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    stickyandsweet reacted to DanK in Madonna's complete videography? (list - updated)   

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    stickyandsweet reacted to FraP in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    I gotta admit, there's a tinge of sadness wrapping up this tour.
    The amazing thing is, I got to be there for both the opening night in London and the closing night in Rio. I lived through the start and end of this epic journey, which might just be her last big tour, although I really hope I'm dead wrong 🥺
    During the first night in London, I was happy but couldn't fully vibe with the show even though it was a total surprise. It was a rough day for me, and even though I was physically there, all I could see were the flaws.
    Realizing I needed to give it another shot, I decided to catch the show again, in Lisbon. Then, being in Italy at the end of November (I'm Italian), I couldn't miss Milan. With each stop, I became less critical and started to enjoy the show more and more.
    Up until Milan, I liked the show more, but it hadn't quite stolen my heart. I even thought maybe I'd seen it one too many times. I had never seen a Madonna tour more than twice before.
    Then comes the surprise: I hear from my ex who lives in San Francisco, and he tells me he's got an extra ticket for the Celebration Tour in SF and invites me to join him. After some thinking, I managed to find a great deal on flights and decided to go, making it my first visit to the wonderful California. San Francisco swept me off my feet and was a magical place that changed me in some ways.That night, I was on cloud nine before the show.
    I wasn't sure how I'd experience the show, given it was the fourth time, but I ended up loving everything way more than before. And this time, I saw Madonna for the first time from the stands, but I was still really close because I was down below. I was moved; I never took out my phone and danced and sang my heart out!
    Then I did something insane: I hopped on a flight to Rio, where I still am now, working remotely from here and keeping European hours (crazy), barely getting any sleep. I'm loving Rio, like mad. The people are fantastic.
    But seeing this show in Copacabana was an absolutely mind-blowing way to wrap up my journey with Madonna. I cried, I was moved, I felt connected to everyone there: ladies in their 50s or 60s singing their hearts out, members of the Brazilian LGBTQ community, people of all sorts, but all united by a unique joy. And by the energy Madonna gave us, giving it her all in this show in front of 1.6 million people, with the sea right there, in an even more magical atmosphere than in stadiums, where I think Madonna has always delivered much more than in closed spaces. It's the same show, but I had a completely different experience from the others; it was incredible ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
    And even now, I still feel a bit there in Copacabana, I haven't fully recovered from that emotional storm.
    Sorry if I'm going on about the sound of the official recordings and especially the out-of-sync audience, but you can't imagine what I experienced in Copacabana, you have no idea what the crowd was like there. We all danced while watching her sing and move on stage, we were all part of the performance too. This needs to be remembered.
    So I'm watching many times the TV recording searching for the emotions I lived through, but I can't find them completely. Sure, the recordings are incredible, but there are elements that make me think "the real show was something else". The thing I hate the most is that at some points, you can't hear the audience even though we were all singing along, the audience gets cut out almost abruptly. And the second thing I hate so much is hearing the audience out of sync (and seeing Madonna out of sync too, with audio that wasn't from Rio, but they couldn't adapt it in a way that seemed realistic). 🙉👎
    The real show sounded almost like in stadiums: I could hear the voices of the entire audience, but I could also hear her live voice. It was incredible. 🌟🎶🌴
    Sorry for this long message, I hope you all understand 🥺
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    stickyandsweet reacted to stefo in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    The reaction of the people on the beach at her entrance is everything 
  4. Like
    stickyandsweet reacted to Ayham in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    When you realize your idol broke another record at age of 65… I just can’t believe it happened. Wondering how she feels? 
    Brazilian fans are the BEST tbh… 🇧🇷
  5. Like
    stickyandsweet reacted to Ekans in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    Hey guys I'm the Itaú officer who won a pair of Espaço Itaú tickets! It was such an incredible experience. I was in front row and has the time of my life! There were several fans around me and we sang our hearts out during every song, it was kinda funny because they even moaned in Erotica and I did not because I'm so shy lol. I feel like I made eye contact with M everytime she came close to me especially when she sang Express Yourself right in front of me. I feel like I'm reborn. Best night ever!!! I posted some videos on my Instagram (check the highlights): instagram.com/gvstt. I have no words to express how grateful I am and how proud I am to be a Madonna fan. That night changed me. I'm so so sooooo happy!
    The stage was sooooooo high so I didn't have a good vision of M when she sang songs at the main stage and at the catwalk/little stage where she performed OYH and BU for example, but I watched them on the big screens. Erotica is my favorite album and basically all the songs from the 90's segment were performed close to me so I'm extremely happy anyway. DAD had an amazing punchy bass ("I could feel it in my pussy"), EY was so emotional and Music was a blast. Seriously I am still gagged over that night, I feel like I can't think straight yet. xD Can't wait to watch it on my TV as soon as a good rip surfaces!
  6. Like
    stickyandsweet reacted to Lucas B. in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    Can't believe that after 16 years of wait, the dream to see her live in concert finally came true. It was beautiful, it was insane, it was magical and it was the best night of my life. I will never forget what I felt when the lights turned out and she appeared on that stage singing Nothing Really Matters, for a second I thought I was gonna faint. Even tho I was very far from the stage, because I was watching from the sidewalk in front of Copacabana Palace, it was a beautiful experience and one I will never forget. I can only thank Madonna for existing and for playing such a important role in my life and for fighting for us during these 40 years.
  7. Like
    stickyandsweet reacted to FraP in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    Guys, I'm still riding that high! I met so many people... getting there early was just incredible. Rio is amazing, the vibe was magic.
    And nearly everyone was singing along. I'm not sure what was happening behind me, but with over a million people there, I can't imagine what they experienced. There was this magical energy all around us. It felt like we were all part of her performance, deeply connected to each other despite our differences, our diverse cultures, stories, and nationalities (it was mostly Brazilians, but there were a few other Europeans too).
    It may not be her biggest tour, but with that kind of crowd, the show was insane (as any Madonna tour would be, except for Madame X, just saying) and I'd say we made history!
    Watching the Globo recordings for the second time, I get emotional thinking about what she achieved at 65. I love her so much ♥️🥺
    We could nitpick,bher voice isn't what it was without autotune, and there are things we might not like, but now's not the time. She's an absolute force of nature! We were all loving it like crazy.
    The official footage doesn't capture just how engaged the crowd was. I caught four shows of the tour, in arenas across Europe and in San Francisco. Those arna shows were probably even better, but here it felt more grand, and I wasn’t overanalyzing. Yesterday I was fully in the moment—moved, laughing, dancing, and just living it up! It was a whole different thing!
    I'm so happy I went to this show ♥️
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    stickyandsweet reacted to Drewbourne in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    I have been a fan since I was 10, I am now 47. I have never seen Madonna live since I live in South Africa and have never been able to afford to travel and buy tickets for her shows. Every time Madonna has released anything over the years I can barely sleep the night before it drops. Watching the YouTube videos of the celebration tour at every stop since the opening in London has been driving  my husband of 20 years up the wall lol The excitement in our house to the build up of this final show has been amazing. I am a proud Madonna fan today, I have been HIV positive since 1996 and her support throughout my life has Mildred me in to the person I am today. She doesn’t know that but I am truly grateful that she is still here doing this. The music, the love, the fuck you attitude and her statement, “ for those of you who know what I am talking about, don’t give up !” During her performance of In this life in The Girlie Show gave me life! 
    if anyone has recorded the show last night or has a link to download the show please please please send me a message. You will make me the happiest boy alive! For everyone that did manage to see the show I hope you had the best time and understand what a Marvel our M truly is and how special it is that we still get to experience such joy and love from an artist that has consistently given us all so much. Peace ☮️ 
  9. Like
    stickyandsweet reacted to ozzgreen in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    I believed in the rumor and two weeks ago I prepared my trip to Rio de Janeiro. I believed in Madonna, felt Madonna's power, believed that the tour could be in Rio. I'm very happy that today it's already official and the best thing is that I bought everything at the real value and not the current surcharges. Greetings from Chilean Patagonia! 🎉🎶🇨🇱

