular around that time.
  11. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to Starchild in 💤 Susan Thomas’ Nap Time 💤   
    I'm no Don't Stop fan but I think Love Won't Wait is overrated and sounds so dated, no matter the version.
  12. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to Boombox90 in The Official M new Music SPECULATION thread 👑   
    If the songs were actually good, but that has yet to happen.
  13. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to Blue Jean in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Yeah after a man has raped and impregnated you just pop over to another state while you have a mental breakdown. No biggie.
  14. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to Robertthenurse in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    I’m gonna guess you don’t have a vagina and never had or needed an abortion. Let’s drive hundreds of miles to get a sometimes fatal procedure Mmmmmmkkkk 
  15. Thanks
    Daxkoba reacted to Papa Zelko in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Obama could've codified abortion rights into law when dems had control of both houses and the presidency. They didn't. They didn't many times over. A national ban after a certain amount of time (e.g. 13 weeks like in Germany) is perfectly acceptable. With exceptions for the health of the mother and criminal acts like rape etc. This all or nothing approach in this fkn country is revolting. One side wants abortions up until the last month basically and the other wants to outlaw them all together. It's utter idiocy and we are all getting played. Both sides are working the same fkn playbook every four years and most Americans just keep repeating shit like sheep, void of even the slightest hint of original thought. Bred like cattle to identify with one of the two sides.
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg holding on to her seat with her dying grubby hands should've retired when asked by Obama but no, corrupted by power and greed she undid everything she worked for and is to blame for the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, so blame her and the dems ffs. A compromise on some sort of a nation wide abortion bad is what is going to happen.
    The country is 35 TRILLION dollar in debt. In comparison the total GDP of the US in 2023 was 28.78 trillion. We cannot afford the healthcare system the dems created under the ACA. It's not working. There were no cost control measures. No limits on what these Pharma companies can charge. No imports allowed from other western countries whose quality control is often superior to the FDA's. Sure, for the very poor and those who get heavily subsidized it's a great deal, and for Big Pharma but that's coming from all our hard earned money. We can't afford immigrants straining the healthcare system. Estimates are that over 20 million have entered the country illegally over the last decade. 10 million in the last 3,5 years alone. Maybe it's too large of a number for some people to comprehend but the population of Croatia for example is 3.8 million. That's almost the amount of people that crossed the boarder in 2023 alone. It's a shit ton of fkn people. It's draining the country and people feel it. Venezuelan street gangs terrorizing NYers. Crime is up despite what the Mayor keeps saying. We all see it, experience it and feel it.
    My health insurance went from 550$ for a platinum plan when the ACA got implemented to now 930$ for a gold plan. Next years it's going up to 1230$, same amount it was pre the ACA only now everything else is more expensive and in my field budges are down so I'm making less money overall. It's not working. None of it. No, republicans can't fix it either but I get why people are frustrated.
    Gay marriage wouldn't be an issue and we would've had it much sooner if rabid activists hadn't insisted on calling it marriage. Civil union or legal partnership with the same rights would've been fine and the rabid right wing clowns wouldn't have a foot to stand on but that's all this fkn county has, endless battles over cultural issues that if only tweaked slightly would not be a problem. 
    All this rambling to just say people have every reason to vote for republicans if that's what they want to do. I'd never vote for Trump but I fully understand why people support the idiot and that's solely the fault of democrats not delivering on key issues. Both sides fkn suck and ideally the whole system needs a fkn reboot.
    Trump would've NEVER been president the first time if Hillary and her arrogantly misguided GAY campaign manager Robby Mook hadn't taken the voters in the rust belt for granted. She didn't stop there ONCE to connect with people and get them on her side. Instead, as some of you people do, they called these people names, foolish etc etc. Not engaging with then, not taking their concerns seriously and thinking YOUR concerns about gay marriage etc are more valid than theirs, is what got us in this Trump mess to begin with. So do fkn better.
    Over and out.
  16. Haha
    Daxkoba reacted to RUADJAI in 35th Anniversary LAP T-Shirt!!!   
    Have a 3 Day Holiday. 
  17. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to MPowered in 35th Anniversary LAP T-Shirt!!!   
    Here goes @Adonna with the backhanded shade.
    Listen, dude, you don’t need to feel offended for Madonna if someone criticizes the lack of quality control of her team. They are doing these "products" in like 1 minute to be able to make very easy quick cash and it’s very embarrassing.
    Calling people "unintelligent" and doing your usual shady "" stuff is precisely the reason people have a problem with you.
  18. Like
    This just got me thinking that LAP could have been one of the most creative and impressive box sets out of all her albums. The religious imagery, logo, and patchouli scent could have opened so many doors for graphic designers and the marketing team. 
    Yet we have a single silver vinyl. 
  19. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to RUADJAI in 35th Anniversary LAP T-Shirt!!!   
    What is your issue? Why would you say something like this? 
  20. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to MPowered in 35th Anniversary LAP T-Shirt!!!   
    This is how easy it would have been....
  21. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to madgic2005 in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    Definitely looks like it - her cheek / face is looking really gaunt in that picture I almost didn’t recognize her 
  22. Like
    Daxkoba reacted to Blue Jean in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    Does anyone else think she may have had buccal fat removal since the tour ?
  23. Like
    Daxkoba got a reaction from 50ft Queenie in Madame ❌ 5th anniversary!   
    Happy Birthday MX!

    My least favourite album, on top of not-great songs and weird vocal effects we had aloof/oddball public appearances, the Eurovision mess, unflattering looks, that….tour. Honestly I’ve struggled through these interscope years and when I heard MX I thought shit, she’s not going to do anything that I love again!
    But then came Celebration Tour! <3
    Nice videos though.
  24. Haha
    Daxkoba reacted to Andreo in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    If it's really gonna take this long for this movie to be made and edited, then i hope it's worth It. I want CGI like a Marvel movie and a lot of exageration, literally a fanfiction. Fuck the accurate biography, i wanna see Madonna taking off like Superman saying "the gays need me" when going to the studio to record COADF.
  25. Thanks
    Daxkoba got a reaction from I am madonna in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Neither did her latest concert films but look what we got   
    If she just handed her script to filmmakers then there could be a fairly quick turnaround but she’s not so I’m expecting a lot of time in post production.  Maybe not with effects but I’m sure she’ll find other ways to drag the process out. 
    Would she release an album with no tour attached to it? Because I can’t see her touring any time soon? 
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