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Madonna getting in trouble for DC speech??


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I hope she doesn't take social media frenzy to heart, especially this type as much of it is unfortunately paid noise from groups and machines preprogrammed meant to provoke and steer up emotions in people due to the sensitive topic. You'll notice certain repeat phrases. Idk how they think people don't notice. I'm sure genuine outrage is present however there is much more to be outraged about. Fuck'm



at the same time theyre some of her most liked posts on social media. haters are just louder cos they have nothing else to do lol

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Nobody normal is offended by her comments. It is either:


a) Crazy right wingers who will take ANY excuse to attack left wing views and are jumping on the social media bandwagon.


b) Insecure fans who need the whole world to approve of everything their "idol" says and does.


There are of course sane people out there who think "Maybe she shouldn't have said that" or that her swearing is vulgar but they're not going on and on about saying she should be arrested or that she's "gone too far" and all kinds of bs.


Madonna isn't going to back down. She gets ATTACKED all the time in the social media era. What it actually means it's that she's making an impact which is what she wants. It's business as usual.

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In their last post, DrownedMadonna people underline the increasing attacks M is becoming target of in the last days, saying that she has been left alone... and they're right.




Now, I don't think she can run any serious risk under the law point of view, but what represents a real risk in these crazy times for me are the possible fanatic reactions of the most extremist parts of Trump's supporters. I mean things like this:


Texas Radio Station Bans Madonna Following Women's March Remarks, Urges Other Stations to Follow Suit




or much worse this (how the f... is it possible?! her security should really beware at the moment)


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As much as it sucks to see the hate as a fan, she wouldnt be who she is if she didnt make people angry  :lol:


A big portion of the world is stupid as fuck, not just the US. Let's not forget that. It's so easy to criticize other countries.


As much as it sucks to see the hate as a fan, she wouldnt be who she is if she didnt make people angry  :lol:


A big portion of the world is stupid as fuck, not just the US. Let's not forget that. It's so easy to criticize other countries.


Thank you Fighter.  American here.  Not that I took that comment personally; I, for one, can see and actually appreciate the irony.  And, as an American, I would agree that many fellow citizens are losing their sense of humor, their sense of mutual respect, and their sense of humanity.

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As much as it sucks to see the hate as a fan, she wouldnt be who she is if she didnt make people angry  :lol:


A big portion of the world is stupid as fuck, not just the US. Let's not forget that. It's so easy to criticize other countries.


As much as it sucks to see the hate as a fan, she wouldnt be who she is if she didnt make people angry  :lol:


A big portion of the world is stupid as fuck, not just the US. Let's not forget that. It's so easy to criticize other countries.


Thank you Fighter.  American here.  Not that I took that comment personally; I, for one, can see and actually appreciate the irony.  And, as an American, I would agree that many fellow citizens are losing their sense of humor, their sense of mutual respect, and their sense of humanity.

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Not at all surprised. It won't matter anyways because radio stations won't play music by artists that are old. Ageism is in full swing. Madonna is old. Therefore they won't play her as it is. Its bullshit. I don't even listen to the radio. It's a brainwashing source of non existent talent. I applaud any artist that continues to create music and art no matter what age they are. If you aren't young and hot, you may as well just die. It's so unfortunate. Freedom of Speech!!!

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I am happy to see these unfortunate people ban her music. Like they have really listened to it...considering their basic reaction.


She represents everything they hate...one example: thinking.


It's already on with close minded people coming for my country. They can leave Madonna alone now.


It's true what Martin Luther King said:


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.



We have to overpower their toxic attitudes with light and love.


We are all human though and we have all experienced a range of emotions through this. Since the inauguration I have gone from sadness to hope to sadness to anger. Even through hope and anger I have maintained a level of sadness. I want to have a positive attitude but when I see what Trump has already set in motion...ego driven men and women gloating and witch hunting, trying to control the press and everything else and most of all the unbelievable pride in ignorance way too many people in my country embrace it's difficult not to name call and criticize and be angry at the people who helped get trump elected.


Madonna is on the noble side of wanting the best for people. That's what these people don't like and she knows how to draw their toxic mentality out.

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Piers Morgan writes (and I’ve seen other comments that suggest the same):

Madonna just said she wants to bomb the White House.
Any ordinary person who said that would be arrested, charged & jailed.

I doubt it — and, if someone were charged, the charges would be quickly thrown out.



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Not at all surprised. It won't matter anyways because radio stations won't play music by artists that are old. Ageism is in full swing. Madonna is old. Therefore they won't play her as it is. Its bullshit. I don't even listen to the radio. It's a brainwashing source of non existent talent. I applaud any artist that continues to create music and art no matter what age they are. If you aren't young and hot, you may as well just die. It's so unfortunate. Freedom of Speech!!!



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