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Todays is middle of March 2015 and Madonna's Rebel Heart just arrived from Amazon. Beautiful LP, both corners damaged but hey it is Amazon, it happens all the time. deluxe version and Super Extreme expensive box edition with 25 songs is here let's hear my fav songs:


WHAT THE FUCK DID HAPPENED WITH BEAUTIFUL SCARS? pianooooo why pianoooo shit to replace bass guitar oh fucking jesus christ and fucking lucifer and all the fucking vaginas in the world!




WHAAAATTT DID YOU DO TO ADDICTED GRUNGE GUITAR BREAK DOWN, (replaced with auto tune shitty shit) AND WHAT HAPPENED WITH NICE VOCAL harmonies in verses !!!


i wish I can be a fly on the wall and really see who the fucking come up with idea "let's remove the best part from Addicted and by the way let's totally ruin Beautiful Scars".



 i am packing this super extra deluxe limited edition version and sending back to Amazon! like immediately.


this is just a dream, i am dreaming, those drugs are definitely tripping me, i am dreaming this is a dream…. it's a dream, nightmare , it's a nightmare.

can't wait to wake up from this dream!!!!



message to auto destruct in  4, 3, 2, one



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First off I must say I LOVE the album however, I know how you feel. Some of the album's demo's are so much better. I must say Illuminati, Beautiful scars, WAOM, Graffiti Heart and Addicted have all been destroyed. Sorry but I'm not loving some of the songs final product. I also feel that Iconic is amazing but Chance's Rap at the end is somewhat WEAK compared to the song itself, they could have done so much better. I'm still deciding if I even like Queen. That's just my take. The rest LOVE  :heart:
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album is amazing.



Originaly, listening to demos, i didn't like Holly Water and Sex (sex the song not actual sex when one scissors the other to make that clear),

Now i dig both, Holly and Sex. especially Holly, that beat , i wish we can hear instrumental, sooooo good.


'queen' is awesome, Inside OUT one of the best songs, i mean shit almost all are great. 


Only things I don't likey is rap feats especially NAS (like yea, oh , ughh, music saved my life..) very intrusive but whatever :)


rebel hear song is very weird and just weird :( strange for a title track. WAOM missing that feat from S.Hawking,


Beautiful scars is just unfinished, music it does't fit. Demo was NOT perfect by any means, but one would think they will improve it, not degrade it :) i love the beginning, first minute was awesome … anyways ..it;s great we have demos :) so we can give BJ to someone to mix some shit for us :P

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do not read reviews if you haven't heard the album,so you can listen without prejudice :) 


Bahahaha, I went into panic mode when I saw this post... I immediately thought Madonna had gone ape shit and pulled a cray... there's still time though...


I really really love the dance version of Rebel Heart... will I be disappointed with the album version?

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this is like Sci-Fi movie soundtrack. very dark and post apocalyptic, weird shit , luv the whole flow:

(i grouped them thematically sort of, but i didn;t make the list like what would open the album out of these first 13 , maybe Illuminati…) anyways :


18. Messiah 10/10

5. Illuminati 10/102. Devil Pray 10/103. Ghosttown 10/107. Hold Tight 9/1013. Inside Out 10/10 (excellent beat -Army of M.)10. HeartBreakCity 10/10

21. Queen 10/10

22. Borrowed Time 10/10

14. Wash All Over Me 9/10 (liked faster Stephen Hawking version)

8. Joan of Arc 9/10


1. Living for Love 9/10

15. Best Night 9/1011. Body Shop 8/10 (demo had better bass and rhythm, they killed this one :(

17. S.E.X. 8/10 (improved from demo,as long as she doesn't ask me what i know about sex i am fine with this one)12. Holy Water 9/10 (now this is surprise, love the beat)

24. Autotune Baby 8/10 (guitar gave such a great rhythm to demo, too bad they removed it)

20. Beautiful Scars 2/10 (i want to cry how bad this is compared to demo which i liked thinking it has potential for a excellent track).

25. Addicted 9/10 (demo ver - guitar in the end was awesome wish it was included in final version)


4. Unapologetic Bitch 5/10 (rege is ok in general but this is a bit too generic)

6. Bitch I’m Madonna (feat. Nicki Minaj) 1/10 - (like 5 times just tried from respect to MDNA but simply no no). 

19. Rebel Heart 5/10 (very weird vocals and like she is falling asleep in some parts, makes my brain go very slow)

9. Iconic (feat. Chance the Rapper and Mike Tyson) 9/10  (feat Rapper is crappy Tyson is ok).

23. Graffiti Heart 8/10 (demo was bit angrier and better)16. Veni Vedi Vici (feat. Nas) 9/10 (feat Nas ruined the song, good we have solo ver).

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i feel like album version of BS is like broken file, like missing channels layers or somehitng even it is not. it is too slow in some parts and the disco part fits weird to it, but this is only my opinion, obviously you like it other people will, and also madonna probably like it since it is on the album. so whooooo am I to decideeeee :) demo had great potential, first 58 seconds of the demo were for me enough to be looped 5 minutes and i could dance and touch my vaginas. purr.


Are you kidding?I LOVE the album mix of Beautiful Scars.Groovy, heartfelt Madonna is the best.

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vocals are too weak for almost accapela singing with a slight piano ding a ling in bridges or verses or whatever it is called...


it is just like  a proper draft version to me, also demo felt imperfect, i am just saying it had great beat and melody and gave hope for a great track.


album ver: i like disco part when she stops singing and only that vocoder guy is singing, but in general her voice doesn't fit to me. how she dares to make a track that doesn't sit nicely with me is beyond me, i sam shocked and appalled.  :P


note to myself:  25 songs + 40ish demos get over it spoiled addicted junky kitty. :)



I do think they could have made BS different. But do think the album version is ok. Fun song.

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I love the album, but have a feeling it's not completely finished yet, waiting for a slightly "softer" sound once the album is actually out. Can't put my finger on it, but something is still "off" about it. Just wish she'd stop working with rap artists though (unless it was Eminem) :) I'd give it 9.7 so far.

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I really really love the dance version of Rebel Heart... will I be disappointed with the album version?


Yes, it's not BAD or anything, but it's the only song to me that I think took a significant step in the wrong direction from demo -> final.


BS as a demo was weak. It was just like a music sketch. It was missing something.


The album version isn't perfect either, but it is much stronger IMO.


Completely agree, that and Body Shop were the two songs I was most worried about after hearing demos and seeing tracklist, and after the new updates I very much enjoy both!


As for Addicted, I dunno what you guys are talking about, the final version is literally unchanged from one of the previous demos...

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