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**What moment made you a fan?**


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So let's discuss that moment that finally made you a bonafide fan?  The moment that made you the huge fanatic you are?  Was it a particular song, video,  or movie?  What drew you in to her?


For me, I was aware of her music before "Into the Groove".  Before then, I had a sister who was a semi-fan. She owned a couple of her records and I recall thinking "Madonna" couldn't be her real name? I was definitely intrigued by Madonna, but not hooked. My sister would annoy the whole family by playing "Shoo-Bee-Doo" over and over and over.  I remember sitting by the radio to try to catch and record "Angel".  I really loved "Into the Groove".  But it wasn't until I saw the video for "Live to Tell" that it finally clicked for me. At that point, I had to own and know everything about this woman. I started recording all her songs from the radio and then eventually I would go to the public Library to check out her first three albums (True Blue had just been released).  Eventually, by '87, I had everything she recorded and most of the 12 inches in my possession. The "True Blue" era is a very fond time for me. I was impressed with her first make-over with "Live To Tell", but floored when I saw her cut her hair short. Wow!  What a transformation, I thought.  She looked so fantastic with her new Hollywood glamorous look.



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When I downloaded the VMAs 2003 performance. I downloaded it bc of Brittany and the other one, but I fell in love with her.  :heart:

So your interest in Britney brought you to Madonna.  Pretty cool!  So what did you know of her before then?  You obviously are a big Madonna fan within a relative short amount of time.  For many, they thought; she was past her prime at this point. But erecting a website and forum as well as putting together some fantastic collections of Madonna videos/work shows your fandom of Madonna.  I'm just curious how did you feel about her before this moment?  :cute:

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So your interest in Britney brought you to Madonna.  Pretty cool!  So what did you know of her before then?  You obviously are a big Madonna fan within a relative short amount of time.  For many, they thought; she was past her prime at this point. But erecting a website and forum as well as putting together some fantastic collections of Madonna videos/work shows your fandom of Madonna.  I'm just curious how did you feel about her before this moment?  :cute:




I downloaded that performance at least a year after it happened, I think she was already on the Re-Invention Tour and I remember seeing several reports about the tour in the news and stopping what I was doing and looking up to the TV. I guess I found her interesting. Nothing about her age or relevancy or anything like that even crossed my mind. I was never someone to think about things like that about anyone, so it was easy to look up to interesting artists.


When I started going through her discography, I realised I already knew the songs subconsciously, but I never had a strong sense of her before I became a fan. She was just Madonna I guess, like the pope or something.

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I downloaded that performance at least a year after it happened, I think she was already on the Re-Invention Tour and I remember seeing several reports about the tour in the news and stopping what I was doing and looking up to the TV. I guess I found her interesting. Nothing about her age or relevancy or anything like that even crossed my mind. I was never someone to think about things like that about anyone, so it was easy to look up to interesting artists.


When I started going through her discography, I realised I already knew the songs subconsciously, but I never had a strong sense of her before I became a fan. She was just Madonna I guess, like the pope or something.

This really fascinates me because I grew up before and during Madonna's rise to fame. So it's hard for me to imagine in thinking of Madonna as just any other artist.  But I guess it's much like those artists that are or have been nearly as famous or as popular now that I don't pay much attention to.  Still, I always felt Madonna had this magnet that attracted people to her, so it's hard for me to think I (or anyone) couldn't have a sense of her or really didn't pay much attention to her before 2004.  :wink:

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I wouldn't say I'm a fanatic, but not a casual. Someone who's grown up with music and has always maintained a passing interest but doesn't feel the need for material items. I knew of her since Holiday Solid Gold, then Material Girl, La Isla Bonita and Who's That Girl, but it wss the Like a Prayer video that did it and the MTV weekends. Frozen/Ray of Light sent it into overdrive because I couldn't get enough. Music was interesting, AL was cool, Confessions was colourful but then it started cool off after that. It's not her, it's me I guess. Different times, different things or just life. But it was Like a Prayer really. Blond Ambition too. She was untouchable. A goddess. She didn't do TV performances, she didnt do Top of the Tops. She was always swamped with security. You never knew what was coming next.

