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Crazy For M

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  1. TY for sharing. 😅 Poor Madonna. Well, I'm not surprised she finally cracked if she was being harassed. No excuse of course, but still. I have to say, she looked fabulous that day. I miss her brunette hair.
  2. Was that the young girl who was stalking her or was that someone else? I'm sure I remember reading about a girl who was always around and M actually attacked her (there's a picture of her being held back) floating around online.
  3. Ah, yes of course, that's fair enough. Thanks for correcting my confused mind
  4. Ohh it is? The detailing at the top looks a little different to M's. Maybe it's my eyes then? Lol
  5. I don't even know who she is, but it's obvious it's not the exact same dress but one similar. In response to her comparison comment, I don't think she looks like M.
  6. I've been voting for 1984 as its the most iconic and it's a big anniversary 🩷
  7. Technically, it's not on show, but without getting into women's anatomy and derailing the thread, I do know what you mean and I've thought the same about this pic before, lol 😆 She's so proud 🩷
  8. Nah, every fibre of my being is saying it's Paula. I know M. That's not her. The gap in the teeth is a little bigger in the right pic. The amount of tooth shown is different. The top lip is thinner too. If her face were slightly more to the right (like the left pic) it would look even thinner but you can see the side more in the left. Bottom lip in right is full in the middle and 'pinches' in. It looks full throughout in the left pic and doesn't pinch in. My verdict: It's not M.
  9. I've heard this rumour but I don't see it myself, and I've compared pics before. It's different to Paula's (which is like their dad's). If M has had one, it was very well done because it looks no different to me. I love the shape of her nose, lol.
  10. Ugh, no Taylor Swift, please. Actually, no collabs. I'm tired of them :(
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