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Burning Up 4 Madonna

Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Haha
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to Andreo in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Shouldnt the "spoilers" tag in the title thread be removed now? I mean, the show is over, get used to It lol (i havent even watched the full show yet lol)
  2. Haha
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to TheGoth in What do YOU want her to do next?   
    Sorry, I just read that as "boner" 😮
  3. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna got a reaction from Would You Like To Try in What do YOU want her to do next?   
    She looks gorgeous and he looks like he just a got a big bonus.
  4. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to eXtremeOccident in What do YOU want her to do next?   
    Posted this in the New Music Thread, but figured I'd post it here as well....
    I know this is just a fever dream at this point, but so was the idea of her serving something like the Rio concert until last weekend....
    ....what if her next era is a major comeback again like Confessions? Obviously not the same level of chart breaking success, but her being back in the public consciousness with new music that's well received, another sold out tour focused on the new music, and her main creative collaborators back at it (Stuart, Mirwais, Jonas, etc).
    There are many parallels here to Reinvention Tour and what came after...
    ...I'd just be so beyond slayed if this woman really has another era left in her that doesn't feel like an appendix to her catalog. MDNA, Rebel Heart, Madame X, and arguably even Hard Candy feel superfluous against the rest of her catalog. It'd be wild for her to be back in the pop conversation with a new QUALITY release again.
    Last weekend, I was convinced this was it. That performance felt like such a finale. But I've had people asking me about Rio that I'm surprised were even aware of it. It seems like this performance did her some major good will. Maybe this is the boost she needed to get back out there with another strong album.
    I feel like this tour proved she understands what makes her MADONNA and that she tapped back into the best parts of herself as an artist. All of that time self reflecting and seeing how her catalog has been received live will definitely play into her next move as an artist.
    This woman continues to blow me away in unexpected ways nearly 20 years into being a fan. It's such a gift to be a fan of Madonna. 
  5. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to NRMX in What do YOU want her to do next?   
    Bitches she’s Madonna, she gave 5 back to back concerts in Mexico City, goes partying, flies to Brasil, rehearsed until 2 am, gives the largest most successful performance of her life, and then goes to the after party with Diplo and you all are: 
    Take a rest, have a holiday drink a piña colada. She’s on the best audience perception she has had in years, strike it while it’s hot, the press and the world is on her side. 
    Have a nap and get to work on new music, yes go to Italy and the Maldives in between takes but get to work. The time is now, the time is waiting and all that ticktock shit we have been hearing for years. 
    Agree with no reissues and reminiscences that’s over, she just made $200M just doing that.
    Lets dance again Queen mother Madonna we love you! 
  6. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to Pretender1978 in What do YOU want her to do next?   
    Pic one or two producers, bring all the stuff she's been working on in the last few years and make a coherent fresh new album that's reflective, but mostly looking forward. Let Jonas do the edit of CT, release that at the end of summer/fall with a limited theatrical release and drop the album directly after.
  7. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to MDNA22 in What do YOU want her to do next?   
    I agree  - she is so much more back to herself and on it now. When you think back to when she was holding onto the wall at the premiere of the Madame.X film, the Maluma performance and Harlem performance compared to how she was on this tour 
  8. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to Lucas B. in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    Now that the tour has ended, and in such a splendorous way, I can't help but feel a little sad. For weeks I saw reports about the concert on TV, everywhere people were talking about it, and now it has ended. This was my first M concert ever, and I still can't believe I was there. I wish I could live on that moment forever, it was so special that I just can't put it into words, I feel blessed I had the opportunity to see her after so many years of wait. I hope this was the first time of many to come.
  9. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to Frank in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    Everybody should see this video, stunning:
  10. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to Adonna in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    Some have the need to nit and pick at anything. 1.6 million + people were there live and enjoyed themselves. Also, The majority of us who watched the broadcast enjoyed it just as much!  That is all that matters!! 
  11. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to karlafalves in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    I didn't notice any of the issues people are complaining about at all.
    Honestly, I really don't care. I was there, Mother was really happy, we all were having the time of our lives, we all were making history together.