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In 2012, when I saw her half-time show in the Superbowl. I fall in love with the last song and I listened the entire "Like A Prayer" album. I really love it! Shortly after I saw Truth or Dare - with the spanish dubbing "En la cama con Madonna" - and I was impressed with his artistic vision and commitment, for some reason, I really understood her artistic vision since the first time and I really like it. Then I heard the rest of her albums and tours and I liked all her eras but especially the 80's/90's ones. Of course, I had heard some of her songs before 2012, especially when sounded a lot "Confessions on a Dancefloor", but in that time I thought she was a very commercial artist 'cause Hung Up and I did not pay much attention.

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Many young fans here. Love reading the responses thusfar.  I'm sure some of the older fans can attest that being a fan during the 80's and the early 90's were just so awesome. Radio and MTV couldn't get enough of her.  Certainly, there was a lot of "hate" thrown at her.  The criticism was more about her being too sexual or a bad influence on a younger generation. She got a lot of flak about her voice too.  But still, the controversy kept building and building and at the time, whatever she did  turned into "Gold".  I remember when she was filming ALOTO in Indiana and she made a comment about how it was so boring there, etc.  It caused a huge uproar with the locals.  Not that she minces words, and people knew it then, but I thought she would maybe lose a bit of appeal over that, but as soon as she released TUTBMP and the movie, people loved her.  Many people thought she did really good in that movie. 


It really was a great time to be a fan.  The hate towards her didn't have the same impact as it does now since social media.  But it ends up being overdramatized.  Also, Madonna didn't have a direct line to speak to the world like she does with Instagram, so we had to wait for an interview for her to comment on any criticism. By the time, she was interviewed many times, it was already forgotten or she didn't care to comment on it. There's always been a love/hate relationship with Madonna.  But I think today, whatever she does, doesn't have the same appeal and impact it used to have.  She's done everything. Even when I see other stars doing what she already did, it doesn't have the same impact as when Madonna did it.

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My brother(Who was a massive Prince fan - as am i now and im still devastated about his loss :(( ) had True Blue album on cassette(Yes im showing my age here !) and i kept listening to it over and over and just loved it - then i saw the whos that girl film in late 1987 and thats when i became a fan i think - LAP & Blond Ambition tour is when my obsession started - i have to confess to not being as into her newer music - to me its just lost its edge but i hope and pray we get some more good music in the future - i tend to just prefer her 80s and early 90s stuff the most - just magical times for me being a fan - her image and social media stuff does bug me a lot lately though :((

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I remember being aware of her as a kid - the Club 69 radio mix of Nothing Really Matters played at my mum's wedding as part of a dancing mixtape cassette and it was my favourite track on it. I just loved her voice, I had no idea who she was. When I heard the Richard Vission radio remix of American Pie on the radio in the car one day, I fell in love with it, and it was the first cassette I ever saved up my allowance for. William Orbit's production work on her voice was just unreal. My mum gave me her old copy of Like a Virgin on CD and I remember comparing that album cover to the American Pie photograph and almost refusing to believe it was the same person. (Angel and Stay were my jams.)


Then I forgot about her, until Hung Up. That got me in a huge way. Then I saw on TV they were talking about her performing Hung Up at the Grammys and showed a clip, followed by the cagefight from the Sorry music video. After that it just steamrolled; I got the Taraborelli biography of her out of the library and read it cover-to-cover five or six times, I hired her old albums on CD from the library, and when I heard the song Ray of Light, within the first second I remember intense goosebumps and a rush of excitement, something like "I know this! I love this! I've heard this before! What is this?!" And that was that.


I also later learned that on the day I was born Like a Prayer was the #1 song on the charts in my country. Best birthday song ever.

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From the Beginng she hit the stage in Germany  :heart:  :heart:

I bought the Vinyl Maxi and Album the next Day and it spins all the time.

The Rest is History all over.

She wasn't a one Hit Wonder..she became the biggest star all over.

She ist still my Light in the Dark...4ever


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My first memory of her is hearing Into the Groove on the radio here and there as a child. I loved it but never knew who sang it. (I was born in 1991.)


I remember seeing the Beautiful Stranger video. I loved the song and I saw more and more things about her and as I came to learn more about pop culture, I became very aware of how she's the Queen of Pop and the most successful and important woman in music.


I loved Music when it was always on the radio and bought the Don't Tell Me cd single at K-Mart. 


I still wasn't a huge fan or anything. I liked her but just never took the time to get into her discography. (I wish I would have.)

When I was 16, I saw Truth or Dare on tv and LOVED it. I went out and bought The Immaculate Collection & GHV2. A good friend and I would jam to Vogue all the time in the car.


