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Crazy For M

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    Crazy For M reacted to pawn_shop_blues in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    she will and she should direct her biopic imo even though she is not an expert.  I just hope ricardo won't be involved. don't want to see his name in credits 

  2. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to sara94 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Its a movie about her life, not her acting in it. 
  3. Dead
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    Crazy For M reacted to Andreo in (Interview) Ricardo Gomes, Madonna's Second Set of Eyes....   
    That pic is so Madame X coded tbh
  5. Haha
  6. Like
    Crazy For M got a reaction from pawn_shop_blues in (Interview) Ricardo Gomes, Madonna's Second Set of Eyes....   
    That's one of my favourite pictures of her
  7. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to pawn_shop_blues in (Interview) Ricardo Gomes, Madonna's Second Set of Eyes....   
    She herself was better photographer ngl. Miss her selfies like these.
  8. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to stefo in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    On his Instagram account the designer Samuel Ososki posted curious details about the opening kimono costume, wich apparently was not the original choice (I actually remember there was such a sketch of another grand black dress wich didn't appear in the show): M decided litteraly last minute to chage it and order the new creation in just 12 DAYS BEFORE THE DEBUT NIGHT  
    “The Kimono. A last minute creative change by Madonna 12 days before the first show, I needed a new opening costume. Mix it up with 3 company moves in less than a week across 2 countries and 3 cities: NYC, Manchester and London. 6 hotel suites converted into a sewing workshop and a change of color in the middle of the process. Thanks to all teams It's always the craziest adventure. Actually seeing is believing. Eternally grateful for the experiences" 
    Here's the link to his post wich has a lot of nice pics of the creation process  
  9. Like
    Crazy For M got a reaction from Starchild in (Interview) Ricardo Gomes, Madonna's Second Set of Eyes....   
    He's an Aquarius

    EDIT: sorry, just noticed that someone has already answered, lol
  10. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to sara94 in (Interview) Ricardo Gomes, Madonna's Second Set of Eyes....   
    He's absolute trash and he caused so much damage to her reputation with all these over the top filtered photos. Still can't believe she didn't fire his narcisstic ass by now 
  11. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to TheGoth in (Interview) Ricardo Gomes, Madonna's Second Set of Eyes....   
    Absolute trash. He can't style, light or set a scene like any of the other greats she's worked with. The overuse of filters is a giveaway that his images have little to know substance to begin with. He has degraded the royalty of what was once her brand. One is an icon, the other is simply, a con.
  12. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to nodoman in (Interview) Ricardo Gomes, Madonna's Second Set of Eyes....   
    i appreciate his honesty while i do not agree with everything he’s said. he’s certainly been around by now and a record to show.
    at the same time, i feel like he’s degraded her recent body of work and public image in every possible way. but as long as M(adonna) is happy ...
  13. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to Brendanlovesu1 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    In an interview with GQ Magazine, Pierce Brosnan revealed his sparky on-set relationship with Madoona - who had a small cameo role as Bond`s instructor during the fencing scene at Blades Club.

    "She definitely pushes your button, and I made that mistake," admits Brosnan after a run-in with Madge on the set of new Bond film Die Another Day. So what happened to ruffle Madonna`s feathers? "The guys in the trailer were joking around the day that she was on set, singing Like a Virgin."

    I`m miles away, and I`m out there with my saber and she`s all dressed up in her costume and I forget that she`s there and I start singing Like A Virgin," says Brosnan. "And oh man, Jesus! That`s like a red rag to a bull. She thought that I was pulling her chain. She said, `Are you trying to dis me?` and I said, `No, Madonna. No, for God`s sake, No!` You definitely don`t want to upset Madonna!"

