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Unapologetic Bitches
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    PWCCA got a reaction from momosfantasy in Kevin Antunes destroyed Madonna's reputation as a Live Act.   
    If Madonna put down her guitar, she can actually focus on the things that she is actually good at. 20+ years doing the same three chord play, whilst being backed up by real guitar players doesn't look so good. its as if she is playing the image of a guitar player rather than actually playing the guitar with any skill. It worked as a novelty on DWT, but began to wear thin on subsequent tours... especially as it became obvious that her skill had not improved. If she wants a 'lil' rock element' to her tours, then she is better off hiring a real band with real skilled musicians, and she can stick to what she actually does well.
    Also, there really is no need to bring up Gaga all the time. I get it, you don't like her... but why compare?
  2. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from Pootz333 in Kevin Antunes destroyed Madonna's reputation as a Live Act.   
    If Madonna put down her guitar, she can actually focus on the things that she is actually good at. 20+ years doing the same three chord play, whilst being backed up by real guitar players doesn't look so good. its as if she is playing the image of a guitar player rather than actually playing the guitar with any skill. It worked as a novelty on DWT, but began to wear thin on subsequent tours... especially as it became obvious that her skill had not improved. If she wants a 'lil' rock element' to her tours, then she is better off hiring a real band with real skilled musicians, and she can stick to what she actually does well.
    Also, there really is no need to bring up Gaga all the time. I get it, you don't like her... but why compare?
  3. Thanks
    PWCCA got a reaction from TOpher in Kevin Antunes destroyed Madonna's reputation as a Live Act.   
    If Madonna put down her guitar, she can actually focus on the things that she is actually good at. 20+ years doing the same three chord play, whilst being backed up by real guitar players doesn't look so good. its as if she is playing the image of a guitar player rather than actually playing the guitar with any skill. It worked as a novelty on DWT, but began to wear thin on subsequent tours... especially as it became obvious that her skill had not improved. If she wants a 'lil' rock element' to her tours, then she is better off hiring a real band with real skilled musicians, and she can stick to what she actually does well.
    Also, there really is no need to bring up Gaga all the time. I get it, you don't like her... but why compare?
  4. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from rorym in "Immaculate Collection": Which track would you have replaced?   
    None, none at all. The Immaculate Collection is already the most perfect compilation of her songs that she has ever released, and the only one which will stand the test of time. 
  5. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from Lorx in When a tour finishes where does the stage and set go?   
    I'm not sure about the Pink one... the heart piece of Pink's stage seems a lot smaller than Madonna's.

  6. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from beastwivvin in What Is Your Worst Madonna Albums?   
    For me, the worst ones are her last four (Hard Candy, MDNA, Rebel Heart, and Madame X). I cannot find a lot appealing about them at all other than a few random tracks. 
  7. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from MDNA22 in The Brilliance of 'Rescue Me'   
    Its definitely a song that is in my top5 favourite Madonna songs. Love it equally today asI did in 1991.... Great song, great remixes. Sadly, it has been criminally ignored... no real video, no promo, no live performances... and when Madonna finally did notice it again, it was sliced up and relegated to a shitty tour interlude. The song is a masterpiece in her back catalogue.
  8. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from into the erotico in The Brilliance of 'Rescue Me'   
    Its definitely a song that is in my top5 favourite Madonna songs. Love it equally today asI did in 1991.... Great song, great remixes. Sadly, it has been criminally ignored... no real video, no promo, no live performances... and when Madonna finally did notice it again, it was sliced up and relegated to a shitty tour interlude. The song is a masterpiece in her back catalogue.
  9. Thanks
    PWCCA got a reaction from into the erotico in What Is Your Worst Madonna Albums?   
    Not necessarily... and we cannot really use age as an excuse here. It definitely wouldn't garner the sales of her back catalogue, but a good, well crafted album would definitely attract decent attention and sales/streams. Older artists are still finding that their work can still be relevant... Springsteen discovered that recently when his new album out-performed Madame X, and still continues to do so (both released on the same day.. he's 70).
    Madonna's error is that she hates to look back, and thus neglects her back catalogue in many areas... less hits on tours, no remastered albums, and no care paid to compilations. These are the songs that put her where she is now. She is now trying to forge her career in a generation of people who barely have a clue who she is... a far cry from when she once ruled the music world... falling back on her back catalogue would definitely help her a lot and maintain her relevance in the industry.
  10. Haha
    PWCCA got a reaction from TOpher in Music Vs. American Life (The battle of Mirwais)   
    Music. Though to be honest, neither album ranks among her best works. Music is more listenable
  11. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from DrunkBySix in Dislike towards Rebel Heart Tour?   
    I wasn't actually able to see the tour in person, so I cannot comment via the perspective of the live experience. But in seeing the bootleg videos and the official TV recording, it was a visual experience that left me feeling very bored and underwhelmed. The intro was pretty weak, the setlist was rather lack-lustre, and the concepts didn't really flow. It wasn't a terrible mess as was Sticky & Sweet, but it was a live experience that pales in comparison to the majority of Madonna's previous tours. Maybe my opinion would alter had I seen the show in person.... but that being said, I never saw the BA tour in person, and I still rank that as the greatest tour of her career that I still, after 27 years, cannot tire of. But we all have different tastes I guess.