4 Minutes was my jam in '08 and I bought it on iTunes. I remember picking up Hard Candy in a store and considering buying it but didn't (SMH @ my younger self. lol)


I remember watching the 2011 Golden Globes and even though I wasn't a huge stan or anything, I wanted M to win. After the show, I looked up Masterpiece and loved it.


When I found out she was performing at the Super Bowl, I was so excited. This was the first time I turned in to a half-time show. When I saw her performance, I was blown away. I loved everything about it.


After that, I bought every single one of her albums, including her compilations, on iTunes and fell in love with her discography. I bought MDNA the day of its release and even attended the tour. It was an amazing experience.


I've since also attended the Rebel Heart Tour and everyone who knows me knows that I love her and I know I'll always be a fan.


While I always liked her, I wish I would've been the super dedicated fan I am today earlier in life.

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My brother(Who was a massive Prince fan - as am i now and im still devastated about his loss :(( ) had True Blue album on cassette(Yes im showing my age here !) and i kept listening to it over and over and just loved it - then i saw the whos that girl film in late 1987 and thats when i became a fan i think - LAP & Blond Ambition tour is when my obsession started - 


Wow wtg, reading my mind or what, lol?!  Huge Prince fan:  check.  Loved her before TB and WTG, but that's when I became a fan:  check.  Obsession started with LAP and BA:  check.  


I am one of those "older" fans Liam, though I don't think that I'm over-the hill (40 too much?), and I can remember everything that you just stated in regards to the "good old days".  What a time!  Sadly, I don't think that we'll ever see it again.  



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This is great topic!  Great to read! 


well I kind of surprised by myself because I realized that I can't pick the specific Just One moment I became huge Madonna fan.

I know that I always love her at beginning of her career but I just can't remember and pick when I was falling in love with her.

It was long long time ago and i was so young.


As I said before at another topic, I couldn't easily access at Pop culture because at that time we didn't have Internet and We didn't even have MTV. I mean Americans were easily could watch music video just turn on MTV but my TV station rarely played the pop music video in my country at that time.  So all I could do is watching TV channel for US Army which very shitty quality so I had to fixing TV Antenna constantly...sigh..


Any way, I clearly remember in my room I had all kind of 80's pop star photos on my walls which i did cut them out of pop Magazine And in the Middle of most important spot I had Madonna photos. these two photos are the one.



I especially love this photo so much! Such a Iconic photo! So sexy and beautiful!







But I think that at that time I love her but I became hardcore the one and only Madonna fan at the True blue album era.





These iconic images and more importantly her voice changed dramatically!!!

you know most of singers failed when they tried to change their voice and vocal style but Madonna is different.

I was just falling in love with her low and rock and roll style voice so much!


Papa don't preach, open your heart, Live to tell.. song itself and music video itself.. It was just a perfection. Pure perfection!

She became a modernized silver screen Hollywood legend!

That moment I knew that she is the only one pop star in whole my life.


And then I kind of got the Hmmm~ feeling at Who's that girl era. Because at that time I kind of disappointed huge gap of her image between Music video image with live performance images. (And i recently learn that at that time who's that girl tour make up artist was debi mazar. So it's understandable. LOL i mean she is good actress but she was shitty make up artist.)


And then this Like a prayer and BAT era..! wow.. I just wow.. that era that huge gap was gone! She was so sexy and glamorous both in the music video and live performance video to me!



And most importantly I became her hardcore fan because she is the hard worker. Have a huge ambition and control her body, soul, life and career for perfection. that makes me became her hardcore fan. she is not just pop star for me. She is role model for me.

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I was 4 when Music came out and I fell in love with it. Also, the remixes from the Music, American Life & Confessions eras are what also got me into trance and house :) I imagine being a fan during the 80s and 90s would have been amazing; seeing all the transformations, controversy and, of course, the music all in the time is was recorded in.

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It's funny because it's literally my first memory, I remember looking through my parents' cd collection when I was like 3 and seeing this CD with the picture of the most incredible looking woman I had ever seen and asking them to play it for me. The cd was True Blue. Since that first time I heard it I was obsessed. Around that time I remember watching her What it Feels Like for a Girl music video on my uncle's tv at a party and I WAS OBSESSED (yes, my parents thought that a 5-year-old watching that music video was okay lmao). I researched and I found out that those two cool women were the same one (shook), so then I started to buy all her CDs with the little money I had saved. 

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