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Dreaming of Madonna


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I had a horrible dream where she passed away and I watched the world come out in droves "we always loved Madonna" meanwhile the actual fanbase fought back.

It was gross hearing the same people who REGULARLY trash on Madonna calling her an inspiration. It makes my blood boil, and that is the reason why I'd rather go first.


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I don't want to imagine her death at all either.

It's always the same with celebs. The haters will say they loved her.


I once dreamt she came to a friend's birthday party, as Breathless Mahoney, in the black dress.

She was the shape of a tiny doll though, dancing next to the birthday cake.

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Guest ArthurBadin

Sometimes I dream of her doing a gig next to my house (in places such my former religious temple, lol), sometimes I watch her in a stadium doing a concert with songs I begged to hear from her, sometimes I dream I'm watching DVDs from old tours but with different setlists (curiosity: in all old tours I watch she almost performs the same songs, just changing the position of it onto the tour, more lol), such as Frozen on Confessions Tour (don't even know why since I have never desired that), and sometimes I watch fictional music videos of hers (and of another artists) and specials about her on the former MTV Brazil which "passed away" by the end of 2013 (that was an open channel, miles and miles better than the paid one that appeared with the termination of the former one). I guess I have never swallowed the new MTV Brazil that airs since late 2013.

I do believe dreams are manifestations from our mind in a coded way (much like Psychoanalysis teaches), but when I was Spiritist, I used to believe they are moments when your spirit (better saying, soul, cause Spiritism differs 'spirit' from 'soul', naming by the first the dead in the flesh (the 'unincarnated') and the reserving the second to the spirits of the alive in the flesh (the 'incarnated') emancipates from your body and makes a travel around the universe, around the spiritual plan or dimension. Now, given my disappointment with this belief (I was raised on Spiritism, but the more I learnt from it, the more I became frustated - much like happened when I started learning Kabbalah), I don't have certainty about what happens to our mind when we dream. I know this is the moment when our brain works a little more during the entire cycle of sleep, the climax before the end of a 70-min cycle with 4 or 5 stages, being the REM (when dreams happen) the very last one. Some theorists believe that dreams are the psychic understanding of time as a whole (past, present and future), and our dreams are in a direct relation with our intimate desires or fears (hence the nightmares), our expectations, our frustrations, our repressed problems, that we forget when awake, but they come in coded language just to remember us they still exist and are unsolved, limitating us and privating us from complete happiness. Due to the vividness of our dreams some would agree with the Spiritist idea of body emancipation and adventures outside the flesh, in aother dimensions, such as the several planets and star systems - in my Father's house there are various homes, says the Bible - or even parallel dimensions, or still full spiritual, no matter-made plans (where would live the spirits of the deceased, at least the ones who have accepted their passaway and don't represent any influential negative risk to incarnated, "alive" people, as Spiritism says).

Spiritism would be a great religion or life philosoph, if it were taken as planned by its founder Allan Kardec. But the last century made this belief only one more external cult religion like every another Abrahamic one. But I won't cry for it. I'm happy with my Gnosticism and it helps me with this brutal, awful life. Wish Madonna would study it more further than Kabbalah, but I know why she didn't. Anyway anyone has one's belief (or lack of it), and if it satisfies them and makes them a good, conscious person, that's alright. The problem is the blind fanatism and stupid idolatry, and that we find in every single belief which is not understood by people who believe in it.

Some would say dreams are just hallucinations, like the delirium tremens of a drunkard or the early attempts of a baby to think. Others say they are our aspirations inlife, the reasons to keep on living and believing (especially the "awake dreams"). What else say about dreams? My dream, right now, is that everyone could admire Madonna's thoughts and ideas more than her looks or collections, or even more than hating or feeling indiferent from her. After all she has good points of view about several issues and everyone should learn at least a little something from them. (M's team could help her better to spread M's mind around the world just as they did in the past, but...) Well, this is my essay. Hope it pleases someone who reads it. See you!

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I thought you were referring to the book.

.....anyway, I had a dream about her maybe a few months ago where I heard a whole new album. All new songs. Its amazing how my dreams can create completely new songs with Madonna singing them.