    The two made up, however, and Pierce was clear to state: "Madonna is a great choice. She gets out there and struts her stuff. The song she does is great, too. She said, `Don`t worry, I won`t let you down,` and I said, `Okay,` and she hasn`t." Rumour also has it that Pierce asked for Madonna to be kept away from the set when he shot his steamy love scenes with the other Bond girl, Halle Berry, although the actor has vehemently denied it: "Keep Madonna away? Oh no, dear Madonna. Listen, I`m a big fan of Madonna`s before you say anything else. I think she`s dynamite."
    and Author Richard Cohen had this to say 'At 8 a.m. I am backstage looking at the previous day’s rushes on one of the monitors when I become aware of an eerie silence on set. Soon the reason becomes clear: Madonna -- Mrs. Ritchie (not “Madge,” the nickname she abhors) -- has arrived. She wanders nonchalantly across the fencing room dressed in a black Versace outfit that includes a figure-hugging corset, which Bond will later be asked to do up for her. Her black leotard is so skintight it looks like cling film. Her arms, muscular as a gymnast’s, are bare, and as she saunters across stage she casually licks a red lolly. Everyone is looking at her.
    A few minutes pass, then Brosnan appears, and the two stars eye each other, like boxers weighing who has the heavier punch. Madonna is playing the part of Verity, the club’s head coach. Originally, she was to have been one of Bond’s ex-girlfriends, but she chafed at being his castoff, and on-set gossip has it that she rewrote both her lines and his, remodeling herself as a lesbian, beyond Bond’s reach. She brightly refers to “my innuendo scene,” and it is soon clear why.
    I am positioned just off camera as Bond strides in and asks if he can have a lesson from her. Madonna is standing with her back to him, observing Miranda (Rosamund Pike) fence Graves, but turns to answer him. Bond points his epee at her, and when she raises her own sword to parry, he evades it. “I see you know how to handle your weapon well,” Madonna says appreciatively, catching his blade and pushing it away. “I have been known to raise my tip from time to time,” Brosnan replies.
    Madonna, though physically adept, has trouble with the moves, and the scene requires several takes. As the two stars stand around waiting for the camera to be set up again, they talk easily. What subject do they discuss so avidly? They are comparing notes about old people’s homes. Then Madonna turns to fencing. “Have you had a go at this?” she asks. “It’s great. Gives you a wonderful workout.” Brosnan looks unconvinced.
    “Right. Next take,” an assistant director breaks in. By now, after several attempts, Madonna is handling her epee with real deftness. When the director finally says he is satisfied, she walks past me and I say, inanely, “You could become a good fencer, you know.” She gives me the briefest of glances.
    “Gee, wow!” she says.
    It is 5 p.m. and she has been on set for eight hours. Now it’s a wrap. Within three months a London reporter will write, “Fencing has suddenly become fashionable.... Madge has put the official seal of cool on the sport.” And Bond? I ask him where he is off to, now that filming is over. To the South Pacific with his family, he says. No filming, just sun and sand. “Won’t that upset your fencing training?” I ask. “Fencing?” he says and laughs, “I don’t plan to handle a sword ever again, if I can help it.”
  14. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to Brendanlovesu1 in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    I miss sock bitch and random photos of her eating macaroons in bed
  15. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to ChrisK in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    She's def got her mojo back - and she's looking great - this tour was EVERYTHING she needed - a huge confidence boost.
    A new album would be great, but don't know! 
  16. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to whiteheat in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   
    Oh she made sure the cameras were ON! The amount of photos that came from this one night alone is insane. 

  17. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to xavier in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   

  18. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to pawn_shop_blues in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   
    she looks gorgeous. glad that we got the professional photos. 
  19. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to Papa Zelko in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   
    off to bed. Gnight. 🤗
  20. Like
    Crazy For M got a reaction from Adonna in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   
    Oh wow, she looks beautiful!
  21. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to sara94 in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   
  22. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to Papa Zelko in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   
  23. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to Papa Zelko in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   
  24. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to Papa Zelko in Madonna ❌ Pride 2024   
  25. Like
    Crazy For M reacted to GregVsMatt in the coolest Madonna autograph?   
    That time she signed as Dita has always been the coolest for me

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