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    stickyandsweet reacted to felipe929 in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    We did it guys, I'm so happy. This will probably be my only chance to see her live. I'll be there and will bring my mom who introduced her to me. She was also never able financially to attend one of her concerts, I'm so happy to be able to make both our dreams come true.
  11. Thanks
    stickyandsweet reacted to ChrisK in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    Need I remind you again - respectful behavior is what we value - the next warning I'll give you, will mean you won't be able to access this site - this is a community and as a community we need to respect each other's opinions and be mindful in how others interpret what we say and write.
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    stickyandsweet reacted to HNS in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    VisitRio, the official instagram page for tourism in Rio has posted about it as well

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    stickyandsweet reacted to MikeyK in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Yeah to me the stick around bit has less to do w/being alive/outliving people and more about her career, and how people have been telling her to ride off into the sunset and enjoy her her fortune since the mid 90s. 
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    stickyandsweet reacted to deathproof in The (lack of) tour book   
    Shut up already 
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    stickyandsweet reacted to Roland Barthes in VULGAR   
    I'm so happy just because it's gonna piss off the homophobes and fat shamers in this forum. 
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    stickyandsweet reacted to Aiwa08 in Immaculate Collection in Dolby Atmos!   
    EDIT: I'm sorry. Link dead. 
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    stickyandsweet reacted to The Ghost in Immaculate Collection in Dolby Atmos!   
    I think the problem with this Atmos thing is if your listening on the wrong equipment it can appear to sound awful.
    I've been listening to the Tidal version and that sounds amazing.
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    stickyandsweet reacted to Rebel Hugo in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    SHE'S COMING TO MEXICO 🇲🇽!!!!!!!! 
    January 25th, 2024 at The Palacio de los Deportes!!! 
  19. Like
    stickyandsweet reacted to Blue Jean in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    I love it!
    They are a true role model to the queer community and I have massive respect for them lately. It’s so great to see them showing their body and not giving a fuck about the standards of body shape that gets forced on us day in day out all over social media etc.
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    stickyandsweet reacted to milingo83 in American Life: Mixshow Mix RSD 23   
    HQ cover 

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    stickyandsweet reacted to Babooshka in M has archived her whole insta - Big annoucement imminent !   
    Tell us the Brazil dates Queeeeeeeen!!!!
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