Needless to say I was really disappointed when I woke up. It all seemed so real.

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Guest ArthurBadin

Fun fact: this dawn I've dreamt of her again (maybe it's a proof the dreams are totally related to facts happened in the wake of previous day): a Brazilian open channel (very notorious here) was making a report on the backstage of a M's tour and the reporter, very bizarre (he's known here and in Portugal where he lived and worked previously just for that) had managed to film M's crew and then M herself, first full in disguise, then uncovered. It was very odd and vivid (as dreams are usually) but then I woke up and got back to sleep. Simple, plain like that (I have apneia so I wake up several times during the entire night - I wake up finally in the morning very tired, but I live my life anyway). See you!

Fun fact 2: Talking about IDOM, wish I have read this book but, unfortunately, don't even know whether it was translated to my mother language and published here in my country. #D*mnIt

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I had this dream many years ago constantly. I've always been so affected by the BAT. Only because I was OBSESSED with it when I was 5, when it aired on HBO. After my VHS got ruined, I hadn't seen it ever again until I was 17. I remember searching and phoning tv stations - nothing. There was really no internet/youtube in my teens so all hope was lost. Until one RANDOM day I saw in the TV guide that Much More Music was airing it. It was TERRIBLE quality, but it was fucking awesome. Back to dreams...


After that I had these dreams of the concert. Specifically Express Yourself. Always Express Yourself. And I was there, front row watching and knowing all the moves. It was kind of psychadelic because the stage was much smaller. The colours were incredible, these deep blues, her corset and hair a striking blonde, lights flashing, her lips were bright red. It was literally my escape to watch it. Now 14 years later from seeing it again on tv, I don't regret complaining about her not releasing it in true HD from Paris. I always felt like it would be bright and amazing just like in my dreams... kind of completing everything. So, get on it M. Make my dreams come true.

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Occasionally I dream of conversations with her about music production and having access to multitrax or just hearing unreleased stuff. I remember in the early 90s I had a dream if a music video with a dark blueish tint and she had dark hair and was dressed as a nun. Then Frozen came out and though she wasn't dressed as a nun, oart if the dream did come true!

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I thought you were referring to the book.

.....anyway, I had a dream about her maybe a few months ago where I heard a whole new album. All new songs. Its amazing how my dreams can create completely new songs with Madonna singing them.

Needless to say I was really disappointed when I woke up. It all seemed so real.


which book?

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Guest ArthurBadin

which book?

"I Dream of Madonna: Women's Dreams of the Goddess of Pop Hardcover â€“ October, 1993
by Kay Turner (Editor, Illustrator), David Kolwyck (Illustrator)
The dreams of fifty women reveal their nocturnal encounters--by turns moving, bizarre, and erotic--with the Material Girl and are accompanied by original collages that help illustrate the dreams."


Source: https://www.amazon.com/Dream-Madonna-Womens-Dreams-Goddess/dp/0002552574


(Amazing cover by the way, don't you think so, @@NowRadiate ?)


See you!


P.S.: This book is mentioned on Lucy O'Brien's Like an Icon bio at the same moment of talking about the SEX Book. (After all, both books were released iin a short difference of time. O'Brien even compares both and says Turner's one is the perfect opposite - as the other side of the same coin - to M's self penned one.)

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"I Dream of Madonna: Women's Dreams of the Goddess of Pop Hardcover â€“ October, 1993
by Kay Turner (Editor, Illustrator), David Kolwyck (Illustrator)
The dreams of fifty women reveal their nocturnal encounters--by turns moving, bizarre, and erotic--with the Material Girl and are accompanied by original collages that help illustrate the dreams."


Source: https://www.amazon.com/Dream-Madonna-Womens-Dreams-Goddess/dp/0002552574


(Amazing cover by the way, don't you think so, @@NowRadiate ?)


See you!


P.S.: This book is mentioned on Lucy O'Brien's Like an Icon bio at the same moment of talking about the SEX Book. (After all, both books were released iin a short difference of time. O'Brien even compares both and says Turner's one is the perfect opposite - as the other side of the same coin - to M's self penned one.)



the cover is very fairy-tale like. surreal. yeah, not bad.

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