  12. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from into the erotico in if madonna did an anti tour   
    If she did an 'Anti-tour' I'd die. It would be amazing, and a great place to hear all those forgotten gems.... with no Candy Shop, La Isla Bonita, Holiday, and, as much as I adore the song, no Like a Prayer. Kylie sang some unreleased demo's as part of hers, Madonna has a whole load of brilliant unreleased tracks that would be so good to hear live... I always felt that Run would be a great one to hear as part of her usual 'guitar segment' on tour.
    If this was ever a possibility, I'd love to hear...
    Ain't No Big Deal
    Think of Me
    Let Down Your Guard
    I'll Remember
    Love Won't Wait
    Rescue Me
    Be Careful
    Oh Father (not done since BAT, needs to be done again)
    Liquid Love
    Maybe an Emmy/Breakfast Club section where she reimagines those early demos.
  13. Sad
    PWCCA got a reaction from Starchild in Unpopular Madonna Opinions   
    Unpopular Madonna opinion.... she hasn't released a half-decent record in almost 15 years. Sad, but true (IMO)
  14. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from Celebration in Unpopular Madonna Opinions   
    It's brilliant! And it is the last time we saw a full LIVE show. I have always adored it
  15. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from Pootz333 in What Is Your Worst Madonna Albums?   
    For me, the worst ones are her last four (Hard Candy, MDNA, Rebel Heart, and Madame X). I cannot find a lot appealing about them at all other than a few random tracks. 
  16. Thanks
    PWCCA got a reaction from into the erotico in What Is Your Worst Madonna Albums?   
    If you want great albums, look at her output in the 80s, 90s, and early/mid 2000s. Thats what really great Madonna music sounds like. I'm no 'hater' (as the more juvenile here would like to label me), I'm just an old fan who has been here since the mid-80s and can recognise where (I feel) the quality of her musical output has dropped. People may disagree with me, and that is perfectly fine, we all have our own views. Madonna has had a very long career, and we all became fans at different points along her journey... and as such, we all have different expectations from her musical output.
    And to address your last point... most of the music she has put out after Confessions is rather lacking (I'm not actually too crazy about Confessions either, but it was pretty much trademark Madonna, and it put her name on everyone's lips). Hard Candy was trash, MDNA was lacking and rather subpar (with the exception of Beautiful Killer, which was an absolutely brilliant track... sadly neglected), Rebel Heart was a patchwork mess (you could craft an album that is 10 times better from the demo leftovers, and that's rather unfortunate. When the big leak happened, we actually got a much better album in that lot than when the actual album was released). And Madame X... well that one is just not that great.... but had she not used the extreme vocal manipulation it could have been at least half-decent (which would account for its abysmal sales and low streams).
    These are just my views, I do not claim to speak the opinions of others, and others will either share or oppose my views... and thats totally fine. A forum like this would become rather dull and uninteresting if we all agreed on everything.
  17. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from into the erotico in What Is Your Worst Madonna Albums?   
    Isn't it Yeesus.... that ego name that Kanye favours? Just as ridiculous as anything else though to be honest 
  18. Wow
    PWCCA got a reaction from RUADJAI in What Is Your Worst Madonna Albums?   
    Worst to less-worst...
    1. Madame X
    2. Hard Candy
    3. Rebel Heart
    4. MDNA
    5. American Life
  19. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from rlittler81 in Poll: Blond Ambition Tour or The Girlie Show?   
    Both among her best tours... but Blond Ambition is better
  20. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from OhBabyReadyOrNot in Honoring the Best or Your Fave Madonna Tour Backdrops!!   
    Nothing beats DWT Paradise. Gorgeous song, gorgeous backdrop
  21. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from Kae-Leah Williamson in What Is Your Worst Madonna Albums?   
    Not necessarily... and we cannot really use age as an excuse here. It definitely wouldn't garner the sales of her back catalogue, but a good, well crafted album would definitely attract decent attention and sales/streams. Older artists are still finding that their work can still be relevant... Springsteen discovered that recently when his new album out-performed Madame X, and still continues to do so (both released on the same day.. he's 70).
    Madonna's error is that she hates to look back, and thus neglects her back catalogue in many areas... less hits on tours, no remastered albums, and no care paid to compilations. These are the songs that put her where she is now. She is now trying to forge her career in a generation of people who barely have a clue who she is... a far cry from when she once ruled the music world... falling back on her back catalogue would definitely help her a lot and maintain her relevance in the industry.
  22. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from Kae-Leah Williamson in What Is Your Worst Madonna Albums?   
    For me, the worst ones are her last four (Hard Candy, MDNA, Rebel Heart, and Madame X). I cannot find a lot appealing about them at all other than a few random tracks. 
  23. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from Kae-Leah Williamson in Unpopular Madonna Opinions   
    This one is not so 'unpopular' lol
  24. Thanks
    PWCCA got a reaction from VogueMusic in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    The Christians will always label thing they neither like nor agree with to be 'demonic' or 'satanic'. Just cast it all aside into the crazy pile
  25. Like
    PWCCA got a reaction from New_Boy in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    The Christians will always label thing they neither like nor agree with to be 'demonic' or 'satanic'. Just cast it all aside into the crazy pile
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