    That's all that matters to me ;)
  12. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to Adonna in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    All that matters is she looks so damn beautiful these days!!  Go Madonna!  Rest!  And come back when you're rested!  We grateful fans will be waiting and anticipating patiently for your triumph return to the world stage!! 
  13. Thanks
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to NRMX in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    Guys it’s a forum, we understand your concern but it was a broadcasted live tv show. ITS ALWAYS LIKE THAT, except American Idol and those shit shows.
    The fact is she has one of her biggest TRIUMPHS when nobody, including us expected to do so.
    She's adored around the world, she sang in front of 1.6-2 mill. People, she’s the undisputed Queen Mother Madonna, the mold that was broken after she was born. The Celebration tour shits over The Beys, the Taylor’s, the Gaga’s and their recent (the first 2) amazing success…. So who cares?
    Enjoy the Celebration bitches you all sound like old aunties at the wedding telling the bride that she’s fat!!! Ffs!!!

  14. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to thiagosb in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    Let the choir sing: 
  15. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to True Blue 84 in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    The audience was insane, so good!... 
  16. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna got a reaction from xircom_2005 in WHICH CELEBRATION TOUR SHOW would you like to have official DVD/BLU RAY ?   
    The first night in Mexico City. That crowd gave M all they had and I could see right away she was not going to leave anything left in the tank that night. And she didn't. One of her best nights vocally too IMO
  17. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to Magic Pussy in WHICH CELEBRATION TOUR SHOW would you like to have official DVD/BLU RAY ?   
    I figured we’d see more beach crowds and general Rio topography and less close ups of fans since that bank paid bucks to put her on the sand. Her regular camera crew and Jonas have shot several regular shows and knew where to stand, having multiple nights at the same venues to do wide shots, close ups etc. This was LIVE, a one shot deal and some of those shots we all know they should’ve gotten had to be sacrficed for many reasons including the time lost resetting after getting that shot or one camera being in the way of another . I’m sure they had to employ extra camera people who maybe hadn’t been with them on earlier shoots in really chaotic situation. It must’ve  been nuts as well as nearly impossible trying to get any of camera people to hear direction through their earpieces in that wild crowd.
  18. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to Enrico in WHICH CELEBRATION TOUR SHOW would you like to have official DVD/BLU RAY ?   
    Mother and father and Motherhood is an essential moment in telling the story, so it needs to be in the official release.
  19. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to I am madonna in WHICH CELEBRATION TOUR SHOW would you like to have official DVD/BLU RAY ?   
    Mexico For sure. Period.
    I love Rio show too But Real Problem is that the Rio show doesn't show the essence of The celebration tour.
  20. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to Aiwa08 in WHICH CELEBRATION TOUR SHOW would you like to have official DVD/BLU RAY ?   
    Rio. That show has made history. She performed in front of one and a half million people. And she was magnificent. Anyway, even as an extra disc, the Rio show should be officially released by Warner.
  21. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to 8-tee's in WHICH CELEBRATION TOUR SHOW would you like to have official DVD/BLU RAY ?   
    I can care less. I just want a professional 4K show, with the normal setlist. Rain would be nice as it sounded better than Take a Bow, especially in arenas. 
    Can't be too choosey with mama. I'm happy with whatever we get 🙌
  22. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to Blue Jean in WHICH CELEBRATION TOUR SHOW would you like to have official DVD/BLU RAY ?   
    Yes. I’m just so glad we got this version first. It means a) we don’t have to wait and b) we get a version that isn’t over edited. We won!
  23. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to Blue Jean in WHICH CELEBRATION TOUR SHOW would you like to have official DVD/BLU RAY ?   
    I would like the full show from Mexico. But it would be great if they could include a doco about  Rio as a bonus with Music included in full.
  24. Like
    Burning Up 4 Madonna reacted to True Blue 84 in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    No one ever said this was great quality. But its clear enough to hear that she was singing live while in the broadcast her vocals where edited. Scroll back and watch the posts about the Holiday performance and Don't tell me. 
    In all fan recordings there was no " bring back all of those happy daaaaaaaaays " it was " Bring back all of those happy days " ... This was used to prove our point.  We know it's not a great recording... 
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