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  1. Haha
    Mmmhum reacted to Régine Filange in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    Heteros were thinking that being gay is a mental illness way before some people wanted to be called "they/them"
    No one said they're 10 people hun, they use the pronouns "they/them" cause they don't want society to define their sexuality and how they should express it.
  2. Like
    Mmmhum reacted to PaperFaces in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    And there it is: the namecalling, simply for stating facts.
    Im not engaging in this.
  3. Haha
    Mmmhum reacted to adirondak in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    Well she has to affirm her womanhood somehow - shooting a big load of sperm out her womanly cock should help. 
  4. Haha
    Mmmhum reacted to adirondak in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    In that case you just refer to it as “her dainty penis and low hanging balls.”
  5. Haha
    Mmmhum reacted to Boombox90 in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    You can’t change science just because.
    If Sam identified as a woman, I’d gladly refer to him as her.
  6. Thanks
    Mmmhum reacted to Boombox90 in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    Sam Smith is one person.
  7. Sad
    Mmmhum reacted to Blue Jean in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    You are sounding transphobic now.
  8. Haha
    Mmmhum reacted to Ayham in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    Make sense! 😜
  9. Like
    Mmmhum reacted to Boombox90 in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    Uh, no.
    Sam Smith is one person.
    I am perfectly accepting of anyone being who they are. Male, female, etc. if you want to be referred to as ‘him’ or ‘her’ that’s fine, but when you start saying ‘them/they’ it sounds like they have multiple personality disorder. 
    There’s a reason so many heteros think being gay is a mental illness.
    I couldn’t be a more accepting person, but we are all only one person.
    Thats my own personal opinion. Sorry if I am not conforming to how people want me to be (like Sam Smith).
  10. Like
    Mmmhum reacted to Boombox90 in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    I love guys with meat on their bones, but I am not attracted to Sam Smith. His face is not attracted and that doesn’t mean that I am somehow threatened by him lol.
    What a preposterous thing to tell people.
  11. Like
    Mmmhum reacted to Boombox90 in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    Just because you can wear what you want and go shirtless, doesn’t mean you should do it.
    I would never go shirtless in public because I don’t like how my body looks and I don’t feel shamed because of peoples body comments online.
    Sam Smith does not make me want to take my shirt off and is not a role model to me.
    People shouldn’t feel shamed because they aren’t attracted to someone for whatever that reason is.
    People here make fun of how M looks all the time, but that’s ok because she’s not overweight?
    Not sure I get the double standard (or care).
  12. Haha
    Mmmhum reacted to EgoRod in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    ' A biology' is not a noun nor a part of a body.
    'the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), concluded there was more than sufficient evidence that, beyond reproductive biology, there were major differences in the biology of women and men that greatly affected their health and influenced treatment and prevention strategies.
    Importantly, the committee emphasized that neither the health of women nor men is simply a product of biology but is also influenced by sociocultural and psychological experience. To differentiate between these broad areas of investigation, the members created working definitions of “sex” — when referring to biology — and “gender” — when referring to self-representation influenced by social, cultural, and personal experience.'
    Then you can get in deep detail with DSDs  proving that  you can't define gender based on genitals.
    And this is nothing new, it has been like that for a while.
    You have to have the head so up your own arse  to think this is a trend and it's some LGBTQ+ master plan to ruin the Ol'days
  13. Thanks
    Mmmhum reacted to Blue Jean in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    Hopefully the next generation will be more concerned about the climate crisis theyve inherited and other such issues that actually impact them
  14. Haha
    Mmmhum reacted to Blue Jean in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    I see Nostradamus has entered the room
  15. Like
    Mmmhum reacted to adirondak in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    8 minutes ago,  EgoRod said: 
    You don't have ' a biology' 
  16. Like
    Mmmhum reacted to Ayham in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
  17. Haha
    Mmmhum reacted to EgoRod in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    Go back to your cave babes
  18. Haha
    Mmmhum reacted to EgoRod in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    You don't have ' a biology'  you might have sexual organs that don't need to align with gender or your identity.
    Even your chromosomes might not give away or match what your sexual organs look like.
    But you don't know that because you think this is  'bUzZ WoRdS nOw'. Bigots ignore science for all of these years until someone in Fox news decide to crap all over it.
  19. Like
    Mmmhum reacted to PaperFaces in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    No one's said anything hateful.
    It is the beauty of living in a democracy: we can exchange and tolerate other points of view.
    Citing reality does not make you a bigot. No one here is against anyone, so lets refrain from making grandiose assumptions. Again.
    And again, labeling others  or tying what they say to some doctrine, or trying to silence them is never the answer.  People are capable of individual thought. And we mustnt be afraid of what is foreign to us. 
    It's ok to not share the same views.
    Although reality and truth should never be up for debate.
    How are we to move forward if there is no basis to agree on?
  20. Haha
    Mmmhum got a reaction from Pretty Madonna in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    I think Sam looks sexy ! I like that kind of body !
  21. Haha
    Mmmhum got a reaction from Alibaba in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Quetiapine can help with psychosis. 
  22. Haha
    Mmmhum got a reaction from Starchild in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Quetiapine can help with psychosis. 
  23. Haha
    Mmmhum got a reaction from heikeeduardo in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    Truly true what they truly said, truly !
  24. Thanks
    Mmmhum reacted to Robertthenurse in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    You're comments are "truly" unflattering, juvenile, vile and disgusting themselves. I hope the hell you are prepubescent for the mere fact that that is how you come across. WHO comments on comments made by "disgusting fans" and then acts like a troll by describing how someone looks Fat. Who made you the judge? And who is fat? The only FAT person here is your ego. And seriously, how many accounts do you have here? Anyway, grow up 🤙
  25. Haha
    Mmmhum reacted to Scottyx in Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”   
    I don't love it. It is not fantastic. But that's just me.
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