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Status Replies posted by Scor-pi-o

  1. That new video of hers. OMG 🤮🤮🤮🤮

    Another ruined classic. Them f*ckrs doing drugs in the first 30 seconds and that weird woke s#it with the trans people. WTF! At least M didn't look as s#itty as she did in the leaked pix of the video shoot. Just totally forgettable but weird enough to give me second hand embarrasment. Sorry Madonna but own your f*cking age and don't cling to young artists and controversy like that!

    1. Scor-pi-o


      "weird enough to give me second hand embarrasment. Sorry Madonna but own your f*cking age and don't cling to young artists and controversy like that!"

      How does a person/a woman - from your point of view - has to act at a certain age? Are there special rules and norms!?

      "weird woke s#it with the trans people. WTF!“

      Your whole post gives me way more than second hand embarrassment, to express it with your words.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  2. I’ve got a problem with the fact that there is no air in here, I’m gonna die! Open the door… NOW! I‘m suffocating…

    Caresse, you have NO idea, I can‘t take it… Please give me a faaan! It’s unbelievable… I mean, I can‘t even think to answer a question…

    1. Scor-pi-o


      I guess you‘re right, @Winn 😉

      Fun fact: M was in a way better mood, when I saw her in person later that day, recording and performing for the TV special "Absolut Madonna" in Cologne, Germany. I was lucky to be chosen to sit front row and real close to her… Happy times!

      p.s: She seemed to have a lil crush on moderator Oliver Geisen and was pretty chilled and talkative, even during the recording breaks.


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